The Virginia Gun Owners Coalition, has a different take on Heller.  Let me take the chance to just throw this out there: these guys are a bunch of angry fucking idiots, and basically aren’t helping the cause one god damned bit. Got that?
This is a triumphant day. A key argument of the anti-gunners, which is that the second amendment does not protect any right is now history. The Court has left the door open for other battles.
Also, I have to ponder about the dichotimty of criticizing the National Rifle Assocation for trying to derail the case in the first place, and then criticizing them for the result. Pick one or the other guys, or I’m just going to conclude you’re just out to piss on everything, and I’m fucking tired of it.
And whether they want to admit it or not, if it weren’t for the election of George W. Bush, we would not have any victory here. We’d now be facing the second amendment being effectively gone. George W. Bush, who endorsed renewing the assault weapons ban upon his election. George W. Bush, who’s solicitor general argued against us. George W. Bush, who nominated Maximum Mike Suillivan to be head of ATF, and has stood by him throughout everything. This goes to show how history can act through imperfect men. Because when it came down to what’s really important, Bush was good enough. Really two Bushes were good enough if you consider Clarence Thomas.
That’s what a lot of gun rights activists fail to understand, and fail to appreciate, and why I’m suggesting we elect another imperfect candidate to succeeed George W. Bush, in the form of John McCain, because we simply can’t afford Barack Hussein Obama appointing the next several justices. We know that Obama will nominate justices who would be willing to overturn Heller. That’s not even a debate; he will do it.
So bitch and moan things didn’t go 100% your way. I’m tired of being angry. It’s time to cut that crap out and make a difference.