Don’t let it be said that Bloomberg can’t make the most of his money. Although I guess we shouldn’t underestimate a multi-billionaire.
In Pennsylvania, once he lost mayor after mayor to pressure from NRA members, he sent his shared Brady Campaign staffer to recruit. But, wisely, they kept their cards close to their chest. They refused to release names until after Election Day. For the 17 they lost, they updated with 66 new ones. Now, that’s not a clear addition of 66. Without even really digging in deep, I know at least a few of those new mayors will be gone by year’s end. They already planned to retire, or in one case, the town voted to do away with the mayor’s office. (Changing local government system isn’t unheard of here, another non-MAIG township in our area voted to do the same thing last week.)
View Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Mayors in Pennsylvania in a larger map
As you can see by the updated map, he added a good chunk of his mayors out in the western part of the state again. I haven’t done a formal count, but I would not be shocked if the western part of Pennsylvania is now home to half or very nearly half of the anti-gun mayors.
Not all of the mayors are up at the same time, so there will be more municipal races to fight in the next year to two years. And more importantly, if your mayor’s name is on this updated list, make their phone ring off the hook. Make this a distracting issue for them. Give them a headache from the stream of phone calls from you and your shooting club buddies.