Bloomberg’s Pennsylvania Investment

Don’t let it be said that Bloomberg can’t make the most of his money. Although I guess we shouldn’t underestimate a multi-billionaire.

In Pennsylvania, once he lost mayor after mayor to pressure from NRA members, he sent his shared Brady Campaign staffer to recruit. But, wisely, they kept their cards close to their chest. They refused to release names until after Election Day. For the 17 they lost, they updated with 66 new ones. Now, that’s not a clear addition of 66. Without even really digging in deep, I know at least a few of those new mayors will be gone by year’s end. They already planned to retire, or in one case, the town voted to do away with the mayor’s office. (Changing local government system isn’t unheard of here, another non-MAIG township in our area voted to do the same thing last week.)

View Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Mayors in Pennsylvania in a larger map

As you can see by the updated map, he added a good chunk of his mayors out in the western part of the state again. I haven’t done a formal count, but I would not be shocked if the western part of Pennsylvania is now home to half or very nearly half of the anti-gun mayors.

Not all of the mayors are up at the same time, so there will be more municipal races to fight in the next year to two years. And more importantly, if your mayor’s name is on this updated list, make their phone ring off the hook. Make this a distracting issue for them. Give them a headache from the stream of phone calls from you and your shooting club buddies.

What Are They Supposed to Use? Harsh Language?

The Freedom States Alliance, a gun control organization based in Chicago, hints that they think even the military probably ought not have guns, and can’t be trusted with them:

Such a definitive statement from the commanding general of the largest American base demonstrates the military’s own concern about the easy access to handguns and other weapons, even from its own highly trained and disciplined military personnel. Such a restrictive policy against carrying guns, even for soldiers who are prepared for combat, should give guidance to lawmakers about the need to better control access to firearms for civilians.

Yes, because we can see how well that all worked out.

Bradys Spin as Predicted

A few days ago I said:

Now when NRA candidates in Virginia win in a landslide, Brady will no doubt claim it’s because of other issues.

Right on cue:

For better or worse, guns didn’t play a prominent role in the outcomes of any of the four high-profile races yesterday — Virginia Governor, New York-23, New Jersey Governor, and New York City Mayor.  By almost all accounts, the bad economy and high unemployment were the key ballot-box issues.

The thing is they are right, largely. The gun vote is only a component of McDonnell’s landslide victory, and Christie certainly isn’t our guy, but nor is he a sworn opponent to our point of view. I said the same thing about the 2008 election, and its funny to see Brady using my spin only a year later. But there’s a difference.

We can at least point to some evidence that we can affect elections to a large degree on the margins. Where is the Brady equivalent? What is the Brady margin? No single issue group can swing an election under all circumstances, but we at least have some idea what our margin is.

UPDATE: I suppose I should thank Doug, or whoever is doing the Brady Blog these days, for the link. We’ll have to see how much traffic a Brady link drives these days. Good thing I performance turned my server. I await the hordes to arrive!

MAIG in PA Just Lost 16 More Members

After last night’s results came in, Bloomberg’s anti-gun group is down another 16 mayors in Pennsylvania – and that’s the minimum number. Unfortunately a few of the rural counties (and at least one not-so-rural county) don’t seem to have heard of this new-fangled internet thingamajig. They don’t post their results online. Another has a weird thing of not posting municipal races online even though at the county level, they still have to count those votes.

Most of Bloomberg’s losses in Pennsylvania actually came through attrition. Most of those mayors opted not to run again. Some lost in their primary elections, and others in the general election last night.

Overwhelmingly, Bloomberg will claim success though. The reason? Most of his mayors won re-election with more than 90% of the vote! (Because they had no challengers.) But don’t you know, his lobbyist that he shares with Handgun Control, Inc. – Max Nacheman – will no doubt claim that it is an overwhelming mandate for more gun control in the Commonwealth.

Of course, Nacheman has also been claiming that he has tons of new mayors in Pennsylvania who signed up with Bloomberg just to spite NRA. Funny, those dozens he claimed to Monica Yant Kinney – a whooping one. And he’s from a Philly suburb. There’s a shocker. So Nacheman’s claims are, at best, dubious until he shows his hand.

There were less than a dozen contested races for MAIG mayors in Pennsylvania. Most were won by the incumbents because their challengers weren’t serious candidates based on returns. However, there were a few who were very close to being knocked out – by 4 or 5 points. To think, NRA’s Pennsylvania liaison wasn’t even involved in these local races and yet MAIG sent CeaseFire PA out to endorse in those close races. (That’s a reasonably safe assumption since Nacheman is also connected to them through his previous political work.) Can you imagine if NRA had stepped in to those towns? That could have been a fun game to play.

NRA doesn’t really play at this level of politics. So whether we like it or not, Bloomberg has a leg up on us at this point. He’s got a paid lobbyist that he shares with a national gun control group and who has a long relationship (and sway) with a state gun control group on the ground here. We rely on volunteers for most of these battles. This is a brand new challenge for us, and it will bite us in the ass in Harrisburg if we don’t cut it off right now. For the Pennsylvania readers, that means work to do over the next 2-4 years. It won’t be fun work. But on election night, it will feel damn good.

NPR Highlights MAIG

NPR is willing to cover MAIG’s declining numbers, but I haven’t seen anything in the main stream press about it. Bloomberg’s group is claiming that even though 60 mayors have left since NRA started its campaign, that 110 more have joined. Funny, I don’t they are listing them. Is MAIG going to turn into a secret society of mayors, where he claims to have 450 members, but nobody knows who they are? NPR also notes that Pennsylvania has about 100 members, the most mayors of any state.

It’s my opinion that the anti-gun folks think Pennsylvania is the weakest of the states generally regarded as pro-gun. I don’t think it’s as weak as they think it is, but nor do I think it is as pro-gun as many think.

CeaseFire PA Endorses MAIG Mayors

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has the story here. Out of the 12 Mayors they have endorsed, 8 of them are members of Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and two of the races are currently MAIG towns. Any victories here will be touted as victories against NRA and against the “gun lobby” and will be used to boost CeaseFire PA’s credibility and political capital.

As I’ve said, MAIG isn’t a joke. They are probing for vulnerabilities. If they find we’re vulnerable at the local level, you can expect consistent challenges to preemption, and expect Mayors to use their own credibility to destroy your Second Amendment rights at the State and National level. We have to be as vigilant at the local level as we are at the state and national level.

Wow! Just Wow!

A video from Protest Easy Guns:


Did you know that they were developed for trench warfare? That they were meant for spray fire? That they were more dangerous because of the way they fired? Man, it’s just like they handed her that and said “Just get up there and talk, we don’t care if you have no idea what you’re talking about. Just make shit up that sounds scary.”

Assault rifles weren’t invented until the early 40s, and not deployed in warfare until 1944 — long after the era of trench warfare. Assault Weapons were invented by the California Legislature in 1989. A semi-automatic firearm can’t “spray” anything, except maybe oil if you over lubricate it.

Normally I’d give them hell about not allowing comments, but to be honest, I don’t on YouTube either, because YouTube comments will melt your brain.