Primary Fail in New York

Richard Aborn, former head of the Brady Campaign, goes down in flames in the New York City District Attorney primary.   He ran his entire campaign on his record fighting for gun control, and came in dead last, despite raising a lot of money and having a ton of endorsements from the who’s who in New York City gun control politics.  Even in New York City, people really care more about other issues.

Fact Checking Mayor Mike’s Ads since USA Today Won’t

In looking over the mayors who are not actually in office, I tried to put together how many of those mayors were not actually in office on the day that Bloomberg ran the anti-concealed carry advertisement in USA Today. I did this a while ago in my Mayors Against Guns research, but I completely forgot to note it. I have since updated with more information, and what I found was rather jarring.

It would appear that at least 19 of the mayors whose names ran in the USA Today ad were not actually mayors of the cities listed. At least one was attributed to a city he has never represented while most were long booted from office. That’s not a policy spin dispute, that’s a matter of flat out lying.

Add to the fact that at least two mayors have directly said they never approved their signature to the advertisement, and I would say that USA Today should be asking some serious questions before accepting any other ads from Mayor Mike.

Last night’s episode of Cam & Company featured a spokesman from Buckeye Firearms Association who argues that several mayors he’s heard from or about did not even know they were members since they do not ever recall signing up for the coalition. This raises concern that they did not give Bloomberg permission to print their names in support of his policy position in the USA Today advertisement. That would put the number of names erroneously printed at 24. Two dozen errors on one page is not acceptable in any newsroom, why would USA Today publish such falsehoods as part of an advertisement?

If you are looking to advertise with USA Today, perhaps signing Bloomberg’s name to a pro-gun measure, you can find the specs here. Technical specs are widely available, but ethical specs are apparently optional.

UPDATE: The Mayor of Winter Park, FL is on Cam & Company tonight. He confirmed that Mike Bloomberg never checked with them before signing their name to the advertisements and letters to Congress.

Dust Off Your Keypads in Support of Former MAIG Mayors

I’ve noticed a trend in the media coverage of mayors who have been asked to leave Bloomberg’s anti-gun group. For the most part, the mayors getting coverage are those who are sticking to their anti-gun positions. The mayors who looked at the policies Bloomberg was signing them onto and leave are getting very little coverage. Here’s a summary of headlines about avowed anti-gun mayors:

Edler notes NRA pressure to quit Mayors Against Illegal Guns (WA)
NRA wants York mayor to quit gun group (PA)
Mayor stands up to NRA pressure (SC)
Rhinelander Mayor Responds to “Anti-Gun” Accusations (WI)
NRA slams Jones (AL)
NRA slams mayor’s ties to gun control group (SC)
Henry resists heat from NRA (IN)
Mayor attacked by NRA (WI)
NRA mailer targeting Roefaro hits local mailboxes (NY)
Mayor Fretti joined “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” (GA)
NRA targets Walaker’s gun position (ND)
What We Think: A lesson on civility (GA)
NRA targets Riley affiliation (SC)
Riley stands by membership in group targeted by NRA (SC)
Walaker gets off best shot (ND)
SC mayor targeted by NRA for illegal guns stance (SC)

And here is the only article I can find that talks about a mayor who left:

Wiggins Denies Being Member Of Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition (IN)

Here is a rather odd letter to the editor calling for support for a mayor’s anti-gun participation, but the mayor left. So I’m not sure how to classify it:

Support Bouley (NH)

Consider that at least 46 members have left according to NRA’s map. That’s more than 10% of the claimed numbers of the group. Since NRA pointed out MAIG actually included 28 members in their 450 claim who aren’t actually mayors of those cities, it’s up a tick to 11%. (That’s on par with the loss in Pennsylvania of 12% of his mayors.) None of those facts are making it into the media accounts.

View “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” in a larger map

If your mayor has left the group, make sure to write and say thank you. You might also consider a letter to the editor in support of your mayor’s decision. Don’t let the narrative be that every mayor is standing by Bloomberg & NYC-style gun control.

UPDATE: There are more headlines today. The skew is again in favor of those sticking by Bloomberg:

“Mayors Against Illegal Guns” under fire (AL)
NRA criticizes SC mayors for joining group that fights illegal guns (SC)
Praise Mayors Against Illegal Guns for tackling a problem (WA)

One in favor of a mayor who dropped:

Pa. mayor quits organization after NRA mailing (PA)

One mixed:

NRA takes aim at Akron mayor (PA)

PA Mayors Leaving Bloomberg’s Group

This is a cross posting from of the most up-to-date information I can find about the Pennsylvania mayors who are leaving MAIG. My reference to local here is anything the 8th, 13th, or 19th districts since those are the areas covered by the site contributors.

A roar of protest is spreading among Pennsylvania mayors who are rejecting New York City-style gun control and leaving Mayor Bloomberg’s anti-gun group. His Pennsylvania coalition once numbered 103 mayors, and in a matter of weeks, it has fallen to only 91. With help from gun owners who are willing to pick up the phone to protect their rights, we can reduce that number even more.

One report from a mayor claimed that she was called by nearly a dozen gun owners during her lunch hour on the day NRA notifications reached mailboxes. She quickly called to resign from the group, leading the still-rising wave of resignations of Pennsylvania mayors.

View Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Mayors in Pennsylvania in a larger map

As you can see, mayors who have recently left the group include:

  • Akron Mayor John McBeth
  • Beech Creek Mayor David E. Orr
  • Bowmanstown Mayor Keith G. Billig
  • Harmony Mayor Cathryn H. Rape
  • Mount Penn Mayor Josh Nowotarski
  • North Irwin Mayor Leonard L. Santimyer
  • Summit Hill Mayor Paul R. McArdle
  • Tower City Mayor Dale Deiter
  • Ulysses Mayor Jane Haskins
  • West Reading Mayor Shane Keller

Unfortunately, some mayors are making their position against lawful gun owners clear and standing by Mayor Bloomberg’s efforts to restrict concealed carry licenses and sue gun stores out of business. York’s John Brenner says he plans to continue his membership and proudly cites his support for eradication of statewide preemption by passing illegal local gun control ordinances. Sadly, the only NRA members featured in the story said they were not willing to make the phone call to demand their mayor stand up for the Second Amendment.

In addition to Mayor Brenner, these local mayors have refused to resign from the group:

  • Ambler Mayor Charles T. “Bud” Wahl
  • Carlisle Mayor Kirk R. Wilson
  • Doylestown Mayor Libby White
  • East Berlin Mayor Keith E. Hoffman
  • Gettysburg Mayor William E. Troxell
  • Hatboro Mayor Norm Hawkes
  • Mount Wolf Mayor James F. Kinder
  • Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter
  • Telford Mayor Jay Stover
  • Windsor Mayor Larry Markel

Let’s make sure that NRA members, gun owners, and hunters in these towns are willing to pick up the phone or even send an email in defense of their rights.

Since our update last week, NRA-ILA has launched a detailed webpage to keep gun owners updated on the status of mayors in the anti-gun coalition. The site is a tool to compliment the recent postcard mailings sent to gun owners around the country. You can find not only the current list of mayors, but also mayors who have quit the organization, MAIG members who are not actually mayors as advertised, mayors who recently lost elections, and MAIG members who are currently facing charges or have been convicted of various crimes ranging from assault to corruption.

More Illegal Mayors Going Down

NRA is targeting mayors in South Carolina too.  We’ve only touched on this, but NRA has engaged Bloomberg’s anti-gun mayors coalition in an attempt to get mayors to leave the coalition.   You can see their site here.   Since the campaign began not too long ago, 20 mayors have already left.

Go check out the site.  This is a project Bitter and I have lent some assistance to NRA on, sharing some of our research.  I think they got the idea for the Google map from us too :) It’s a great example of what can be accomplished when NRA and blogs work together, and we were happy to lend whatever information we could.

More Bloomberg Updates

…later. There has been so much activity on the issue in the last two days, and I haven’t had time to keep up with it. My mom came to town the same day that Sebastian left, so I haven’t been able to keep up with all of the good news from the field.

Suffice it to say, if your mayor is on the list, call them promptly. There is a very strong movement afoot to clear the ranks of anti-gun politicians, and they can join their right-thinking peers in a wave against Bloomberg. By Monday, I might be able to add your city to the full list of drops. I will also have an updated Pennsylvania map for you.

More Mayor Updates

As updated on, there have been a few members dropping out of the Bloomberg coalition over recent days. Specifically, two mayors in Pennsylvania have removed themselves from the coalition and another member passed away in recent days. While it would have been nice to change the mind of the mayor of State College who recently passed due to complications from surgery, we can at least celebrate the opening of minds of the mayors of Ulysses and Summit Hill.

View Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Mayors in Pennsylvania in a larger map

Non-Pennsylvania losses also include:
Mayor Jerry Taylor of Boynton, FL
Mayor Linda Riner-Mizell of Dundee, FL
Mayor Mark Hawke of Gardner, MA
Mayor A.J. Holloway of Biloxi, MS
Mayor Jim Bouley of Concord, NH (New Hampshire’s only mayor on the list!)
Mayor Dale Strasser of Brunswick, OH
Mayor Kathy Taylor of Tulsa, OK
Mayor Thomas M. Taylor of Franklin, WI
Mayor James Schmitt of Green Bay, WI
Mayor Dave Ross of Superior, WI

Utica Mayor Taking Heat

It looks like gun owners in Utica, New York are making some waves with the very anti-gun mayor.

Members of the National Rifle Association and the administration of Mayor David Roefaro verbally fired back and forth Wednesday, after an NRA mailer targeting the mayor showed up in some city mailboxes.

The mailer focused on the Roefaro’s involvement of “Mayors Against Illegal Guns,” which it said was founded and funded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Unfortunately, the article reveals that he is standing firm with Bloomberg. It’s not completely a shock, and he was a surprising target given that he has been an outspoken critic of gun rights.