Bryan Miller is speaking in a different language these days, trying to get churches involved in his lost cause of gun control:
Heeding God’s Call is adding a different religious voice to the national gun-control debate, which members say has been dominated for too long by conservative Christians opposed to firearms regulation.
The group has partnered with more than three dozen Philadelphia-area congregations — including Jews, Muslims, Quakers, Catholics and Protestants — to work against gun violence.
“Every faith tradition calls on its followers to be their brother’s keeper,” said organization co-founder Bryan Miller.
As comical as it might seem, Bryan is no doubt well aware that the lack of grass roots in the gun control movement is, at this point, limiting their ability to accomplish anything. To his credit, he’s trying to do something about that, and churches could very well prove to be fertile recruiting grounds. No doubt many religious folks know better than this, but all he needs is a handful, and there’s no motivator more powerful than being on a mission from God.
Those of us who can speak to religious people, in their own language, need to work to counter this, especially if Miller’s philosophy starts making its way into your own church.