Michael Bane points to a hit piece on guns shows that’s been making its way around the blogosphere. Other than the usual “Grenade launchers, RPGs, and Bazooka’s, Oh My!” and “There are people who love Hitler here!” crap you’d expect from folks who have no idea what they are looking at, I particularly love this one:
An organizer of the Antioch show told me the heightened specter of government scrutiny prompted numerous dealers to demand a total ban on cameras of any kind inside the show.
The reason that dealers ban cameras is to deter straw purchasers! It’s also the reason many dealers ban cell phone use in their stores or booths. It prevents easy communication with the actual, prohibited buyer.
Isn’t this the kind of thing you would, you know, want to encourage rather than deride? But I suppose that gets in the way of their “Look at all these dumb crazy rednecks” narritive. Remember that when they try to tell you it’s all about public safety. There were idiots at this gun show, but it wasn’t who the Daily Beast thought they were. Perhaps they should look in a mirror.