Delaware Needs Stronger Gun Laws

So say the Brady Campaign:

The Brady campaign says Delaware needs to do more when it comes to gun laws.


California scored the highest with 79 points showing, according to the Brady Campaign, the entire nation has a way to go on gun control.

Brady is no doubt hoping to exploit the election of Jack Markell, a staunch gun hating Democrat, to push Delaware into the anti-gun category.  Ruth Ann Minner, Delaware’s last Governor, was not hostile to gun rights.  But before Delawareans allow themselves to be shamed into being more like Californians, they should look closely at the numbers the Brady’s wont tell them.

  • Delaware has a murder rate of 4.2 per 100,000
  • California has a murder rate of 6.2 per 100,000

Maybe California should think about adopting Delaware’s gun laws.  Both states have a higher overall violent crime rate than Pennsylvania, which ranks lower on the Brady scale than Delaware or California, because it has the audacity to allow citizens to carry concealed firearms for self-defense pretty much everywhere they go with an easy to obtain license.

UPDATE: Looks like PA is 10 this year, and DE is 11.  Kind of odd.  Look at the details for both states.  Can you tell me which laws Pennsylvania has that drive its points higher than Delaware?  Do they give that many points for universal regulation of handgun transfers?

Clinton Throws Helmke a Bone

Bill Clinton mentioned how nice it would be if we could just pass another Assault Weapons Ban:

Nobody wants to repeal the Second Amendment, and nobody wants to keep you out of the deer woods, but wouldn’t it be nice if your children didn’t have to worry about being mowed down by an assault weapon when they turn the corner?

Except statistically that’s not even a worry, compared to say, having to worry about your kid being killed by a drunk behind the wheel.  Yet we do not ban alcohol and cars.  Bill Clinton is still trying to sell people on the notion that the Second Amendment is about duck hunting, and speaks of a new communitarian vision of the 21st century.  There is a party that’s stuck in the 20th century, but it’s not the Republicans, they are mostly stuck on stupid.  Both political parties have work to do if they want to recover the approval of the American People.

Protesting the Military in San Diego

sandiegorotcA group calling themselves Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities (YANO) has their collective panties in a bunch over the JROTC program in San Diego schools.  Apparently they are offended about lessons in safe and responsible gun handling.  You can see the image that offends them so much to the right.

Even better than their inability to distinguish street violence from military training in a safe and controlled environment is the fact that their “Related Information” section features a link to the Onion.  Unfortunately, the Education Not Arms organizers do not appear to be satirists.

Another Mayor Indicted

This time it’s the Mayor of Hartford, Connecticut, Eddie Perez:

Mayor Eddie A. Perez will be arrested on bribery charges at a state police barracks this morning, theresult of a 15-month grand jury investigation into possible corruption at Hartford City Hall.

Perez and his attorney, Hubert J. Santos, said Monday that they believe the charges are related to $20,000 in kitchen and bathroom renovations done on the Hartford mayor’s home by contractor Carlos Costa.

Well, at least this time we don’t have one of Bloomie’s mayors trying to touch children.  Bribery charges are at least a bit more respectable if you’re a politician, and definitely more expected.  So who wants to start Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors?

Hat Tip to American Manifesto for the e-mail tip.

It’s a Serious Problem, It Deserves Serious Solutions

VPC highlights the fact that Pennsylvania tops the rankings for black-on-black violence.   We haven’t seen much from VPC in a while, but what they are highlighting is a real problem, but it deserves real solutions, not VPC solutions which dismiss the problem as a gun problem, no doubt attributable to our states “weak ” gun laws.

Don’t expect VPC to tell you the real numbers though, and they indicate something very clearly: violence is not a Pennsylvania problem, it is a Philadelphia problem.  Statewide, our violent crime rate in 2007 was 416 per 100,000.  Take Philadelphia out of the equation, and Pennsylvania’s crime rate is 278 per 100,000.  That puts us on par with Idaho, Hawaii, Iowa, Montana, and much of Western Europe.  Philadelphia represents 12% of Pennsylvania’s population, but it creates 41% of Pennsylvania’s violent crime.

We’ve documented at great detail the kind of people that the Philadelphia criminal justice system allows to roam the streets terrorizing the city, and African American communities in particular. Until urban communities are willing to face that problem, the bleeding will continue, no matter what gun laws we pass in the rest of the state.  Bad things happen when you let dangerous and violent people roam the streets.  Crime reaches every aspect of quality of life, and makes it nearly impossible to have normal family life.  You can dump all the money into education, opportunity, and jobs you want, but it won’t amount to a hill of beans if the only example of success a lot of inner city adolescents know is from criminal enterprise.

Public order is one of the primary functions of government, and Philadelphia has been failing its citizens for years.  That must be dealt with before this problem can even begin to be solved.  That’s hard to do when your mayor thinks cutting the police and fire departments is a good first step.  Philadelphia residents deserve better, but they aren’t going to get better until they start voting for it, and stop voting for people who will scapegoat guns while failing to address the real problems.  VPC is only enabling that scapegoating to continue, and are doing a real disservice to the citizens of Philadelphia by doing so.

Gillibrand Pissing off the Right People

One way I often judge people is by the people they piss off.  So far Kirsten Gillibrand is pissing of the right person:

“I’ve spent 15 years trying to prevent gun violence in this country, and if he does pick her and if no one goes and primaries her, I will primary her,” McCarthy said. “I will do that. I’m not going to give up on this. I’m not going to let New York State get represented by someone who gets a 100 percent rating from the NRA.”

Even Charles Schumer, who is no friend of ours, is telling McCarthy to shut the hell up and mind her party:

Sen. Charles Schumer, who like McCarthy is a strong proponent of gun control, asked the Mineola Democrat to refrain from protesting Gillibrand’s selection, McCarthy said.

“He said, ‘Why don’t you give her a chance?’ ” McCarthy said. “I said, ‘I’ve talked to her on the floor, I’m sorry, I can’t.’ “

McCarthy even has local party people covering for her.  In politics, what she’s doing is very bad manners at best.  I suspect there’s no way the Democratic powers that be in New York are going to give a nod to a primary challenge by McCarthy.  It looks like NRA EVCs in New York State are going to have something to do in 2010, though.  Given how Republicans can be in The Empire State, she just might be the best you can hope for.  Let’s hope she stands with us in the Senate as she has in the House.

UPDATE: It gets even better.

It Came From Outer Space

Looks like MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, will be coming to my county. This should be a great place to catch up with at least one CeaseFire Pennsylvania board member, who no doubt needs to disarm us lest we shoot those who come in peace, preventing forever the aliens bringing us into enlightenment, or turning us into a delicious protein shake with their cosmic blenders.  One of the two.