Brady Presser on Hain Lawsuit

The Brady Campaign seems to be really eagar to tout their involvement on the Melanie Hain case on the side of the Lebanon County Sheriff.  I agreed with the suit to get her License to Carry reinstated.  I might even agree with some form of civil rights suit.  The problem is, I just can’t agree with this particular suit.  I think the Brady’s see an easy opportunity to add a feather to their hat here, and unfortunatly, think it’s likely they will get what they want out of this situation.

UPDATE: A recent interview here:

Q: How do you feel about the Brady Center becoming involved?

A: They offered some aid to the county, but to my knowledge, neither the county nor the sheriff have taken them up on that, so it would seem to me they are just sitting on the sidelines drooling in hopes that they do get the go-ahead to handle things.

I would not be surprised if this is the case, but Bradys’ eagerness to get involved should say something.  They are not stupid.  For the better part of two decades they, in their several incarnations, had us on the defensive.  What the Bradys probably don’t realize here is that it would be problematic for the Sheriff to work openly with them in the part of Pennsylvania he’s in.  But they are eagar to define this struggle on their terms regardless.

Indianapolis Mayor for Gun Control

Ahab has some things to say bout the proposal of the Indianapolis mayor that the state needs more Illinois style gun control laws.  He’s certainly not the first Indiana mayor to think this.

UPDATE: Got that article confused with this one, where the mayor actually does advocate more gun control.

Big Boomer Vest Busters

Thirdpower points out that the VPC is now demonizing one of the preferred rounds for handgun hunting.  Somehow I’m doubting that gang bangers are toting around the large, heavy revolvers in their waistbands.  What’s next?  Thompson Center Contenders in the ghetto?  Most of those will go through soft body armor too.

Explaining The Gun Issue

Joe Huffman is trying to educate a blogger advocating reasonable gun control that the laws being advocated are neither reasonable, nor effective controls.  Most people when asked why they support assault weapons bans, even though they are not often used for criminal purposes resort to “I just don’t see why anyone needs to have one.”

Well, I can think of at least one reason.  There are certainly more.

Gun Buyback Sponsor Convicted on Gun Charges

Convicted on federal weapons charges for being a felon-in-possession.  He had sponsored gun buybacks in the past in cooperation with an organization that promotes giving up guns and violence as a means of solving problems.

Where’s Ray?

Thirdpower wants to know where Ray Schoenke is regarding the various challenges facing hunters under the coming administration, which AHSA supported.  I wouldn’t expect to hear much from Schoenke or AHSA over the next four years in regards to hunting issues.  They have served their purpose — they gave Democrats cover to get elected.  They’ll be mostly quiet until the next election, except for the occasional sniping at NRA.

A Very Brady Christmas?

Michael Bane suggest the Brady Campaign might be having a good Christmas:

Brady is listing their hoped for Number Uno Christmas present as “closing the gunshow loophole” big time, as in ending private sales period…might also be a good time to do your shopping at a gunshow (if you state still allows private gunshow sales, which CO doesn’t) or from classifed ads or f-t-f locally.

I agree with him that this is the most likely direction of attack.  It’s much harder to fight than a lot of other possibilities.

Sound Gun Control Laws

Eugene Volokh offers some excellent criticism to the New York Times for the Brady Campaign inspired editorial from yesterday.  I don’t think they really want to get into specifics too much at this point.  They are mostly interested in getting the public used to hearing “reasonable” and “gun laws” in the same sentence, in the hopes that they’ll, by default, assume that all gun control laws are reasonable.  The real sorry side to this story is that the New York Times chooses to do the heavy lifting for The Brady Campaign, rather than seriously think about the issues.