The only people I’ve ever heard use “Where’s Wayne?” are those who offer up frequent criticism of NRA leadership for not doing enough. I’m starting to think Paul Helmke and Larry Pratt are having cocktail lunches or something.
Category: Anti-Gun Folks
ACORN: Once Just Stealing Elections, Now Targeting Guns
NSSF mentioned last night that ACORN is asking to get involved in an appeal of a Jersey City case that twice previously threw out one-gun-a-month laws. But their brief doesn’t answer questions gun owners want to know like why the hell ACORN wants to get involved.
It turns out that ACORN has actually been involved with the case since that last appeal when they joined as intervenors for Jersey City in an effort to uphold the law to limit lawful sales. Why is ACORN involved in gun law litigation? According to their case filings, they believe that efforts to limit lawful gun ownership are relevant to their mission.
Oddly, you won’t find that in their “About” section on their website:
ACORN members across the country work to raise the minimum wage or enact living wage policies; eliminate predatory financial practices by mortgage lenders, payday lenders, and tax preparation companies; win the development of affordable housing and community benefits agreements; improve the quality of and funding for urban public schools; rebuild New Orleans; and pass a federal and state ACORN Working Families Agenda, including paid sick leave for all full time workers.
Nothing about gun control there. But here is what they said in previous case documents:
ACORN has a strong interest in supporting the gun control ordinance at issue in this case, because it can help reduce the number of handguns in Jersey City and therefore reduce the level of gun crime in our neighborhoods.
Anyone who knows anything about New Jersey gun laws already know that the permit-to-purchase system often limits lawful buyers to notably fewer than 12 guns a year. In fact, at the time the ordinance was being debated, City Council President Mariano Vega, Jr. described the law as “feel-good legislation that will probably not reduce crime, but we have to start somewhere, so I am voting yes.â€
But why is ACORN covertly targeting guns?
Let’s follow the money first. ACORN, not surprisingly, is popular with known anti-gunners and other names which aren’t know for their direct gun control work, but who fund many of the anti-gun foundations and projects.
- George Soros: Also supports Brady Center, VPC, Physicians for Social Responsibility*, Appleseed Foundation**
- Bauman Family Foundation: Supporters of Physicians for Social Responsibility*
- Annie E. Casey Foundation: Funders of the Appleseed Foundation**
- Bank of America Charitable Foundation: Funders of the Appleseed Foundation**
The list goes on. I could spend a week cross posting all of the organizations that are handing money to each other to try and cover their tracks in support of gun bans and other gun control. You get the idea. ACORN is looking out for all of the pet issues supported by their top donors.
Second, let’s look at their arguments. How much gun control is ACORN really supporting? The case is only about one-gun-a-month, but can we expect them to get involved in future cases? Well, if this statement is reflective of their views, I’d say we can expect more:
This case does not concern an individual right to bear arms, which does not exist in New Jersey.
They rail against strict scrutiny in their brief, claiming that “the trial court’s improper application of strict scrutiny prevented it from reaching the correct conclusion.” In fact, they really fall into a game of name calling in their brief, and it’s targeted at the court that previously shot the ordinance down. They claim the court tried to act as a “super-legislature” by “independently concluding” that the ordinance was wrong because clearly all legally bought guns end up on the street and there are simply not enough hurdles to gun ownership in New Jersey.
ACORN makes the argument that reducing the supply of handguns to law abiding gun owners is clearly a rational step to reducing the number of crimes in the city. To support their view, they don’t look for actual results that have stemmed from previous attempts to ration guns, they just say that other people do it, so we should, too. They make no indication about where a line should be drawn. Do we stop at limiting the number of guns purchased in a month, or do we make other efforts to restrict ownership like, say, a ban? Based on their view that the Second Amendment doesn’t apply, it’s entirely possible they would support a complete ban.
One statement in their brief leads me to believe they would support a “may issue” licensing scheme for ownership, as we see in Massachusetts. (One town will issue a license to own, another will refuse it for any reason or no reason at all.) In trying to overcome the legal argument for state preemption over local gun laws, they say:
Certain aspects of gun control, such as licensing and permitting requirements may arguably benefit from uniform statewide regulation.
That wording leaves an awfully big door open to no longer having any state preemption, possibly having a patchwork of extreme and lax gun laws around a state that leaves the law abiding gun owners at risk. In fact, they close that section of their brief by making a much broader statement of support for patchwork gun laws beyond just licensing, permitting, and purchasing by claiming that the “trial court erred by failing to recognize that gun control is not a subject that requires uniform statewide treatment.”
Ultimately, it’s hard to say exactly where ACORN will go in terms of pushing gun control. From the sounds of it in Jersey, they would look favorably on just about anything, potentially even a ban. They draw no line in the sand for what they determine to be “reasonable” regulation. Given that their financial backers tend to support other gun control groups that also supported the DC ban, it’s reasonable to assume that they might go so far.
From what I hear, ACORN is involved with other gun-related litigation. I haven’t tracked down documents yet, but I’ll update if I find more.
*Lobbied for the DC Gun Ban; Supporters of VPC, Brady, & other anti-gun groups.
**The NJ Branch of Appleseed provided legal services to ACORN in the Jersey City Case.
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Issues Endorsements
CeaseFire PA has their list of endorsements out for this year. The full list is here. I notice that my State Representative carries a CeaseFire PA endorsement. I will be voting for Frank Farry this election (even though he didn’t get his NRA questionnaire filled out!) due to this development.
If your state representative is on this list, be sure send him or her a message letting them know how unhappy you are with their endorsement by CeaseFire, and that you will be voting for their opponent in this upcoming election (if their opponent is pro-gun. If not, just make sure they know how unhappy you are about this.) We’re going to want these endorsements to cause headaches for the folks endorsed, and our numbers are lot higher than theirs.
“We’re a Gun Rights Organization”
That’s what Ray Schoenke is telling people in Minnesota:
“We’re a gun rights organization and we are stating Obama’s not going to take away your guns,†Ray Schoenke, who is founder and president of the AHSA, said in an interview Thursday night.
It’s a growing phenomena. Just look at the crowds this guy draws. Let me tell you, the Second Amendment is in trouble if we don’t counter the AHSA hordes! I wonder if he told them about Barack’s endorsement by the Brady Campaign.
Races to Watch
The Brady Campaign has chosen to flex their electoral muscle:
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence today announced they are targeting state legislators who voted against sensible gun laws and electing candidates who will work to pass sensible gun laws to keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of dangerous people.
They are targeting races in the Chicago suburbs. This is where the Brady’s are probably the strongest. If we have them only really fighting on their home turf, that’s a good development. Watch these races closely. If they can’t turn over any races even in the Chicago Suburbs, it’s probably over for them.
UPDATE: Thirdpower has more.
What A Crowd
Looks like Ray Schoenke’s been roaming all over Ohio talking to crowds of adoring fans. Take a look at the accompanying picture on the right of that article. I’ve spoken to groups bigger than this, and I’m just an NRA Election Volunteer Coordinator, with no professional sports record on my background. Granted, I’ve had my failures with turnout too, but I’m not pretending to be a big deal. I’m definitely not pretending to be a group that’s going to save the Democrats from the mean, nasty NRA.
Bradys Endorse Obama/Biden
I’m actually happy about this endorsement. I will make sure to print it out and display it at the gun show this weekend so the bitter clingers up North will believe us when we tell them Obama will be a disaster for gun rights. Obama is running like hell from his gun record when he or his surrogates are speaking in Pennsylvania. This will actually help me:
The Obama-Biden ticket understands that the rights of law-abiding gun owners can co-exist with the reasonable restrictions which the U.S. Supreme Court recognized as “presumptively lawful” in its recent Second Amendment decision finding a general gun ban unconstitutional. As Justice Scalia stated, there is “not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever for whatever purposes.” Senator McCain once understood this concept but that “straight talk” is now silent.
Yes Pennsylvanians, Obama gets an endorsement because he believes the Second Amendment allows for the federal government to ban whole classes of commonly owned firearms. Thanks Paul, you just made my job a lot easier!
Mass Produced Mayhem
Won’t somebody please pay attention to us? This is the same load of horse crap they’ve been peddling for the past twenty years. Just remember, when they say these firearms have no sporting purpose, they lie.
CeaseFire PA Forming a PAC
Phil Goldsmith has been running around Pennsylvania trying to get to know gun owners, and looking for some allies.
Goldsmith hopes to leverage the unsuspected moderateness of our citizenry. CeaseFire PA has formed a PAC and this year will try to “pick off†— electorally, not violently — a handful of legislators whose opposition to gun control seems out of step with their constituents. Goldsmith’s goal is to make officials as fearful of crossing CeaseFire PA as they are of tangling with the NRA — and his trip makes him hopeful it can happen. “In Elk County, I saw more elk than people,†he says. “And the elk are on my side.â€
What a great pro-hunting message. The Elk are on your side? I guess because those rural cousin humping rednecks keep insisting on shooting them eh? Good thing Sarah Palin isn’t around!
Get involved Pennsylvanians. These guys aren’t going to give up. They can bring money to the table, but what they can’t bring are votes and volunteers. We have to bring those.
Careful Brady Campaign
If Larry Pratt took your post here and reprinted it on GOA letterhead, it would be entirely believable. Is that really the kind of company you want to keep? Is the Brady Campaign becoming the “no compromise” Second Amendment group? Well, GOA probably makes money money and has more dues paying members than the Brady Campaign. Maybe we should let Larry know he might have some competition.
UPDATE: Man, Larry really is going to have his work cut out for him. Now it’s AHSA getting into the game too. Those releases are so similar, you’d almost think they coordinated their message or something.