Sensibly Progressive takes a look at the American Hunters and Shooters Association, and notices their positions are exactly the same as the Brady Campaign.
Category: Anti-Gun Folks
Another Gun Control Group Goes TU
Joe tells us that the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is, for the most part, politically dead. Seems they had a little cash flow problem. Maybe they need to give Paulson a call.
AHSA Round Up
SayUncle has a great round up of American Hunters and Shooting Association that’s in response to this article appearing in the New West. Dave Hardy hit AHSA hard last week on the same article.
Maybe DiFi’s Pissed …
… because the DC gun law reform bill didn’t include a provision to let her carry concealed.
The Brady’s Were Right, But Dishonest
Now that the Brady’s have chosen to mention at least one aspect of DC law that they were concerned about, it’s possible to actually evaluate their concerns without interference from all the hype and hysterics.
The Brady’s were actually correct to point out that the changes to the DC law would have allowed open carrying of long arms, but there’s a catch. Technically speaking, it’s never been illegal to carry a long gun on or about your person in DC provided you had a trigger lock on it, and it was properly registered according to DC law. So even before Heller, you could have slung your evil 50 Caliber Sniper Rifle and walked down Pennsylvania Ave with it, provided you had it properly registered and either taken the bolt out and put it in your pocket, or placed a trigger lock on it.
HR6691 would have repealed the registration requirement, the trigger lock law, and The District’s blanket ban on semi-automatic firearms. When it repealed the ban on carrying firearms in the home, it did so this way:
Section 4(a) of the Act of July 8, 1932 (47 Stat. 651; sec. 22-4504(a), D.C. Official Code) is amended–
(1) in the matter before paragraph (1), by striking `a pistol,’ and inserting the following: `except in his dwelling house or place of business or on other land possessed by that person, whether loaded or unloaded, a pistol,’; and
(2) by striking `except that:’ and all that follows through `(2) If the violation’ and inserting `except that if the violation’.
If you look at the section of the DC Official Code that’s being modified here, you would see that it only adds an exception for one’s home and place of business. The amendment passed the other day, which was to HR6842 is modified thusly:
(a) In General- Section 4(a) of the Act of July 8, 1932 (47 Stat. 651; sec. 22–4504(a), D.C. Official Code) is amended–
(1) in the matter before paragraph (1), by striking `a pistol,’ and inserting the following: `except in his dwelling house or place of business or on other land possessed by that person, whether loaded or unloaded, a firearm,’; and
(2) by striking `except that:’ and all that follows through `(2) If the violation’ and inserting `except that if the violation’.
(b) Conforming Amendment- Section 5 of such Act (47 Stat. 651; sec. 22–4505, D.C. Official Code) is amended–
(1) by striking `pistol’ each place it appears and inserting `firearm’; and
(2) by striking `pistols’ each place it appears and inserting `firearms’.
So the Brady claim that the bill would have allowed the open carrying of long guns was actually true, but what they failed to mention was this was always DC law. Their claim that the eventual bill introduced on the house as an amendment to Norton’s bill fixed this “problem” is also true. But that didn’t stop opponents of this bill from continuing to dishonestly claim all manner of hysterics.
Also not mentioned is that in most US states, it’s perfectly lawful to carry a long arm openly without any kind of license or registration. I would challenge anyone from The Brady Campaign to attempt to openly carry a loaded AR-15 past the Pennsylvania Capitol Building in Harrisburg, or any other state capital where it’s legal, and see if the police don’t stop to ask you a few questions.
Finally, It Is Revealed
In Helmke’s latest diatribe he finally reveals the NRA’s treachery in making sure terrorists can roam DC armed to the teeth:
Only just before the bill was introduced on the House floor did the NRA fix their “mistake” and amend the legislation to prohibit open-carrying of assault weapons. This shameless effort should have been the final nail in the coffin of whatever credibility the gun lobby had left.
Except that even after it was introduced onto the floor, you guys were still claiming it was allowing terrorists to openly carry all manner of military weaponry openly in public, even though it was apparently “fixed”. I will look into this later, to see whether there is any merit to these claims at all. It would be much easier to judge if the Brady Campaign would learn to speak in a language other than raving hysterics.
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
From Dave Hardy, quoting Mary Ester of the Brady Campaign:
Seven years later, we still use [Handgun Control Inc.] on the outer envelope of our mailings because responses drop when we don’t.
That tells me that most of Brady’s donors want to ban guns. Now that a handgun ban is off the table, how does the Brady Campaign propose to survive? Brady has survived being the voice for reasonable gun control, but if there’s no passion in that, what do you do? I’d say they’d have to go radical, but Josh Sugarmann isn’t raising much money these days either.
Fake To Hide The Ball
Ray Schoenke is running ads for Barack Obama, saying McCain’s plans are a “Fake to Hide the Ball”. Well, Schoenke is certainly an expert on that topic! Here’s the entire text of the ad:
This is Ray Schoenke. I played football with the Washington Redskins. Now I’m president of the American Hunters and Shooters Association. It’s important to me that our next president protects our Second Amendment rights to own guns, and to defend ourselves. Barack Obama and John McCain will both make sure we keep our guns.
But what about keeping our jobs? Barack’s got a real plan that invests in creating jobs here at home and cuts taxes a thousand bucks for working families. John McCain? I saw a lot of cheap shots in my day, but McCain’s false attacks on Obama are just a fake to hide the ball. His plans sells out American workers. McCain will keep giving tax breaks to companies that ship our jobs overseas. And he’ll look the other way, while China breaks our trade deals. It’s the same old Bush playbook. Look, when the coach loses eight years in a row, you don’t bring him back for a ninth season. We just can’t afford more of the same.
Sounds to me like the Obama Campaign was more interested in Ray Schoenke’s professional football credentials than they were about the message of American Hunters and Shooting Association. But this speaks to AHSA’s lack of seriousness as an organization representing hunters and shooters, that their president would go on the air shilling for a candidate on issues that are completely unrelated to their core mission.
Schoenke and AHSA are basically shills for the Democratic Party. Nothing more, nothing less. This ad should prove that to anyone who thinks otherwise at this point. Be sure to tune in to Caleb’s show this evening for what I’m sure will be a lively discussion.
UPDATE: Bitter has more here on political surrogates.
The PSH Has Returned
The Brady Blog has now returned to their regularly scheduled hysterics:
H.R. 6691 is a disaster of a bill, and the House should have the good sense to toss it in the trash, and its NRA sponsors out on their noses.
Except we’re still waiting for an explanation about how it does any of the things that Brady is falsely claiming it does.