Latest Hysterics

Carl in Chicago points out a Brady presser that would seem to indicate that if HR 6691 is passed, that the mass of guns flooding into our nations capital will produce such an immense gravitational field that it will collapse into a singularity that will consume the city, followed quickly by the rest of the nation, planet, solar system, and known universe.

In short, they are freaking out because the laws in Washington D.C. will be substantially identical to most of the 50 states, with the exception that carrying a loaded firearm on your person will still be unlawful.  This is the press release of an organization struggling to find relevance in a political climate that’s not favorable to their message.  I can’t imagine how much it must worry the Brady’s that the original Republican bill was tabled, because the Democrats wanted to take credit for getting this done.  And the Democrat bill was more pro-gun than the Republican bill!  The Brady’s have to find relevance in this election, and they haven’t been able to so far.  The best they’ve been able to get is “don’t tell me that we can’t uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals.” from Barack Obama, who also keeps insisting he’s not a gun banner.  While there’s no doubt Obama is their man, most sensible Democrats are now aware that this is a losing issue for them.

UPDATE: Cam wants to know where the evidence is that this bill would change anything about carrying of firearms?  Maybe the evidence went back to school with the Brady intern.

Did the Intern Go Back to School?

We bloggers have been noticing more than a few stories of children being the victims of stupid parents evil baby killing guns in the Google Alerts, and yet it’s like crickets over at the Brady Campaign Blog, which has all summer been running all manner of stories highlighting dead or injured children, law abiding gun owners, and concealed carry permit holders engaging in various acts of stupidity.

We speculated that their prolific blogging was perhaps the product of a talented new intern, who may have gone back to school.  Or perhaps Doug Pennington was on extended vacation.  Or maybe the Bradys just got tired of paying their staff to produce blog material that was only read by gun bloggers.  Either way, it seems quite possible we’ve seen another Brady new media effort fall flat on its face.

Boston Globe Mislead

When are reporters going to learn that the Brady Campaign does not provide them with accurate or clear information?

According to the Brady Campaign, Washington state has some of the most lax gun control laws in the country. There is no license, permit, or registration required to buy or own a handgun, and background checks are not automatically required for gun sales.

Zamora surrendered to police Tuesday and is being held on $5 million bail. How much grief could have been spared had this rageful man been saved from himself?

The Boston Globe makes it sound as if you can walk into a gun shop in Washington and not have to go through a the background check.  Washington’s gun laws are not vastly different than most states.  From reading this, you’d almost believe that there was some kind of loophole.  There was no legal way for Zamora to get a gun in Washington, or anywhere in the United States.  He would have had to get it illegally.  So the solution to that is to pass more laws that crazy people won’t obey?  Murder is already about as illegal as you can get.

The Fat Kid in the School Cafeteria

Why do I get the feeling that Ray Schoenke at the Democratic National Convention is the fat kid in the school cafeteria that no one wants to sit with.  And for good reason:

Schoenke is in Denver this week making the rounds. He mingled with fellow sportsmen at Wednesday afternoon’s briefing with the National Wildlife Federation at the Curtis Hotel and admitted that his big idea — that a pro-conservation gun rights group can supplant the NRA — remains a tough sell to Democrats who’ve seen the fury of NRA members at the ballot box.

“The NRA is a formidable opponent, and people are concerned about that,” Schoenke said.

“The reaction is positive, but the idea is still new.”

Yeah, Ray, because we’re not stupid, and neither are most Democrats.  Maybe you could get traction if you weren’t, you know, a gun control group.  And where’s your outrage that your fellow Democrats arrested a hunter?  Schoenke and American Hunters and Shooters Association is more interested in selling the Democrats on his false flag operation than he is in sticking up for actual hunters.  That should tell you something.

Obama’s Other Anti-Gun Running Mate

So the Obama/Bayh bumper stickers were a leak to distract folks. It looks like it’s Joe Biden. So, like I did with Bayh, let’s look at Biden’s record. We don’t have to go far. Remember the YouTube debates where he said a gun owner was not “mentally qualified” to own guns for simply asking a question.


  1. He takes pride in writing gun bans.
  2. He’s F-rated with NRA – the worst among almost all of the most talked about candidates.
  3. NRA highlights his recent threats to gun owners via his work on his Senate committee:

    NRA has been tracking the U.N.`s gun-ban activities for well over a decade, and thanks to the Bush administration`s appointees to the U.N., the U.S. position on any global gun-ban treaty has been consistent and uncompromising: Hands off the Second Amendment rights of American citizens!

    However, all that could change, now that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee–which approves or rejects our U.N. representatives and assesses international treaties for possible ratification–is chaired by anti-gun U.S. Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware.

    Like Schumer, Biden is rated “F” by the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) for his countless votes against firearm freedom. Like Schumer, Biden voted to expose the lawful firearm industry to crippling lawsuits; to extend and expand the Clinton gun bans; to allow a ban on most hunting-rifle ammunition; and to deny the free-speech rights of groups like the NRA during elections.

    Now, as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden can use his power to sabotage pro-freedom nominees for U.N. ambassador–as he did with Second Amendment defender John Bolton–and bully fellow senators into accepting whatever gun-ban treaty the U.N. concocts in the name of fighting international terrorism.

  4. Needless to say, he didn’t sign on to the Heller brief and doesn’t support efforts to reform DC’s gun laws.

Biden is bad news all around for any gun owner. Pair him with Obama, and it’s a far left gun ban ticket.

Obama’s Anti-Gun Running Mate

Now that Drudge has likely leaked the identity of Obama’s running mate, there are a few things gun owners should know about him.

  1. NRA rated him as D- in his last election.
  2. One reason is because he’s a liar. Take this example:

    Sen. Bayh pledged last year [2004] to support legislation to block frivolous lawsuits against the firearm industry, and NRA sent a letter to Indiana members encouraging them to thank him. Sen. Bayh failed to honor his pledge and voted for the Reed amendment to completely gut S.397. When the Reed substitute was soundly defeated 63 to 33, Bayh voted against final passage of the bill.

  3. Bayh refused to sign on to legislation that would honor the Second Amendment rights of Washington, DC and would not sign on to an amicus brief in Heller with more than 54 of his colleagues in the Senate. It would seem he considers some to be more equal than others – a theme I’m sure Obama loves.
  4. He doesn’t support concealed carry reciprocity across the country, as evidenced by his refusal to sign on to S.388. Nor did he join a majority of his colleagues in supporting honoring state laws on firearms possession in National Parks through letters to the Department of Interior.
  5. He beat Paul Helmke’s ass in a landside – the largest a Democrat has ever won in an Indiana statewide election. No word on if that speaks to Paul’s suckitude or Bayh’s appeal. Based on what we see in the gun world, likely the former.

It’s About the Bill of Rights, Not Profits

Bryan Miller seems to be taking the Mary McFate thing pretty hard.  I can’t really blame the anti-gun folks who feel betrayed.  I mean, imagine if you found out SayUncle was really a mole for Sarah Brady.  But none of us are really pissed at NRA over the whole “spy” incident, and it has nothing to do with wanting to preserve gun industry profits.  I worry about gun industry profits when I’m going to buy a new gun, not when I’m wearing my activist hat.

No, this is about preserving our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Are any tactics too despicable to prevent someone from undermining the very basis of natural and civic rights of the American people?  Would it be wrong to try to gain insider knowledge on a group of people who were intent on silencing newspapers, and ending all publishing in the United States?  What Bryan doesn’t understand, or perhaps he does understand and merely doesn’t want to acknowledge, is that we hold the Second Amendment right up there with the First in importance for maintaining a just and free society.  We demand the Second Amendment be respected.  We’re quite serious about it.  Serious enough that we’ll condone our own advocacy groups doing opposition research, even if it means being a little underhanded.  If that makes you upset, if that makes you paranoid, that’s not my problem.  My problem is the fact that you want to trash the Bill of Rights.

Stopping Harold School District Gun Policy

So says Marsha McCartney:

“When I first read about this, I couldn’t believe it was legal,” said Marsha McCartney, president of the Texas chapter of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. “It turns out it wasn’t.”

No, turns out that it is legal.  They are depending on school regulations governing the hiring of security personnel, which require them to be sworn officers if they are to be armed.

If a board of trustees authorizes a person employed as security personnel to carry a weapon, the person must be a commissioned peace officer.

Teachers are not hired security personnel, and the Texas state concealed carry statute is pretty clear on the matter.  Harold School District policy is a problem for the gun control movement, because we all know what’s going to happen if this policy is allowed to move forward: “A whole lotta nothing.”  They must convince the public the world will end if guns are allowed in schools — all it takes is a few contrary cases for the gig to be up.