Carl in Chicago points out a Brady presser that would seem to indicate that if HR 6691 is passed, that the mass of guns flooding into our nations capital will produce such an immense gravitational field that it will collapse into a singularity that will consume the city, followed quickly by the rest of the nation, planet, solar system, and known universe.
In short, they are freaking out because the laws in Washington D.C. will be substantially identical to most of the 50 states, with the exception that carrying a loaded firearm on your person will still be unlawful. This is the press release of an organization struggling to find relevance in a political climate that’s not favorable to their message. I can’t imagine how much it must worry the Brady’s that the original Republican bill was tabled, because the Democrats wanted to take credit for getting this done. And the Democrat bill was more pro-gun than the Republican bill! The Brady’s have to find relevance in this election, and they haven’t been able to so far. The best they’ve been able to get is “don’t tell me that we can’t uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals.” from Barack Obama, who also keeps insisting he’s not a gun banner. While there’s no doubt Obama is their man, most sensible Democrats are now aware that this is a losing issue for them.
UPDATE: Cam wants to know where the evidence is that this bill would change anything about carrying of firearms? Maybe the evidence went back to school with the Brady intern.