Here’s a statement from the Brady Campaign on the whole Heller thing.  Looks like Josh Sugarmann isn’t happy either, even though he’s now in a prime opportunity to take advantage of this decision. I am not without a heart. I feel for them. I really do. So I’m going to offer my recommendation to help ease the pain of this decision.
It’s readily available, especially in DC, it’s cheap, and it will make the pain go away very quickly. When it comes to assuaging your sorrow, there’s nothing in the world that beats tequila. I can speak from experience here. So Peter, send Doug to the liquor store, crack open a bottle, and get started. You can drink to Mexico, where guns are still illegal. I wouldn’t wait until the close of business. I’d get started now. Invite Josh over too. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.  Be sure to get pictures of Paul looking down the neck of an empty bottle, looking sad. We really would like that.