Once someone develops a pair of Heisenberg Compensators, I’m afraid we’re going to lose this line of argument.
Category: Anti-Gun Folks
Abby Spangler
Jacob has some footage of her barking like a moonbat for CNN. I’m going to guess that most of that ended up on the cutting room floor since she seemed to be more interested in giving a speech than an interview. As much as I lament that folks on our side often botch media opportunities, the gun control movement has the same problem. Really, The VPC and Brady Campaign have been the only groups that have played the media game very well.
PSH From Police Rifles
Thirdpower points out this bit of pant shitting hysterics from the Associated Press:
When she pointed her handgun at the two nearest deputies, officers switched to assault rifles, hitting Sarah Marie Stanfield of Boise eight times with bullets designed to break apart on impact to increase internal damage. She died last fall of multiple gunshot wounds.
Or it could be, they are designed to fragment so they don’t pass through things and hit whatever is behind them, but whatever scares people the most, you know.
Some jurisdictions across the U.S. have been arming rank-and-file officers with high-powered assault rifles for a decade or more
Of rather, they are arming police with the types of rifles that are appropriate for police work, like AR-15s, that are neither high powered nor assault rifles.
The rifles fire bullets with enough velocity to penetrate some types of body armor and have greater accuracy at longer range than handguns.
So does your dad’s deer rifle. This is true of any center-fire rifle. The Brady Campaign seems to be understanding of this predicament. Angry Peter says:
The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence said it understands the moves to assault weapons. “Police officers need to be able to defend themselves and the rest of us, and they need the weapons to do so,” said spokesman Peter Hamm.
I agree with Peter. But if the Brady’s are conceding that these firearms are useful for self-defense, why do they suddenly become useless for that purpose when they are in my hands instead of police officer?
Except to see more of this type of thing in the coming months. No doubt the gun control proponents will go full court with their press game in an attempt to influence the outcome in Heller.
Pro-Gun Progressive vs. Rebecca Peters
I almost missed this due to all the Heller buzz, but the other Sebastian actually debated Rebecca Peters, Queen of the International gun control movement, on Al-Jazeera. You can see video of it here. Good show!
Paul Helmke’s Heller Comments
You have to give the man one thing, he’s a master of delivery when it comes to Brady’s message:
Listen carefully, becuase Helmke is framing Brady’s post Heller strategy, which is getting as many gun laws as possible upheld as reasonable. Naturally we want to get as many of them thrown out as infringements.
Ricker Quote of the Day
He’s been commenting on gun blogs so much, maybe I can start a regular feature:
I do not describe the regulars who read a blog named the “The Bitch Girls†to be the AHSA target market. I think it should be clear from my comments here and on other “whacko†blogs that AHSA is reaching out to a more educated, sophisticated and straight thinking hunter and shooter demographic. Unfortunately, a “bitter†female with a gun and a chip on her shoulder probably would not find AHSA’s message of civic responsibility much to her liking.
He means a target market he hopes is smart enough, educated enough, and sophisticated enough not to notice who leaders in his organization like to hang out with?
Looking a Little Upset There Petey
Peter Hamm is looking a little angry these days. I’m pretty sure Justice Kennedy didn’t help his mood any after it was all over. I think in this picture he was confronting some of our megaphone wielding bozos who were provoking a confrontation outside of the Courthouse. Petey got angry, but to the best of my knowledge, he didn’t threaten to shoot any of them.
Note to pro-gun activists: Leave the megaphones at home. We’re not dirty hippy protestors. You don’t want to be a hippy, do you? The object of rallying like that is to get your happy, smiling, articulate face in front of the media. Megaphone amplified anger doesn’t persuade people, and persuading people is the object of the game.
Paging Bob Ricker
Bob Ricker of AHSA is back haunting Bitter’s blog in the comments here.
Schoenke Schmoozing With Peter and Paul?
Word on the street is that Paul Helmke and Peter Hamm of The Brady Campaign were paling around with Ray Schoenke from American Hunters and Shooters Assocation outside of Heller oral arguments. Nope, they aren’t even trying anymore to hide it.
Maybe Schoenke was just making sure that 5 grand he gave them when they were HCI had been well spent.
More AHSA Press
In the Washington Post. This is a concerted effort on the part of the gun control groups to neutralize NRA’s electoral power in 2008.  Of course, the Republicans already gave them a head start by nominating John McCain.
Overall, I think the WaPo did a reasonable job of keeping the article balanced and objective. Andrew bringing up Schoenke’s $5000 donation to Handgun Control Inc is a great thing to get in there. The real killer is Paul Helmke saying nice things about AHSA:
“I see our issues as complementary to theirs,” Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign, says about Schoenke’s association. “They’re a positive group.”
That’s all anyone needs to know right there. AHSA is an organization for gun owners who hate the second amendment.