… now if you please: turn over all particle beam weapons. This is now a ray gun free world. I love the graphic that War on Guns chose to highlight the Jennifer W. Stein story.
Category: Anti-Gun Folks
Is Jennifer W. Stein a “Truther” Too?
I notice Jennifer W. Stein, who I talked about earlier here, has a meetup group she organizes. They are showing a 9/11 “Truth” documentary on the 23rd of January at the Radnor Public Library if anyone is interested. Doesn’t mention whether they are pursuing the theory that aliens did it.
CeaseFire Pennsylvania’s Other Board Member
While we’re busy focusing on Alexander Tristan Riley, and whether or not he is or isn’t a well known and vile troll here on Al Gore’s Internets, I thought it might be rather interesting to shine some light on some of their other board members, in this case, Jennifer W. Stein:
Jennifer W. Stein has been a CeaseFire PA supporter since its founding. She was a co-founder of the Coalition Against Jewish Domestic Violence in 1983, and has been active in anti-violence causes since then. She is an independent documentary filmmaker and lives in Delaware County.
What they don’t mention here is that Jennifer W. Stein is also Pennsylvania State Regional Representative for MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network. Be sure to follow that link. It’s a great read:
Jennifer Stein has been a local Radnor resident for the past 20 years. She is a graduate of the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Science in textiles. She has worked, a clothing designer with her own business for a number of years, as a women’s rights activist and president of a Jewish Women’s rights organization, and a founding member of the Coalition Against Jewish Domestic Violence. As an entrepreneur Stein has operated her own special events coordination business, J. W. S. Events Inc. for the past 10 years but is now choosing to make documentary films. Jennifer currently is on the board of CeaseFire PA and is trying to make her home town a safer place to live thru the active support of sensible gun laws in Pennsylvania. She in the process of writing a book about life experiences with Pre-cognition to help others to trust heir instincts when making life changing split second decisions. One chapter of this book is up at the following site should you be interested to read a sampling from this book. http://www.connectingstories.com/moreStories8.html
Jennifer pursues her passion for knowledge in many areas including, archeology, phenomenon experience, including UFO’s crop circles, & ESP as well as the science of consciousness. Jennifer is an avid organic gardener, and loves to faux paint, is an accomplished seamstress, macrobiotic cook, and is happily married to a life time partner, whom she claims is her greatest teacher, and the mother of two young adult daughters, who are her second greatest teachers.
She describes her self as a modern day Kabalist & mystic who studies tuning fork sound dynamics, macrobiotics, Yoga, transcendental mediation, Kabala, Ancient Egyptian mystery school teachings, crop circles, sacred geometry, and ancient civilizations as well as precognitive phenomena. For her these areas overlap like puzzle pieces to understanding her own life experiences and the modern day spiritual evolution engulfing the world. She is a member of the Noetic Sciences organization, which is committed to the study of the evolving human consciousness movement.
If CeaseFire PA wants to have kooky, new age type folks on their board that like to study crop circles and UFO phenomena, I’m not one to complain. A free and confident society has plenty of room for such people. Jennifer W. Stein has the right to associate with other like minded people, enjoy their company, and swap stories about the Greys. But free people also have a right to provide for our personal security, our families security, to enjoy our sport, and hunt food for our dinner tables. Ms. Stein associates with an organization who believes that idea is far outside of the mainstream, and only held by a tiny vocal minority, who don’t deserve to be listened to.
How much farther from the mainstream can you get than believing a highly advanced race of spacefaring creatures has the inclination to take a break from warping time and space to doodle in Farmer Bob’s corn field? Folks like Ms. Stein should especially understand the importance of upholding the Bill of Rights; all of it. After all, everyone is an unpopular minority in some aspect of their life. It saddens me to see someone like this speaking out against other people’s liberty, while pretty clearly taking advantage of it themselves.
Looks like there’s a troll on David Codrea’s blog that’s threatening a libel suit. For those of you who want a bit of background on libel law in the United States, you can read here:
And just what is malice when it comes to proving libel? Retired Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., who wrote the Sullivan decision, defined it as “knowledge that the [published information] was false” or that it was published “with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.” In other words, public officials no longer could sue for libel simply by proving that something that had been broadcast or printed about them was false. Now they would have to prove that a journalist had knowingly printed false information while making little, if any, attempt to distinguish truth from lies.
The Supreme Court later extended its so-called Sullivan rule to cover “public figures,” meaning individuals who are not in public office but who are still newsworthy because of their prominence in the public eye. Over the years, American courts have ruled that this category includes celebrities in the entertainment field, well-known writers, athletes, and others who often attract attention in the media.
The burden on the plaintiff to prove libel is pretty high, even higher when dealing with a “public figure”, which arguably being a board member of Pennsylvania’s prominent state anti-gun group would make him, if this troll is who it seems to be. That’s not even mentioning we’ve all agreed this evidence is circumstantial, and not something you could take to court.
Also, being an IT professional, I’m well aware of how IP spoofing works, and if someone is spoofing in order to frame Dr. Reily, this is something that should be investigated. I’m a bit skeptical anyone would go through that much trouble. Spoofing an entire blog and numerous comments isn’t an easy feat.
Late to the Party
Bitter and I were off driving around in the mountains of Virginia and North Carolina today, with much getting rained on, so I will have to do a roundup of what other people have posted on the topic of our friend, and troll, CeaseFire Pennsylvania Board Member, Alex Tristan Riley. What these bloggers have gathered is very circumstantial, and we can’t conclusively prove these allegations, because Alex has done an effective job of erasing his past by removing all the blog work he has done. It’s all gone down the memory hole.
War on Guns posts an example of this juvenile satire, posted under the pseudonym NRAfourever. Someone using that Pseudonym has also in the past run a blog, a screens shot of which is showing below:
Rob Allen does the best job of presenting the evidence he has that Alexander Tristan Riley, Culturologist, and NRAFourever are quite probably the same person. Thirdpower backs it up with some more.
You might not be able to take it to court, but judge for yourself whether or not you think they are the same person. All the former blog efforts have now been removed, since Alex accepted his position on CeaseFire Pennsylvania’s Board of Directors.
UPDATE: Armed and Safe has more.
Zendo Deb Responds to Bryan
Zendo Deb isn’t happy with Bryan Miller putting words and sentiments into her mouth.
In the Name of Reasoned Discourse
Thirdpower gets his comment deleted over at Bryan’s blog because it was an attack on a CeaseFire PA board member that he says isn’t germane to his post.
Well, folks, it’s Bryan’s sandbox, so you play by his rules. But I note it’s always the anti-gunners that like to delete comments. I won’t generally do that here, except for threats or truly vile statements. I can count on one hand the number of comments I’ve deleted. You’ll note I didn’t delete any of Jadegold’s musings, even when he attacked NRA leaders like Harlan Carter or Jeff Cooper. Anyone is free to disagree with me, or make outlandish accusations, but on blogs, we ferret out the truth. The anti-gunners ferret out the comments because the truth isn’t, and has never been on their side.
Brady Campaign Originally Fought NICS
One interesting thing about the Brady’s being so happy about improving the NICS system is that at one time, they hated it, and fought it fiercely, because it supplanted their preferred method of gun control, which was to make you wait. Take a look at this press release from 1998, back when they were still called Handgun Control Inc:
The original Brady Law, which mandated a waiting period and background check for all handgun purchasers, was altered in the legislative process to sunset in favor of NICS, which relies on computerized federal data to immediately check prospective firearms purchasers for felony convictions and other barriers to purchase. Without a mandatory waiting period, local police departments will not have time to participate in the background check, and gun purchasers considering crimes of passion or impulse suicides will no longer have a “cooling-off” period to protect themselves or their victims.
Brady’s presumed that police officers were willing to conduct some imaginary, more thorough background check, that would take time. The fact is, the local police had access to what was in the systems, and probably not much more than that. Not to mention the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government couldn’t force the local police to conduct background checks, so most of those folks that ended up on their desks didn’t even get cursory glance.
After a 7-year battle in Congress, President Clinton signed the Brady Law on November 30, 1993, with the support of more than 90 percent of Americans. Unable to block passage of the legislation in the face of this tidal wave of public support, the gun lobby’s allies in Congress amended the legislation to require a mandatory “sunset” of the waiting period in five years, to be replaced by a computerized national instant check system. At the time, the Brady Law affected 32 states which had not developed their own background check system; now, five years later, 24 states will be making the transition from a waiting period to an instant check.
The horror! But now they seem to think NICS is the greatest thing since sliced bread. My how times have changed.
You’ll Be Judged By The Company You Keep
My mother always told me that. The folks at CeaseFire Pennsylvania apparently never were.
Bryan Miller’s Latest
I see Rustmeister has beat me to blogging about it. I’ll have more to add later.
UPDATE: Looks like he’s calling out Zendo Deb for this post. Of course, you’d think in a post where he’s pointing out the testosterone charged nature of concealed carry holders, he’d pick someone who’s body actually produces a fair quantity of the substance.