Bloomberg to Dump 700,000 into Virginia State Senate Race

I believe this is part of Bloomberg’s strategy to destroy NRA, because if he can turn Virginia into an anti-gun state, the real gun folks at NRA will be hard pressed to live there, and after a while NRA will be staffed by political hacks who aren’t shooters and couldn’t care less about promoting actual gun rights. Think about it. How many of you would take a job in Maryland if you couldn’t live in Virginia? NRA will be no different.

This is huge money for a state senate race, or as Donald Trump would say, “Yuge!” It would be a handsome sum for a candidate for Governor, or for a U.S. Senate seat. It is absolutely unprecedented to dump 700 grand into one State Senate race like this. But $700,000 is pocket change for Bloomberg.

The race is expected to be one to watch, and it will be a key race for determining whether the the GOP manages to retain control of the upper house in Virginia. The GOP is in a tough position, because out of six Senators retiring, four are Republicans. They have more to defend. I believe Bloomberg is trying to send a signal here:

  • If his candidate wins, he gets a step closer to his goal of turning Virginia into an anti-gun state like neighboring Maryland. It will bolster his reputation immensely. It will make Republicans in marginal districts very very fearful.
  • Even if he loses, he signals to anti-gun Democrats that he’s willing to spend big. Like I said, this is huge money, and it will make a lot of other up-ticket Dems wonder what he might be willing to spend on their races.
  • He can still strike fear into the hearts of state and local GOP politicians in challenging districts. If he’s willing to spend this kind of money in a race, it could make some of them back away from gun rights in fear of what that money can do to persuade less informed voters.

This kind of money, to be honest, even if he loses, he still wins. It might not be fair that one rich asshole can come in and boost a whole movement to challenge millions of middle-class grassroots Americans, but the fact is that in this country, money talks, and the more money you have, the louder you can talk. Bloomberg has a lot of money. Seven hundred grand is nothing to him. So what can you do?

  • Bloomberg’s target is Glen Sturtevant. He will need money yesterday. Even if you can only donate 10 bucks, that can pay for a few lawn signs, or a pizza for volunteers.
  • And speaking of volunteers, if you live anywhere near that district, I’d offer to help out on the ground. Grassroots is the only tool we have to counter Bloomberg. We can’t outspend him, because our movement doesn’t have any rich billionaires of our own that can afford to spend that kind of coin.
  • Donate to NRA’s Political Victory Fund. This is our collective pool of money to challenge Bloomberg. I will tell you for certain, NRA cannot afford to match Bloomberg’s spending in this one state senate race. NRA-PVF has about 8.4 million dollars of cash on hand right now. Mike Bloomberg’s net worth is 38.5 billion.
  • Get the word out that Everytown = Mike Bloomberg. It’s all him. It’s all his money. It’s one rich billionaire trying to hijack Democracy from ordinary middle-class Americans. Bloomberg is not a likable guy. Part of the Everytown move is to distance the organization from it’s founder and pocket book, because they know this. Hand Bloomberg around Everytown’s neck like the albatross he is, and make them wear the unpopularity of their funder.

Bloomberg’s money is a big deal. Gun control organizations have always struggled to raise money, and this is more money than the movement has ever seen. It’s more money than we could ever hope to raise, and it’s aimed squarely at our rights. Our only hope is to counter his money with grassroots energy, and we have to make that happen in the upcoming Virginia elections.

Democrats All Over Embracing Gun Control

Embracing the new Democratic Zeitgeist on gun control, Governor Terry McAuliffe of Virginia shows he’s not going to be left out of the gun hatin’ game with a new Executive Order which supposedly outlaws firearms in some state-owned buildings. I’m not sure how he has the authority to do that absent action from the legislature. He’s also setting up a task force and hot line. Oooh. That’s action for you. All Virginia needs is for politicians to set up a few more task forces and problem solved, right? In his EO, he repeats the lie that 40% of all guns are processed through private transactions. We know, in fact, it’s a lie because the states that have banned private transfers of firearms have seen very little in the way of transactions going through their background check systems. So either people are ignoring the law, or this was a very small subset of transactions to begin with.

Obama stated the other day that it was easier to buy guns in this country than books. That’s funny, because I’ve never had to go through a background check and fill out federal forms to buy a book. I don’t even have to show ID to buy a book. There aren’t people out there trying to make it illegal for me to lend a friend a book. You don’t need a license to write, print, distribute, or sell books. I don’t need to show I’m literate to and have a license to carry a book in public.

It’s ridiculous. Obama knows it’s ridiculous. McAuliffe knows it’s ridiculous. So why do they lie? Because they know the needle of public opinion is swinging more toward people not wanting more gun control laws. They need that needle to start swinging back in their favor, and one way to accomplish that is to lie to the ignorant about what the current federal gun laws are. They need people to believe that the gun business is like some kind of free wheeling, third world open air bazaar like you’d fine in Somalia. If people understood what the gun laws really are, they might be satisfied, or even a little ticked off.

The only way we can stop these people is by punishing them at the ballot box. McAuliffe and Obama are both lame ducks, so punish their party. Tim Kaine was up there with McAuliffe on stage, cheering him on. Tim Kaine is up for re-election in 2018, a midterm. In 2014, Mark Warner barely got by Ed Gillespie, and Warner is far more moderate. Kaine is vulnerable with the right candidate.

Magazine Confiscation Initiative Proposed in California

Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in. Jerry Brown has vetoed a lot of gun control bills (and signed a few too), and it would appear that Gavin Newsom, who is planning to run for Governor, is determined to get some of these failed bills via ballot measures in 2016. The magazine confiscation measure isn’t everything. The initiatives would also mandate background checks and new licensing for buying and selling ammunition.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you they aren’t after your guns. First they came for the magazines. A ban on semi-automatic rifles entirely is coming. You can count on it. California is lost. The only thing that can save it is either Congress acting under the 14th Amendment or the Courts, and the Courts have pretty much left Heller and McDonald to the buzzards.

Kicking the Brady Campaign Where it Hurts

Bloomberg is signing up vapid celebrities like there’s no tomorrow. This used to be Brady’s big schtick. The Brady Gala is still around, but it used to be star studded. This year they are featuring the Mayor of Los Angeles and his wife. Ooh. Who is the Mayor of LA? I seriously don’t even know. In 2013 the Brady Gala headlined Tony Bennett. Yeah, I didn’t think he was still alive either. Even Piers Morgan, who at the time was only mostly reviled, instead of being thoroughly reviled as he is today, managed to show up at the 2013 gala. Maybe they’ll luck out and he’ll show up in 2015.

It’s probably pretty rough to be working at the Brady Campaign these days, and to watch Bloomberg sweep in with all his money, and snatch away the few last crumbs on their plates. When you’ve lost Alec Baldwin…

Another Anti-Gun Hypocrite?

I couldn’t help but find the news that Rosie O’Donnell’s adopted daughter is speaking out about their family life in the press very entertaining. It seems, according to the daughter, that Rosie is a hypocrite about many things in life, especially her presentation to the public of her involvement in the lives of her children.

It doesn’t mention anything about gun hypocrisy, but the daughter does claim that Rosie calling her a crazed runaway was a lie to maintain appearances. She claims she was kicked out, but the runaway claims when Rosie faced potential questions over why her underage daughter wasn’t around. The mental illness claims are simply because the daughter struggles with anxiety and depression after Rosie’s divorce from the only mother who ever cooked her a real meal and she was forced to live with Rosie who, apparently, loves smoking weed all day while the nannies often raise the kids.

Now this is a she said/she said case, but it just doesn’t seem like that much of a stretch to believe for those of us in the gun culture who have watched her lose control of herself when anyone disagrees with her on the subject.

“Something We Should Politicize”

Obama gives the thumbs up to exploitation of tragic events for political purposes:

Of course, he also repeats the lie that mass shootings are more common in America than in other countries. Most of the statistics he mentions are basically all lies. We must continue to fight him. We must ensure he gets nothing; not one inch more of our rights. That battle will start in Oregon.

And note folks, when he throws out “Great Britain” and “Australia” as examples of “doing something” he’s talking about mass confiscation. There is no mixing words about that. Britain and Australia tried to solve the problem by making the most common types of firearms that people have in this country illegal, and then confiscating them from their citizens. Don’t ever let these people tell you they don’t want to take away your guns. Their words say otherwise.

And the Award for “Dumbest Thing I’ve Read All Week” Goes to …

Lauren Holter of Bustle, who points out the evils of the National Rifle Association for, before the mass shooting, mind you, sending a tweet showing how to get a good sight picture. Because I guess people who are into shooting just shoot wildly around the range, consequences be damned. Completely ignoring NRA’s 144 year history of teaching marksmanship, which is its primary mission (the political stuff exists only because people won’t fucking leave us alone), she then goes on to accept Bloomberg’s claim about school shootings hook, line and sinker, even though these claims have been debunked even by left-leaning fact checkers.

While the NRA focused on how shooters can improve their aim, 10 people were killed in Oregon because a school shooter knew how to aim a gun. It’s quite simple really — mass shootings always involve at least one gun.

Congratulations, that is officially the dumbest thing I’ve read all week. But don’t despair, there’s sure to be a lot stupid thing flying around the media until the Storm of the Century of the Year pushes all this off the front page, so maybe you’ll get topped.

Shocking News: Hillary Doesn’t Like Gun Rights

I’m always ambivalent about whether Hillary Clinton saying something anti-gun is really news. Is there anyone who thinks Hillary favors gun rights? Perhaps they might remember Hillary trying badly to run to the right of Obama on guns in 2008. There may be some remote tribesmen in New Guinea who are unaware that Hillary Clinton is anti-gun. But for the rest of us, I think this comes as no surprise:

Hillary Clinton slammed the Supreme Court as “wrong on the Second Amendment” and called for reinstating the assault weapons ban during a small private fundraiser in New York last week, according to audio of her remarks obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

This is my shocked face. I had no idea Hillary Clinton was an enemy of Second Amendment rights. No idea she supported assault weapons bans! I figured it wouldn’t be too long before Hil was out on a hunt with Sarah Palin sporting an AR in .308. Good thing we have the media around to keep us informed.

Kathleen Kane Now Ineligible for Office?

It seems like there’s now a question over whether Attorney General Kathleen Kane is, as of today, now ineligible to hold the statewide office. Why? Because the state Supreme Court just suspended her law license.

Yes, the woman who Mike Bloomberg spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to elect, can’t even represent one of Mike’s Illegal Mayor allies who held a man hostage with a gun.

Oh yeah, and just because I try to remind the voters in the central part of the state who voted their football allegiances over gun rights every time that Kathleen Kane is in trouble – elections have consequences.