More on the “Stroller Jam”

We were hearing some conflicting reports yesterday on the Stroller Jam that Mom’s Demand Action from Mayors in Everytown (a tip of the hat to Bearing Arms for coming up with that one) had put together, but it seems the truth is that there was one stroller.  I’ve never really studied the physics of stroller traffic, but I’m pretty sure that it takes more than one stroller to cause a “jam.” Other than that, there were a dozen people. You can find their group portrait here.

At my club last night, made a special award presentation to one of our junior shooters, who earned NRA’s Junior Distinguished Expert Award, only the second shooter in our junior program to do so. A total of 35 people came to the meeting. That’s maybe 10 higher than what we run on a typical monthly members meeting, but the point is we’re turning out twice the number MDA is for what is normally the most mundane thing you can think of. We got ten extra people for doing something different this month! When CeaseFirePA organized a protest outside of a local lawmaker’s office, on just a few hours notice we were able to come up with twice the number of people they did.

When will it become apparent to corporations like Target that Shannon Watts is, as they would say in Texas, all hat and no cattle?

Stroller Jammin’

Moms Demand Action is still keeping the heat on Target. They planned a stroller jam. Normally I’d suggest that a tactic highlighting their weakness (the ability to turn out crowds) would be a problem, but in this case, OCT has handed Shannon Watts enough juice I’m expecting the media will be compliant lapdogs and turn out to cover this ordinarily non-story out the wazoo.

We’re sincerely hoping that everyone has called. This could be her first serious, non-BS victory if we don’t act. Understand that corporations are like lemmings. If one goes off the cliff, you can bet others will follow. This goes double if people keeping OCing long guns around in businesses.


How are the Anti Gun Groups Really Doing?

Despite concerns I have about the anti-gun groups looking like they may actually be building momentum, Stephen E. Wright writing at “The Bluff” has taken a detailed analysis of the statistics, which show that the anti-gun groups actually aren’t doing as well as you might think:

1. Anti 2nd amendment FB groups are much smaller than pro 2nd amendment groups (like 10x)
2. Anti 2nd amdment FB groups are growing much slower than pro 2nd amendment groups (like 4x)
3. Anti 2nd amendment FB groups have an older following than pro 2nd amendment groups (like 25-44 for the NRA and 55+ for Bloomberg’s Everytown)

Go read the whole thing. Of course, it’s depressing that NAGR has so many Facebook followers, given my very low opinion of that group and its proprietor. But as Bitter mentioned, Brown is very good at creating the kinds of graphics that people share and that go viral. Either way, it does show that as much as they might be gaining media juice, we are too, and faster than they are. And with the more favorable demographics.

California Democrats Like Leeland Yee

Charles C. W. Cooke and others note that being indicted for multiple felonies that include accusations of arming mafia members and arms smuggling doesn’t turn off about 10% of California’s Democratic voter base, at least based on the results of yesterday’s election. Nearly 290,000 primary voters thought these accusations made Leeland Yee a great candidate for Secretary of State worthy of their support.

Perhaps what’s more interesting is that Yee was only polling at 8% before he was arrested, so he actually performed better with California Democrats after the charges came to light. In fact, the same polling firm found that even after he was arrested and the charges against him were disclosed, 15% of voters maintained a favorable view of Yee.

Following the Anti-Gun Money

Dave Hardy reminds us that when you see new attacks from different groups that only may recently be jumping on the anti-gun bandwagon, you can usually follow the money back to Joyce, and now back to Bloomberg via Joyce.

On one hand, it’s handy that Bloomberg is responsible for it all because he’s such an easy guy for so many to hate. There’s nothing any normal American enjoys he hasn’t tried to regulate. Even people who applaud the success he has had in business tend to resent his attitude that he can just use his billions to buy public policies/offices he likes. On the other hand, he can spread his billions around to different groups and create different “faces” to his pet issues. It’s frustrating, but these reminders are handy.

Sonic and Chilis Still Being Targeted, But No Word Yet

I think this article that appeared on The Blaze document past events, so this does not represent fresh activity on the part of the Texas open carriers, but our struggle to stem the bleeding caused by their foolish behavior continues. These events are likely what roused Shannon Watts to target Chili’s and Sonic:

You know what normal people don’t do? Drag rifles around places with a camera in hand to gauge people’s reactions. So how does acting not normal somehow later translate into making something normal? I don’t know. I have not seen any response from either Chilis or Sonic yet. Sonic is telling anti-gunners they are taking their concerns very seriously:

Sonic is based in Oklahoma City and has its roots in Oklahoma. That they are considering revising policy should be a flashing white hot neon sign that OCing rifles around to restaurants is a horrible, horrible idea. Chili’s is also reviewing their policies. These statements were before the holiday weekend, so it’s possible both companies are standing by hoping that Watts and her small handful of followers run out of steam. Let us hope, because the rest of us don’t deserve to suffer for fools.

New Literature Challenging Standard Model

I have never read anything published by Professor Michael Waldman on the topic of the Second Amendment until I read this article in Politico, promoting his new book, The Second Amendment: A Biography. This book looks a lot like many of Adam Winkler’s assertions on early gun control laws, combined with a bit of CSGV tilting at windmills, reasserting ideas that have been thoroughly discredited in the Standard Model literature. From the Politico article, we begin with a marginalization of the Second Amendment as a quaint, meaningless passage in the Bill of Rights from the founders:

But in the grand sweep of American history, this sentence has never been among the most prominent constitutional provisions. In fact, for two centuries it was largely ignored.

Yes, because for two centuries, there wasn’t any serious attempts to restrict it. Absent the laws on Title II firearms, under the National Firearms Act, almost every piece of gun control now present at either the state or local level was enacted in the past half-century. The research into the Second Amendment was a direct response to the Gun Control movement. It would not have existed without it.

Though state militias eventually dissolved, for two centuries we had guns (plenty!) and we had gun laws in towns and states, governing everything from where gunpowder could be stored to who could carry a weapon—and courts overwhelmingly upheld these restrictions. Gun rights and gun control were seen as going hand in hand.

This is channeling some of the arguments in Professor Winkler’s work, Gunfight. But Clayton Cramer has probably done the most thorough research on this area with his books, Concealed Weapons Laws of the Early Republic, For the Defense of Themselves and the State, and Armed America: The Remarkable Story of How and Why Guns Became as American as Apple Pie. But I could spent paragraphs just listing out the academic works on this subject. Citing Patrick Henry’s famous quote that “The great object is, that every man be armed.”:

But if you look at the full text, he was complaining about the cost of both the federal government and the state arming the militia. (“The great object is, that every man be armed,” he said. “At a very great cost, we shall be doubly armed.”) In other words: Sure, let every man be armed, but only once! Far from a ringing statement of individual gun-toting freedom, it was an early American example of a local politician complaining about government waste.

So the suggestion is that Henry would have promoted the idea that we can limit individuals to only one firearm? That’s quite a stretch. There’s another bit where he speaks of Jefferson quotes in context, where Jefferson uses the phrase “One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them,” noting that the context shows Jefferson used this phrase as a metaphor. But Jefferson was an avid arms collector, as was George Washington, to whom Jefferson wrote this passage. You can find passages in writing where both Jefferson and Washington describe carrying firearms in private self-defense. It’s simply hard to believe either of these men would have had any sympathy or even notion of modern gun control laws, but in order to preserve the modern 20th century sentiments on the right to keep and bear arms, they have to in fact turn the tables, and argue that it’s our view that is the modern invention, and not theirs.

I have purchased the Kindle Edition of his book. If I manage to get through it, I’ll review it.

Fenway Gun Control Billboard to Find a New Home

So notes the Boston Globe:

The mega-billboard facing the Massachusetts Turnpike between Fenway Park and the Citgo sign has long been a landmark of grim tidings. On Monday, its updated digital counter read, “45,864 Americans killed since the massacre at Sandy Hook.”

It is the kind of stark message that has made the 252-foot-long billboard a graphic, look-at-me advertisement for stricter gun control. But after 19 years, its owner is searching for a new home.

Looks like the people who own the property are looking to do some kind of project that makes more money than a gun control billboard. Hopefully whatever new home it will find won’t be as good a location.

Hat Tip to Cam Edwards

Gun Control Activist Caught in Lie?

Bob Owens continues digging on the assertion of a pro-gun-control activist being spit upon by a pro-gun activists, and it looks more and more like it’s just a lie:

Progressives Today went one step further, noting that there was no footage of the Moms Demand protest shown at the airport.

I’d put my money on her being a liar. The whole thing has smelled of BS from the very beginning. I’d note if you follow the link to Bearing Arms, this is a progressive site reporting on this. Bob Owens notes:

It also remains to be seen if Longdon’s apparent deception will be enough for Moms Demand Action/Everytown to dissociate themselves from her.

Fat chance. They are professional liars themselves. They have no concern for the truth if the media is willing to buy their lies hook, line and sinker.

Chipotle Caves

They pulled a Starbucks:

Chipotle is asking customers not to bring guns into its stores after it says gun rights advocates recently brought military-style assault rifles into one of its restaurants.

They’re not saying it’s a ban, which probably means it’s not. Either way, these are terrible cultural losses for us. How many of these are we going to have to endure before the rifle OCers start to understand they aren’t accomplishing anything except helping drive Shannon Watts’s fundraising, and helping her continue to build her organization?

UPDATE: Their release is here. Much more strongly worded than either Starbucks or Jack-in-the-Box. Personally I decided to stop going to Chipotle when they started putting anti-ag messages on their drink cups. I don’t need people preaching religious claptrap to me when I just want a burrito. That and the qualify of their food and service at our local location has headed downhill recently. I intend to comply with their request and take my business elsewhere. I strongly encourage other gun owners to do so as well.