You have to think that Mike Bloomberg, by about now, is starting to regret his purchasing decision when it comes to Kathleen Kane, given that she’s been caught lying again about her decision to end corruption investigations against Democratic politicians. Instapundit has more on the case. I’d say her political career deserves to be over. She ought to even have an uphill battle ahead of her for re-election. I might even start to get optimistic about the prospects of her being accountable by voters given that even the Inquirer has seemingly turned against her. Hopefully we can be rid of Bloomberg’s Attorney General even if we end up suffering the loss of Tom Corbett in 2014.
Category: Anti-Gun Folks
CSGV’s “National Conversation”
The mouth foamers over at the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence are objecting to Andrew Branca apparently speaking anywhere. His sin? He believes that the rule of law prevailed in the Trayvon Martin case. For a coalition of supposedly peace-loving organizations, the folks who run CSGV sure are a bunch of hate filled, narrow minded goons who try their best on a daily basis to shut down the free exchange of ideas. If gun control is such a good idea, why are they so afraid of debating the issues on their merits in an open and free manner?
New York’s Softening Anti-Gun Views
Because I know that the NYC Mayor would hate to be considered a hypocrite who only serves his political allies when it comes to leniency, I’m quite confident that he will tell the NYPD to go easy the next time a tourist accidentally breaks one of the extreme gun laws. It would only be the right thing to do since he’s currently accusing India of having an “ulterior motive” as they enforce their strict gun/ammunition laws on a NYPD officer who was caught in illegal possession over there because he “forgot.”
And, I’m sure that Rep. Peter King who says that India’s desire to enforce their gun control laws is only a case that is “politically motivated” in order to extract retribution now understands the flaws in his gun control bill that would have given police the same incentives by banning anyone who is lawfully carrying from being pretty much on the same block as a government official.
Pennsylvania’s Candidates Speak Out on Gun Control
Based on their 100% scores from Ceasefire PA, it appears that Allyson Schwartz and Katie McGinty haven’t met a gun control proposal they didn’t like. The “lowest” scoring Democrat on the ballot Tom Wolf who agreed with the gun control group almost 80% of the time. This marks a stark change from 2010 when the “lowest” scoring Democrat was against about half of the group’s policies.
I downloaded the report and will do a more thorough post on the exact issues the gubernatorial candidates want to see become the law of the land in Pennsylvania shortly. One of the delays in getting up a post about the top of the ticket statewide races has been watching the fallout after petitions went in. There have already been changes to the primary ballot with people dropping out, so I wanted to see what the playing field really looked like. Based on the quick look of the summary, pro-gun Democrats in the central part of the state need to start raising their voices – loudly – and start voting their gun rights if they don’t want to line up to turn them in, a serious policy proposal from a suburban Democrat in this state. This isn’t a “Philly” issue anymore. The anti-gun extremism is clearly spreading in Pennsylvania.
CT Gun Control Groups Jump into Elections
It looks like Connecticut gun control groups are worried that enough gun owners may have been pissed off by their legislative package that they fear blowback at the polls. To try and keep that from happening, they are launching a new political action committee with the blessing of the Governor to back anti-gun lawmakers. They claim they spend most of their money on billboards and social media advertising.
To counter this, I would strongly suggest that CT gun owners, and any others who want to help them in their fight, open their wallets to the good opponents to make sure those candidates have the resources to buy up their own targeted messaging. Locally, gun owners also need to get involved in the campaigns in a big way. If you’re not the most social of folks, volunteer to put some signs together and deliver them to areas where they need them. If you’ve got a property along a very busy street, offer to put up the really big signs for candidates. If you’re the outgoing type, make some phone calls or do literature drops. These things will go farther than a social media ad.
Blaming the Object Rather Than the Individual
It’s spelled D-e-o-d-a-n-d, and before the Normans invaded and gave us all those fancy French and Latin words, the Angles and Saxons called them banes. We’re not really any more enlightened as a society than the people who invented the concept in the first millennium, no matter how much we might want to kid ourselves or pat ourselves on the back for our modern sophistication.
Florida Range Fights Shows Insanity of Anti-Gunners
The Stonehedge residents’ reactions Wednesday were in stark contrast to opinions expressed during a meeting the night before, when a handful of Tarpon residents argued with several range supporters and said the facility might spark violence or destroy the city’s quaint character.
Because people who go target shooting are just a hair’s breath away from sparking violence, eh? Meanwhile, other residents are happy that the range will likely draw more law enforcement presence to the area because the range will do LEO training onsite.
Schadenfreude of the Day
The Golden State Gun Control Honor Roll Recipient Fall from Grace
While I was preparing dinner for Sebastian’s birthday celebration with family, more details broke about the accusations against anti-gun California Senator Leeland Yee. The charges that were initially only described as bribery and corruption now reveal his alleged ties to gun running operations. The hypocrisy is so extreme that even the mainstream media is taking notice and opening their stories with the fact that a gun control advocate has been arrested on charges related to facilitating illegal gun sales.
Twitchy is having some fun going back through Sen. Yee’s tweets on gun control sent as the man was allegedly working to help out organized crime networks get more guns into the country illegally.
Through Cam Edwards, we see that Sen. Yee’s website still touts himself as an honoree of The Brady Campaign that held a reception to honor him as a “Gun Violence Prevention Honor Roll” member, according to a press release.
For his commitment to ending gun violence, Assembly Speaker pro Tem Leland Yee (D-San Francisco/Daly City) has been named to the Gun Violence Prevention Honor Roll by the Brady Campaign. The Brady Campaign will honor Yee and other state legislators from throughout the country who earned an A+ for working against gun violence at a reception during the National Conference of State Legislators in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday, August 16, 2006.
I guess it is accurate to describe Sen. Yee as an honor roll worthy politician since he did do his homework. From the indictment against him, you have to give him extra credit for actually knowing the difference between fully automatic firearms and semi-automatic, so that he would (allegedly) make sure to get the right kind of firearms for criminals looking to buy illegally through him.
The Indictment of Leland Yee
Many thanks to Tam for some light reading this morning, with the Leland Yee indictment:
According to SENATOR YEE, the arms dealer had contacts in Russia, Ukraine, Boston and Southern California. UCE 4599 asked SENATOR YEE for his commitment. SENATOR YEE said “Do I think we can make some money? I think we can make some money. Do I think we can get the goods? I think we can get the goods.” SENATOR YEE thought it was more about the timing and who was going to get directly involved. SENATOR YEE said he believed KEITH JACKSON had to be committed to make the deal happen. KEITH JACKSON told SENATOR YEE “I’m in man.”
SENATOR YEE said that he wanted KEITH JACKSON and UCE 4599 to understand what they were about to get into. SENATOR YEE cautioned UCE 4599 and KEITH JACKSON and recounted a story of the last time he was in the Philippines. According to SENATOR YEE, he was surrounded by “armed guards with machine guns.” SENATOR YEE said “Because, I’m getting a little more into this, it’s not just Russia; the Muslim countries have sources too. And so, that has been brought to my attention recently.”
KEITH JACKSON asked UCE 4599 “You know what you want right?” UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE and KEITH JACKSON he wanted any type of “shoulder fired” weapons or missiles. SENATOR YEE asked UCE 4599 “You know what you want right?” UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE and KEITH JACKSON he wanted any type of “shoulder fired” weapons or missiles. SENATOR YEE asked UCE4599 if he wanted “automatic weapons” as opposed to semi-automatic weapons. UCE 4599 confirmed with SENATOR YEE he wanted automatic weapons. KEITH JACKSON asked UCE 4599 about the quantity. UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE and KEITH JACKSON anywhere between $500,000 and $2,500,000 worth of weapons.
Now I know why he supported gun control, because you can’t have ordinary people shooting back at the gangsters. As Uncle pointed out yesterday, the Chicago mob had a lot to do with the gun control laws there. Some of them really do want you disarmed because it’s better to terrorize you that way.