NRA May Have Succeeded at Scuttling Murthy Nomination

The Senate is balking on Vivek Murthy, reports the New York Times, and also The Hill. The NY Times notes:

“We are recalibrating our strategy around his floor vote,” said one senior White House official, who added that a range of options was being discussed. They included working with Democratic leaders to gain more support, delaying a vote until after the midterm elections, or allowing Dr. Murthy to withdraw.

They’re screwed no matter how they want to spin this. They’ve been put in a tough spot. I was kind of skeptical Surgeon General, an office I don’t think anyone pays attention to, was worth a fight over, but this seems to have worked out well so far.

Obama Issues Executive Order over Ukraine

See here. The language essentially freezes all assets of certain Russian persons that are held within the jurisdiction of the United States, including persons “to operate in the arms or related materiel sector in the Russian Federation.” It also prevents them from entering the country. I’m not certain whether this would affect firearm and ammunition imports, but my reading of it suggests that it does. I am not familiar enough with the International Emergency Economic Powers Act to know for sure. It would seem that ammunition within the country already is fine, because it’s your property, or the property of the ammo dealer. Whether Wolf, which is a domestic corporation, is affected, I do not know. It would seem it would depend on whether any Russian Oligarchs own it. But either way, my reading of this suggests that it would be unlawful for anyone to purchase ammunition from Tula, which Wolf needs to do to stay in business.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Politico suggests that no, it only targets personal assets.

American officials stressed Monday morning that they were going after only the private finances of the people targeted, and not their business interests, with the hope that this strategy — done in coordination with travel restrictions and parallel moves by European Union member countries — will increase pressure on Putin.

Though, the EO reads differently.

Monday News Links

It’s been a few days since I’ve been able to blog, but a lot has built up in the tabs. I may have a few separate posts in those tabs somewhere, but sometime I just link everything out in the news dump and see what items I have more to say about than I thought. They become separate posts. So here we go:

The magazine limit reduction in NJ has cleared its first hurdle. I guess lawmakers don’t have any problem saying no to a little girl.

Another mass knife murder in China. Six dead. Clearly the last one inspired a copycat incident.

Bob Owens notes that three people were arrested for violating a local ordinance on Open Carry in Missouri. Missouri’s preemption statute is pretty iron clad, so the arrest was completely illegal. Actually, it seems like OC is one exception to MO preemption. Wow. That does need to be fixed.

The NRA notes that the gun control supporters are bound to take advantage of the inflation of causes of death by the UN, which are generally adopted by the CDC.

Also from NRA, they have filed an amicus brief in the NSA spying case.

Why smart guns are a dumb idea.

Governor Malloy in CT: Your side lost. Arrogant prick.

Cuomo scared to call special elections?

Celebrating 15 years of making gun control supporters wet their pants.

What can metadata reveal about you? Personally, I’m not as concerned if people can find out I’m a gun owner. It’s not really that hard. Just ask the mailman. The concern is if they have a record of what I own.

Jeff also notes that the Wall Street Journal did a hit piece on the gun industry. Of course, what they don’t point out is that unlike cigarettes, the discipline instilled by the shooting sports are good for kids.

Who really designed the AK-47? To be fair, both sides used German scientists and engineers for cold war projects, including our space programs.

Doctors can advise me about guns when they learn to keep their booger hooks off the bang switch.

Tam: “I’m not making a statement; I just want a sammich” I think it’s the same thing that makes people carry AR-15s in to Starbucks.

Prince Law has more on the Sunnyvale case. That Kennedy didn’t enjoin Sunnyvale is not surprising. My understanding is those kinds of injunctions are very rarely issues. What was surprising is that he asked for a response.

The Daily Caller on the Connecticut situation. I hope they aren’t foolish enough to go door to door. They have the ability if they decide to compile the list.

Town in NY tries to shut down anti-SAFE Act sign.

Good write up on MAIG. Glenn Reynolds notes, “To be fair, not all of them are felons, as far as we know.”

Response by Sunnyvale to SCOTUS

The response from the City of Sunnyvale to the Supreme Court can be found here. TL;DR there’s no exigent circumstance here, and there’s no right to have a magazine holding more than ten rounds anyway. They say that at least one applicant is already storing his magazines outside of town, and that this shouldn’t be a problem for other applicants.

Applicants are merely attempting to circumvent the appeals process by asking this Court to prejudge the very issues that are now before the Ninth Circuit in this appeal.

They also note that no lower court has found for a right to keep and bear magazines holding more than ten rounds.

Every court that has considered the constitutionality of a ban on LCMs, including the D.C. Circuit, has applied intermediate scrutiny and held that such a ban does not violate the Second Amendment. See Heller v. District of Columbia, 670 F.3d 1244, 1264 (D.C. Cir. 2011); San Francisco Veteran Police Officers Ass’n v. City & Cnty. of San Francisco, C-13-05351 WHA, 2014 WL 644395, at *7 (N.D. Cal. Feb. 19, 2014); New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n, Inc. v. Cuomo, C-13-291S, 2013 WL6909955, at *18 (W.D.N.Y. Dec. 31, 2013); Shew v. Malloy, C-13-739 AVC, 2014 WL346859, at *9 (D. Conn. Jan. 30, 2014); Tardy v. O’Malley, C-13-2861, TRO Hr’g Tr.,at 66-71 (D. Md. Oct. 1, 2013).3

And after all, all courts agree that the Second Amendment is a Second Class Right:

Since this Court recognized the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, the Circuits have adopted a careful and measured approach to the various gun control ordinances they have evaluated, deciding each case on its merits and avoiding broad pronouncements that would up-end the development of Second Amendment jurisprudence. In keeping with this careful approach, a consensus has emerged in the Circuits that while severe restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms either fail categorically without regard to their justifications or fail strict scrutiny, more modest burdens that permit armed self-defense but only regulate the exercise of that right are subject to less demanding scrutiny.

The response drips with disdain for the Second Amendment, and for the rights of gun owners. I hope the Court can help us out here with an injunction, but I’d be a liar if I said I was optimistic.

UPDATE: The motion was denied without comment. There’s not too much in the way of tea leaves to read here.

Right to Carry Reciprocity Introduced

The bill is H.R. 2959, and NRA has a press release out about the bill. Elections are coming up soon, and whether or not we can get this through the Senate (probably not) or through the President (definitely not) it gets lawmakers on record for an important vote. This particular bill doesn’t enumerate specific powers that Congress has to pass such a bill, but that is not strictly required. Certainly Congress has the power under Section 5 of the 14th Amendment to pass such a bill. As I’ve mentioned in the past, there is a potential issue with the case of City of Boerne v. Flores case, in terms of the Court having been willing, in the past, to smack down Congress for getting out ahead of the Supreme Court in defining a right.

However, in this case, Heller contained lengthy discussion that recognized the right to carry a firearm, though not necessarily in any manner one may want, and not necessarily any place. The bill still leaves room for states to ban the carrying of concealed weapons entirely (though, at this point, no state does so). It is as respectful to the right as described in Heller as Congress could muster, so it is arguably a bill that is not getting out in front of Congress. Additionally, even if the 14th Amendment argument fails, there are at least two others that may also work. Though I’ve written before about why I think resting federal reciprocity on the interstate commerce power could be a dubious proposition, even in light of Gonzalez v. Raich, because there’s no real nexus to interstate commerce with this bill, short of arguments the court has rejected in past cases.

I’d note that I don’t think this should be the end of Congress exercising it’s 14th Amendment powers on behalf the Second Amendment, but only the beginning. Just because the Supreme Court has had a turf battle with Congress in one context doesn’t necessarily mean they will choose to in another. At the least, Congress needs to preempt DC City Council from regulating firearms above what federal law does, which it has the clear, plenary power to do. But I’d also like to see such preemption applied to all states, and finally be rid of the two Americas problem.

Interesting Development at the Supreme Court

I had this topic scheduled for tomorrow, but sometimes when you try to stretch out material, it’s old news before you can blink an eye. So I’ll go tonight, with Dave Hardy, who is reporting that the Supreme Court had just made an interesting move in the case involving the magazine ban in Sunnyvale, California. The motion to stay enforcement until the case had been decided was denied by the District Court, and again by the 9th Circuit. It was appealed to the Supreme Court, and Kennedy just told the city it needed to respond by tomorrow. Interesting! We will eagerly see how this goes.

Smart Gun Company Makes a Move on Remington

A reader sent me details about a company called Global Digital Solutions filing a Form 8-K with the SEC announcing their intent to acquire Remington Outdoor Company, previously known as Freedom Group. At first I thought this might be some conspiracy stuff, but as I started looking into it myself, I think we might have something to really be concerned about here. Because what else is GDSI known for? Personalized Gun Control. Their technology essentially provides, according to their release “Encrypted, password-protected, digital, trigger-locking capability.” and “Secure, real-time online tracking,” and if that’s not enough to get your tin foil hat in a bunch, “Encrypted, cloud-enabled databases.” No sir. You make guns with this, I won’t buy them. In fact, that would pretty much ensure I never buy any other product from Remington Outdoor ever again. I am also not the only gun owner who feels this way. You can take that to the bank. They do add:

In the commercial marketplace, the company emphasized that use of the encrypted locking device and other GDSI Gatekeeper safety and security features would be completely voluntary on the part of individual small arms owners and authorized dealers.

“Here in the United States, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is constitutionally protected and inviolable,” Sullivan added.  “The Gatekeeper program will provide additional safety and security for law-abiding gun owners in the United States and elsewhere.  We believe Gatekeeper’s secure locking and tracking features could encourage millions of people who might have shied away from keeping firearms in their homes because of safety concerns to reconsider.  And collectors would be able use make use of Gatekeeper’s tracking and database features to exercise greater control over their prized firearms collections.”

It’ll be voluntary until you put this on the market, then it’ll be mandatory. That’s already the case under New Jersey law. All it takes is a declaration from the state Attorney General and this will be the only technology you can buy there. Also, if this naive CEO thinks the “right of the people to keep and bear arms is constitutionally protected and inviolable” I have a bridge to sell him.

Now I want to be clear, GSDI’s offer is unsolicited, meaning Remington didn’t approach them. It doesn’t mean Remington Outdoors is having anything to do with these yahoos. But I want to be clear to GDSI that they will have one hell of a poison pill to swallow in what the gun community will do to the Remington companies if a deal like this were to ever go through.

Tuesday News

The news cycle is a double edged sword. Gun control isn’t getting much play in the media, which is good for us, but kind of makes things difficult if you’re a blogger. Though, it’s always good to see the PSH in the news because of something we’re doing, and we do have some of that:

Indiana is considering a bill to allow people to keep firearms locked up in their vehicles while on school grounds. Needless to say, Indiana resident Shannon Watts isn’t happy. We’re happy to be doing things to keep her attention focused on Indiana.

We defeated them in Oregon, at least for this year.

Rep. Randy Dunn of Kansas City thinks Missourians should have to run away from an attacker before resorting to deadly force.

More debate on the 1911. I’m with Uncle on the M1911. I can shoot an M1911 more accurately than most other pistols. I even do better with Para’s LDA trigger than with a Glock. But I’d still never carry a 1911.

Only Guns and Money is joining a podcast. I agree with him that blogs aren’t dead, but I think it is becoming increasingly difficult for hobby blogs to compete for limited audiences with commercial players who are doing it for a livelihood. You won’t see an SNBQ podcast. I have a voice meant for writing.

For someone who is a PR professional, I often don’t get Shannon Watts. She decided to make a story out of something that wasn’t a story. CSGV particularly has been going into the realm of lunacy as of late. They’d be in the category of “help I don’t want,” if I was a sensible person on their side of the issue. But I question whether Watts is actually sensible.

Cuomo is prepping an anti-gun ad campaign.

Campus Carry in Idaho is on the Governor’s desk. Now he has to be convinced to sign.

Glenn Reynolds writes about the militia. The closest thing we have to such a thing today, in terms of how they were structured, are volunteer fire departments. I kind of wonder if SWAT teams were volunteers whether they’d feel quite as good about kicking down grandma’s door because she was growing some pot as the people getting paid for it.

Glenn Reynolds responds to Eugene Volokh’s article about magazine capacity: “Personally, I think civilians and police should be able to carry the same kinds of weapons. That’s a useful check on the militarization of the police.” I couldn’t agree more.

Russian ammo rumors are bogus. Though I do hold out the possibility we could lose Russian ammo supplies under economic sanctions. I’m not sure the fear is bogus, even if it’s business as usual for now.

Yeah, I’m kind of with Bob Owens on the idea of using George Zimmerman as a celebrity. The worst he may be guilty of is poor judgement when it comes to women, but it’s just not the kind of celebrity I’d want as a face of the issue. Sometimes gun show promoters are our own worst enemies.

Yes, there are really people who believe this: The crooks only have guns because their victims do.

Caleb has a pretty good article about “Where have all the great gun writers gone.”

Some cops are living up to their oath in Connecticut. We need to encourage this. I actually think we need a foundation in this country that offers to help cops who were fired from their jobs for refusing to obey unconstitutional orders, or kick in doors that don’t really need to be kicked in, and help them move to departments that are more amiable to their principles.

Off topic:

Tam pretty much channels how I feel about the Ukraine/Russian situation. I think the Obama Administration was stupid for considering Russia no threat, but making overtures about putting NATO on Russia’s borders was bound to provoke the bear, and if you’re not prepared to shoot the bear, you shouldn’t provoke him. It just makes you look weak when he charges and you’re not really prepared.

This guy is my kind of Aussie: “I said to myself, if I’m going to cark it I’m going to have a beer, so I got a Goldie out of the fridge and drank that; ’cause you know eastern browns are the second most venomous snake in the world,” Keep calm and have a Goldie.

It’s amazing no one was killed in this plane crash.


More Bad News for the Gun Control Crowd

They aren’t getting any generational shift on the issue:

In the study, Millennials opposed gun control by a margin of 50-48 percent. Although it’s a small margin, WAMC Northeast Public Radio points out it is “roughly at par with the attitudes of older generations.”

Though, if Millennials say they are against gun control but don’t vote against it, it won’t rightly matter. The GOP so far has not shown itself very effective with this generation, so the gun control groups can still hold out hope that this generation keeps voting Democratic, despite the party’s position on guns, because of other issues.

ANJRPC Alert on Magazine Ban



Hearing Time Changed to 1:00 p.m. 

Gun Owners and Sportsmen Need to Pour it On

Between Now and Thursday!

The rescheduled hearing of the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee that was cancelled due to winter storm Titan will take place on Thursday, March 13.  The hearing time has been changed to 1:00 p.m.  Please plan to attend and testify in person if you are able.

The hearing is scheduled to take place in the State House Annex, 125 West State Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08608, in

committee room 12 on the 4th floor.  The committee room is subject to change without notice (please inquire when you arrive).

Between now and Thursday, it is extremely important that gun owners sustain their efforts to urge members of the committee to oppose A2006 (gun ban / magazine ban), and to amend A2777 (transportation of firearms) to make a one-word amendment to restore judicial discretion on reasonable deviations in transport.  Contact information for committee members is at the bottom of this alert.

Committee members have already been overwhelmed with calls and correspondence from gun owners over the past two weeks, and that needs to continue throughout this and every upcoming phase in the life of this legislation.  Legislators who won’t see the light need to feel the heat. (Note: one legislator, Assemblyman David Rible (R-30), has responded to each of the thousands of gun owners who have contacted him, indicating his opposition to the A2006 gun ban/mag ban. We will have a further update on those who support the Second Amendment after the hearing).


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