Great News out of New Hampshire

With Bloomberg’s anti-gun coalition anxious to show that they could swing a purple state on the background check issue alone, they chose to target New Hampshire with a specific bill that was Schumeresque in its structure. Despite a misinformation campaign from the media, the bill has been pretty overwhelmingly defeated. The vote was 242-118, in a purple state over an issue the other side keeps consistently saying everyone just wants because its common sense.

They are kidding themselves. Their 2013 run is increasingly looking like the battle of the bulge. We just need to stay valiant and continue to push them back until they are crushed mercilessly and driven into political extinction, along with prohibition, and every other failed progressive experiment. They will work hard to target “no” votes in 2014. They can’t be allowed to succeed in defeating any of them.

Under Attack Again in Delaware

The Democrats in Delaware are looking to come at us again, this time at preemption. For a state that’s solid blue, and controlled by Dems, the First State got off rather light post-Newtown, which I’m sure is very unacceptable to some, especially Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden. Nothing like trying to make up for daddy’s federal embarrassment on the backs of Delaware gun owners.

It’s really not good news. The proposed House Bill would repeal preemption only for Wilmington. The Senate bill would repeal preemption in Delaware entirely. I think it’s very important to follow the link and get involved if you live there.

South Carolina Passes Restaurant Carry

You can find the bill here, which was signed into law by Governor Nikki Haley this morning. It’s pretty much the basic law: you can carry in a restaurant, but you can’t drink, and restaurant owners can post prohibiting guns. The law also eases training requirements and some easements for transport.

Now if they’d just improve their reciprocity law to honor non-resident licenses of reciprocal states, we’d be set.

Obama Nominates Anti-Gun Surgeon General

Emily Miller reports on the nomination of Dr. Vivek Murthy. Well, to be fair, I’m not sure we’ve had a pro-gun Surgeon General. But some of the positions taken by his organization are troubling, nonetheless. Though, does anyone really give a crap what the Surgeon General says anymore? They are basically political hacks. Koop was the only Surgeon General I think that had any notoriety, and he was still an insufferable busybody. I’m not sure even if he’s confirmed, it’ll change the state the debate much.

Opposing Gun Control in Oregon

Several readers have sent me this, which has been making its way around the blogosphere. It’s worth watching, if you haven’t seen it yet:

Is it just me, or does that guy look an awful lot like Johnathan Rhys Meyers who plays King Henry VIII on the Showtime series “The Tudors.”

Tuesday News Links

If you live in Eastern Pennsylvania or New Jersey, bend over, because here it comes again. Aunt Em! Toto! It’s a Nor’easter! it’s a Nor’easter! (that’s Naweasta for those of you in New England). I suppose this god awful winter just wouldn’t be complete without one. One disadvantage to having an office in the middle of the hobby farming and horse breeding bedroom community in Chester County is that it’s hard for people get in during any inclement weather, so this winter has been a real killer for us. But that’s not to say there hasn’t been gun news:

Rifle OC isn’t about attention whoring. No sir.

Like you and me, only better.

This is how such things would be handled in a more ideal world.

We now have a SAFE act legal AR-15. I’m sure the removal of the pistol grip will make it less deadly. The Coalition Against Gun Ergonomics will no doubt be pleased. Could we file suit against SAFE using the American’s With Disabilities Act? Anyone in NY have arthritis?

An exodus from MAIG. That’s OK, since they don’t seem to be big on maintaining a list of members these days. That’s been nothing but a boon for us when some of them inevitably get convicted of crimes.

Andrew Cuomo is trying to buy some gun votes by spending money on ranges. Hate to tell you, buddy, but ranges are useless when you banned all the guns that were popular.

Shot detection seems to be a waste of money.

There’s a new book in the works about guns and the civil rights movement. The carefully constructed progressive narrative is coming apart. Groups like CSGV, MDA and the increasingly irrelevant Brady organization have to be coming apart at the seams.

Concealed Carry on Campus in Idaho introduced. Clayton is looking to organize some students.

Restricting guns to prevent suicide? Clearly what we need are more background checks.

Ohio Court of Appeals panel rules that the Second Amendment applies to carrying firearms in cars.

Another Third Amendment case. For two hundred years we’ve had one or two Third Amendment cases. But thanks to the modern police state culture that is overtaking American law enforcement, this is the third such case I’ve seen as of late.

Restricting handgun possession to those 17 and under passes strict scrutiny in Louisiana.

I was hoping to have more to say about a federal judge upholding Connecticut’s new gun control laws, but I just don’t. It’s the intermediate scrutiny two step again… with judges treating the Second Amendment as an inferior right.

Nothing ails the pain a family has to be suffering due the accidental death of a child like sending a parent to jail.” We’d never think about doing such a thing with a parent who left a gate open by accident on a pool, despite pools killing far more children each year.

Joe notices CSGV’s flexible fundraising goals. Their finances were not in the best of shape pre-Newtown. I suspect they had a boot post-Newtown, but people’s attention has moved on since.

Bob Owens highlights some epic ignorance on parade.

NSA spying undermines separation of powers.

Caleb is upset that NAGR highlights a sausage sack holster in one of its ads.

Are SoCos saving liberalism?

Nick Johnson on NRA News

Sorry for somewhat of a prolonged absence. While we recovered from the ice storm fine here, our office was not so fortunate, and so we had to relocate a lot of equipment to get things up and running again and the business functioning. That takes a few long days. Our Internet finally came this Sunday, just in time for me to come down with a stomach flu. I can’t seem to win this winter. Here’s an interview between Nick Johnson and Cam Edwards I thought you’d enjoy:

I’ll try to post a few things later, if I have the energy.

SHARE Act Passes House

SHARE or Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement. While there’s a lot of pro-hunting stuff here, it’s also by virtue a pro-carry initiative. You can find the text here. Key point:

Title VI: Access to Water Resources Development Projects Act - Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act of 2013 - Prohibits the Secretary of the Army from promulgating or enforcing any regulation that prohibits an individual from possessing a firearm at a water resources development project administered by the Chief of Engineers if: (1) the individual is not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing the firearm, and (2) the possession of the firearm is in compliance with the law of the state in which the project is located.

That’s basically the same language that was inserted into the 2009 Credit Card Bill to force the NPS to allow carry in National Parks. This is a good victory, but will the Senate take it up? It’s an election year. A “yes” vote on this would help a lot of troubled Democrats who are up in 2014, and Obama, as a lame duck, no longer needs to be protected. It would be interesting to see whether this could get sent to Obama, and what he’d do.


Local Improvements in Gun Laws

Firearms attorney Josh Prince recently sued Erie, PA when they enforced a local ordinance banning guns on some of their town property in violation of the state’s preemption law. While it may seem like a small effort for gun rights, it did apparently scare the leaders of a town 432 miles away into not only stopping a march toward banning guns on government property, but also repealing old laws in violation from the books. (h/t to Josh Prince)

CT State Police Won’t Aid With Compliance

Bearing Arms is reporting that the Connecticut State Police are refusing to help firearms manufacturers comply with their new gun control law. I think the response should be to withdraw from the Connecticut market, including law enforcement. Then we’ll see if they want to do their jobs.