Coming at us Again in Illinois

A magazine ban is on the move. They are also, once again, trying to weasel out of the court order by passing some form of permitting system that will allow cronies of the Chicago political machine to carry, but probably not anyone else. The bill is SB1002.

Official Statement on Supposed Perazzi Arrest

It turns out that the story that lit up the blogosphere was not exactly accurate. Or, as Perazzi says, “devoid of any foundation and the news is completely fabricated.”

With reference to press reports concerning Daniele Perazzi’s alleged unlawful arrest for terrorism last Saturday in Denver (Colorado), we state that the incident is devoid of any foundation and the news is completely fabricated. Daniele Perazzi (founder of Perazzi SpA) died last year, and his son Mauro was not in the United States last Saturday. The Perazzis are not involved in any wrongdoing in any way, shape or form and, to our best knowledge, are not under investigation or scrutiny nor are targets of criminal proceedings. It is difficoult to think that this news are a mistake; there are reasons to believe that somebody who has interests against the company is dissaminating false informations. The Perazzi Company, contrarily to what has been reported, is very familiar with the US legislation on weapons, due to its extensive and successful presence in the American market. Perazzi has allready given mandate to its lawyers to promote criminal and civil action with the purpose to protect the brand and company’s reputation and its activities conducted also in the United States.

Perazzi SpA
Roberta Perazzi CEO

Gun Bills Pass in New Jersey


This afternoon, the New Jersey Assembly passed 4 gun bills, as follows:

A3797(Requires NJ State Police to disclose confidential ATF trace data in violation of federal law). This bill now moves to the Governor’s desk.

A3796(Reopens “assault” firearms compliance window for only 180 days; fails to allow compliance for prohibited magazines and ammunition).  This bill now moves to the Governor’s desk.

A3583(Creates school security task force). This bill now moves to the Governor’s desk.

A3717(Submits mental health records to NICS – no stated requirement of due process).  This bill was amended today and will have to be reconsidered by the full Senate (next scheduled meeting is currently May 30th).

Major state house activity is not anticipated until the next full Senate floor vote.

Additional updates and action alerts will be forthcoming.

Is that it? If that’s it, you guys got off a lot lighter than I would have figured.

Prosecutorial Discretion in DC

Apparently they have heard of it, for people who aren’t David Gregory. Of course, the fact that this guy, who shot a Pitbull attacking a child, still has to face a fine is still a travesty. We’re dealing with a guy who has no record, who is an upstanding citizen that did the right thing. The gun was legally purchased in Virginia when he lived there. Gun rights in DC are only for the rich. I guess he’s gotten the message now.

A Shot Across the Bow

Kansas isn’t exactly a hotbed of activity for Bloomberg’s merry band of illegal mayors, but this looks like a shot across the bow to MAIG:

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Kansas legislators are close to approving restrictions favored by the National Rifle Association on the use of state tax dollars to promote or oppose gun-control measures or to lobby local, state or federal officials on the issue.

Remember last year that it was discovered that MAIG was using taxpayer money for paid city positions to promote MAIG’s gun control agenda. This would put the kibosh on that practice. Hopefully Kansas is just a start. I’d like to start striking back at Bloomberg and making him pay for what he’s put us through this year.

Brothers of Minor Celebrities a Big Deal if You’re the WaPo

Apparently a person whose opinion I don’t give a rat’s ass about is in favor of some gun control, and this is news because he’s the brother of a minor celebrity whose opinion I also don’t give a rat’s ass about.

A Clue This Struggle Isn’t About “Assault Weapons”

The powers that be in Colorado had Daniele Perazzi (yes, that Perazzi) arrested on suspicion of terroristic activities, because the cab driver apparently heard him talking all kinds of gun stuff.  It’s not a good time in America to be a swarthy furriner talking gun stuff, I guess. And apparently we’re the ones who are racist and xenophobic. Yah, OK.

UPDATE: It would seem the veracity of this story could be in doubt. It may be a different Perazzi. It may not have happened at all.

UPDATE 2: According to Perazzi, this story is “devoid of any foundation and the news is completely fabricated.”

Friday Evening News Dump

Well, it’s been a busy week for me, and I’m glad it’s over. I’ll end it on a news dump:

NY Sheriffs really do oppose the SAFE act. But I thought law enforcement was on their side? Also, an update on the SAFE lawsuit. SAFE has now been enforced on an otherwise honest citizen.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent? Really.

So much for pro-gun Democrats in North Carolina. In 2014, they all need to be reminded this is a losing issue.

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley signs the state’s sweeping gun control package. Beretta USA, headquartered in Accokeek, MD, responds.

Do you yourself H&K G36? Well, not quite. The G36 is probably the only H&K rifle I’d like to own, but not at that price tag.

Shut up, peon! Apparently New Jersey legislators don’t like citizens speaking out.

3D printing is the technology of liberty. But guns aren’t really what should scare you when it comes to 3D printing. (h/t Instapundit)

Biden is looking to churches for support on gun control. Well, when it comes to the national bodies, most churches are pretty anti-gun already. Congregations? That’s another matter.

The Bradys know where their media bread is buttered.

What’s your definition of an AR?

Not all gun owners are fanatics.

Dates are set on the Gun Blogger Rendezvous VIII, 2013. It is the oldest continuously operating gun blogger gathering. It’s unlikely I’ll make it this year. I don’t have the disposable income I used to, and Reno is an expensive city to fly to from the east coast.

Why you can’t shoot lead bullets through a Glock, and what you need to do to be able to save money doing so.

Tim at Gun Nuts latest post on Open Carry.

TGIF everybody! Hopefully next week won’t be as crazy.

California Freezes Handgun Roster?

A tweet from California attorney Jason Davis indicates that California’s microstamping law is now in effect:

Based on this release this afternoon by the California DOJ, they are certifying the microstamping law in full effect.

According to the document, this effectively means that handguns not currently on the roster must have microstamping in order to get on the roster. Since no manufacturer makes this available, it would seem that the market for handguns is currently frozen and limited to guns already approved.

Not being an attorney, much less one who specializes in California gun laws, I’m sure there will be more people much smarter than me talking about the impact of this announcement that was released on a Friday afternoon.