What Should Happen to the ATF?

Red’s Trading Post Blog asks the question. Go tell him what you think. I would like nothing better than to see the organization rolled up into another federal agency, because I think we have too many federal law enforcement agencies in general, and I think there are cultural problems within ATF that need to be remedied.

But unless we can get rid of every federal gun law, which I don’t believe is politically feasible for the foreseeable future, a solution has to come from Congress. That’s also not likely as long as the Democrats are running things.

But we can’t blame the Democrats for all this. We still have a Republican occupying the White House. A Republican who is supposed to be friendly to lawful gun ownership. What are you doing for us now Mr. Bush? Mr. Gonzalez? We will remember this come 2008!

UPDATE: Take a look at the gem from this article:

In a phone interview, Professor Burbick says the gun-rights movement began not only in reaction to gun laws, but also as a reflection of white men’s anxiety about the civil rights movement. Right-wing politicians have deliberately exploited that anxiety, exaggerating the dangers of government power and of criminals who supposedly target every unarmed person, she says. “The gun has become a fetish — an emotional response to a changing America,” she notes, “the idea that somehow, the social problems of the U.S. will be solved through private gun ownership and a lot more guns.”

Are these people serious?  I love it when the media passes off someone else’s preconceptions and prejudices as authoritative opinion.  Professor Jean Burbick, as a pro-civil rights, otherwise socially liberal gun rights advocate, you can go to hell.

Passing Blame

Bryan Miller, President of CeaseFire New Jersey and Pennsylvania, is busy blaming the handgun manufacturers for the tragedy in Newark.  Also blamed are Pennsylvania’s gun laws.   Glossed over is the fact that New Jersey’s very strict gun laws did not prevent this tragedy.   I’ve had my say.   Go have yours.

Violence Policy Center Study Bunk

A few days ago I linked to a VPC study that purported to rank states by number of drive by shootings. While I linked to it in such a way as to not take it seriously, it would appear that, perhaps because they lack the funding to conduct a proper study, that VPC determined this through creative Google searching! I couldn’t make this shit up folks.

Stick a fork in them. The VPC is done.

Attention Garden State Gun Owners

The New Jersey State Police might be about to make you a hardened criminal, by changing the state regulations that allow for magazines to be blocked to 15 rounds.

Turning the law abiding of today into the criminal of tomorrow; It’s just the kind of gun control that Bryan Miller says has overwhelming support in New Jersey, and who is intent on bringing into the Keystone State!

More PSH

I think SayUncle has offically launched the term “Pants Shitting Hysterics” into the gun blogging vernacular, such that we now call it PSH for short.   Well, Ahab has the latest example from a media type who apparently thinks that he can’t be trusted with firearms, and, possibly none of us should be either.

Bitter Headed Home

Bitter had to take a day off work to deal with all the insurance mess from the accident.  Fortunately, it seems that everything has worked out OK.   The at fault insurance company seems to be picking up the whole tab, as they should.  She dropped off her car at a local body shop, and got herself a rental car, and is now on her way back to Virginia.

In the mail today, I got our new carry ammo.  It’s been six months (you replace you carry ammo every six months, right?) since I got Bitter her first box of carry ammo that doesn’t suck, so I got us both new boxes of Corbon DPX 9mm.  Prior to dating me, Bitter used whatever carry ammo someone gave her, which used to be Silver Bear 115gr HP.

I’m a big believer on not skimping on defense loads.  Your life is worth something you know is going to work, and Corbon has a fantastic reputation for making a quality produc.  DPX in particular does well in tests that involve firing through barriers.  It’s expensive, but I think it’s hard to beat as a carry load.

Steve Cappelli Switching Sides?

From the Inquirer, it appears one of our stalwarts against gun control in the Pennsylvania General Assembly might be switching sides:

After a face-to-face meeting with Cappelli last month, Thomas said the lawmaker had agreed to become a spokesman for some of the Legislative Black Caucus’ gun-control bills, 33 of which are stalled in committee.

Specifically, Cappelli agreed to support House Bill 1746, which would allow the city to enact its own gun laws in consultation with the U.S. and state attorneys general, Thomas said.

Needless to say, this is not a welcome development.  I have to drive through Philadelphia on my way to see Bitter.   The city, given the chance, will ban concealed carry within city limits.  I do not favor weakening our state’s preemption laws.  The Pennsylvania Constitution applies in Philadelphia, as it does in every other city in Pennsylvania.  If we let Philadelphia infringe on it, other cities are sure to demand the ability to do the same.  That would create the patchwork of local regulations that preemption was created to avoid.

Anti-Gun Blog Woes

Jeff links to a pretty good NYT article on anti-gun blogger woes:

But, she said, liberal bloggers have expressed little interest in the subject.

Mr. Rasiej suggested she start blogging herself.

“Put up a blog and ask the blogging community how to make it part of the conversation,” he said. “There’s an opportunity for you to engage with bloggers by saying, ‘I like what you’re saying about health care but you aren’t talking about the gun issue.’ Create a presence for yourself in this community. Write on Kos or MyDD.”

The reason is because liberals don’t care about gun control anymore.  More and more it’s becoming an issue of contention on the left, and more of a settled thing on the right.   I think the lack of gun control blogs is a testament to that.