More evidence …

… that we have the gun control movement in full retreat.  This is the time to be most vigilant, and stay in the fight politically.  Keep the NRA, and other gun rights organizations powerful, and well financed.  To use an analogy: the Civil War dragged on for years, largely because Union generals, even when they could beat Lee, never pursued his army and destroyed it, but allowed him to safely retreat.

With a number of gun control organizations currently on the ropes, and with a possible Supreme Court victory for the right to bear arms in sight, we are presented with an opportunity to pursue and defeat the gun control movement as we currently know it, but we can only do it if we stay strong, and united.

Via Michael Bane

Great Gun Buyback Tale

This is really one of the best tales of the gun buy back that I’ve seen.  Great job!  Philly, unfortunately, has wised up and stopped handing out cash.  They only hand out gift certificates to places I wouldn’t want to shop.  But in the hey day, they were offering up to 250 dollars for anything they considered to be an “assault” weapon, and I think 100 for a pistol, and 50 for a long gun that didn’t look scary.

Paintball Kalashnikovs

Ahab links to paintball guns that look like Kalashnikovs.  Oddly enough, they are variants on the same type of paintball gun I have.  I do occasionally play, but I have to admit this is kind of silly.  Painball has absolutely nothing to do with marksmanship or equipment.  It’s all tactics.

I’ve shot expensive paintball guns and cheap ones, and it all comes down to the fact that you can’t get a liquid filled gelatin ball to go in a consistent direction no matter what fancy things you imagine your gun does to it.  Paintball guns that look like real ones tend to be impractical, because the mask you need to wear when playing prevents a reasonable cheek weld, and aiming doesn’t really do you any good anyway.

Advice to Squeaky Wheel

Sqeaky Wheel is looking for first time gun buying advice. I’m going to assume she’s not completely novice shooting, because I advise novices to start with an inexpensive .22LR semi-auto, work out the basics, and then move up to a pistol with actual recoil.

For concealed carry, I’m a fan of semi-autos. They are easier to shoot accurately, carry more cartridges, and are easy to reload. Of the pistols she lists, I would go with either the Glock 19 (which is what I carry) or the Springfield XD.

However, I am a 6’3″, 230lb male. I can conceal a compact frame pistol without too much difficulty. Carry for women is a more difficult proposition, because there’s no really good way to conceal. Women have curves in the wrong places for concealing a gun, and unless you’re ok with wearing baggy clothes all the time, it can be a real problem.

The best method for women is probably purse carry, but to do that you need to invest in a quality carry purse that allows quick and easy access. If you can’t draw and present the gun for firing in a few seconds, you need to rethink your method. Especially if you plan to carry a semi-auto, it’s vitally important that the firearm be contained in a proper holster within the purse. Some purse holsters come with fabric holsters that I think are entirely inadequate, because they don’t allow for easy re-holstering. If you see one with retention straps on it, ditch them. If the firearm is secure in the gun compartment of the purse, they are superfluous, and will complicate your draw. You will also need to be very careful about placing down the purse. If you’re the kind of person that misplaces it, purse carry is not for you. This is one area there’s no room for error. You also have to be prepared to thwart purse snatchers, and be prepared for them; if they get your purse, they get your gun too.

There are other deep concealment methods that can work if you practice them enough, but I’ve always been skeptical of their utility in a stress situation.

Alias or Sockpuppet?

Lessons from Macca has brought up a big question, as to whether that type of commenting is just using an alias, or engaging in sock puppetry. Sock puppetry is a distinct act, and we should be careful not to accuse it when what we’re really seeing is use of an alias. Sock puppetry requires misrepresenting yourself as another distinct person. Was the poster misrepresenting themselves as another person? Or merely trying to hide identity? To me that’s the key distinction. Sebastian, for instance, is an alias. I use it to hide my true identity, but anything I tell you about myself, or any of my opinions, are the real deal. I’m not trying to represent myself as a different person than I am.

Is Macca and alias, or a sock puppet? Discuss in the comments.

Lessons from Macca

So we know that SayUncle posted here his theory for what happened with the Brady Blog.  I suspected that Macca was a young staffer, but I would appear to have been incorrect, after comments on my post here.  I am fairly certain that I know Macca’s true identity at this point.

In the interest of decency, I’m not going to out who she/he is.  My personal curiosity was merely to find out whether we had some real grass roots showing up on Brady’s Blog or whether we had people closely associated with the organization showing up to make it appear that way.

Macca would appear to be a board member for the Brady Campaign, and an activist with the organization in Texas.  It would appear Macca is not full time paid staff, but nonetheless is closely associated with the organization.  Just for contrast, SayUncle isn’t even a member of the NRA.  I am a member, but I doubt there are any NRA board members out there who would know me if they saw me.   I have met some prominent people in the gun rights community, but all those contacts I developed through blogging.   Before I started blogging, I was just a number in the member database.  I started this blog, because I cared about the issue, and I wanted to impress a chick.  All of us have similar stories.

I have no doubt that Macca is as passionate about gun control as I am about stopping it, but if one of the few proponents of gun control that’s showing up to argue against us, on their own blog, is a Brady Board member, they have a lot of work to do getting people energized about their issue, and getting them informed.

The gun control movement has had three decades of a fawning media who were willing to eat up everything they said without question, and regurgitate it for public consumption.   The new media isn’t going to work that way.  We’re out here and prepared to challenge them, and their new media efforts to date stand as a shining example of how unprepared I think they are.   They had better come up with new arguments, and get used to dealing with tough criticism and questions, because it’s not going to get any easier from here.   We’re all going to make sure of that!

NRA Wine Club?

This is interesting:

The National Rifle Association has created a wine club, and a donation of its proceeds go to the NRA in its battle to preserve the Second Amendment.

According to, NRA members can go to the organization’s Web site and shop for a variety of “vintage boutique wines handpicked for club members.” Buy $500 worth of wine, and you’ll get a rebate that pays for your NRA membership, the Web site said.

According to many, the NRA are nothing but a bunch of trailer park bubbas. What’s with the hoity toity wine club? I’m not much of a wine drinker. I pretty much do the two B’s: beer and bourbon. I feel left out.