Condition three being without a round in the chamber. Robb is not a big fan of the practice, and neither am I. But on the issue of re-holstering:
Placing your gat back in its saddle is something that requires ceremony. It’s not an action to be done lightly without preparation and visual inspection. This isn’t a situational issue either; I wager most of you are not operators operating in operations where reholstering is something that needs to be done in milliseconds because you’re needing to transition to your full auto in order to lay down suppressive fire.
The only issue I have with this is that when the chips are down, and adrenaline is pumping, you will do what you’ve trained yourself to do. In that circumstance, I’m not sure how wise an idea it is to remove your eyes from the threat you just put down to put your eyes on your holster and gun, rather than keep them up looking for further threats. So I’m a believer in being able to re-holster without looking, and training that way. If you are wise in your clothing and holster selection, you should not have to worry about foreign objects getting lodged in the trigger guard.
What say you?