Carrying in Condition 3

Condition three being without a round in the chamber. Robb is not a big fan of the practice, and neither am I. But on the issue of re-holstering:

Placing your gat back in its saddle is something that requires ceremony. It’s not an action to be done lightly without preparation and visual inspection. This isn’t a situational issue either; I wager most of you are not operators operating in operations where reholstering is something that needs to be done in milliseconds because you’re needing to transition to your full auto in order to lay down suppressive fire.

The only issue I have with this is that when the chips are down, and adrenaline is pumping, you will do what you’ve trained yourself to do. In that circumstance, I’m not sure how wise an idea it is to remove your eyes from the threat you just put down to put your eyes on your holster and gun, rather than keep them up looking for further threats. So I’m a believer in being able to re-holster without looking, and training that way. If you are wise in your clothing and holster selection, you should not have to worry about foreign objects getting lodged in the trigger guard.

What say you?

Back in the Black

Cemetery tries to shoot an IPSC match with black powder:

Shot a local USPSA match yesterday, signed up for Single Stack in Minor, since real black can’t deliver the power factor needed for major.  Maybe, just maybe, SWISS 3f can squeak by…..and what about Triple Seven?  Triple Seven is noted to be 15% hotter than any black powder in each grade, so that’s a possibility, but that’s a black powder substitute, and we don’t need to discuss such things here.

I once joked with Cemetery at a local blogger gathering, that he ought to carry cartridges loaded with pepper, and at meals unseat the bullet and sprinkle it on food, offering up “a little seasoning” to the folks around him to see if anyone accepts. I thought it would be a nice touch.

The Netherlands Outlaws IPSC By Ministry Fiat

From a poorly translated (by Google) release:

In the preamble of the agreement also outlines a number of measures that the Minister of Justice & Safety will take. The Minister has decided that the practice of disciplines in which a marksman moves and there is a continuous timekeeping as part of the scoring process and where the marksman in different positions, either behind obstacles on targets shoot, no longer permitted . The Minister thus refers in particular to the practice of dynamic disciplines Trail Shooting Rifle and Pistol, as regulated by the NPSA and the practice of Dynamic Service Rifle, as regulated by the APS.

The KNSA Board expressed its deep disappointment at this decision. The KNSA Board believes that, under strict conditions of security and exclusivity for participants in these disciplines, they are not prohibited would have to be. Prolonged and frequent consultation on the Minister has unfortunately not in other thoughts, and he announced a few things in regulation will capture. The board of the KNSA has finally filed to this decision and will take responsibility in this matter.

I could really use someone who speaks Dutch to translate this properly. Trail Shooting seems to be watch the dutch call IPSC stages. This basically outlaws any dynamic shooting that’s timed. I think it’s funny that in some European nations, that things can be made illegal just because a bureaucrat doesn’t like it.

Then again, it honestly isn’t much better here these days.

Insulting the Kazakh Shooting Team

Maria Dmitrienko from Kazakhstan deserves a gold medal in restraint and grace in addition to her gold medal in shooting.

Kazakhstan’s shooting team has been left stunned after a comedy national anthem from the film Borat was played at a medal ceremony at championships in Kuwait instead of the real one. …

The song was produced by UK comedian Sacha Baron Cohen for the film, which shows Kazakhs as backward and bigoted.

The gold medalist is clearly not happy while the song plays, but she puts on a smile as soon as the insulting song is over and poses with her fellow competitors. To add to the injury, they zoomed in on Maria’s face while the lyrics talked about having the cleanest prostitutes in the region.

According to the article, the coach reported that the organizers in Kuwait also got Serbia’s anthem wrong during the medal ceremonies.

Impractical Calibers

Tactical Tupperware takes a look at his top five. I was amused by this one:

.45gap  So I honestly don’t know why this round exist. My only guess is that at some point the boys at Glock took marketing advice from Apple and decided to be propitiatory because it seemed cool. However I think if you bought a gun in .45gap then your membership card in the gun snob club gets stamped lifetime member.

Our state police adopted the Glock 37 in .45 GAP. As a taxpayer, I would have accepted either the .40S&W or the .45ACP. Hell, I’d even take the .357 SIG if they really wanted to go for a boutique cartridge. But the fact that they’ve adopted the .45 GAP tells me whoever is in charge of procurement for the PA State Police is too susceptible to marketing literature and sales pitches, and not concerned enough about wasting our money.

Legality of Drones

SayUncle asks and interesting question, in response to this story about an animal rights drone being brought down by shotgun fire, namely whether you own the airspace. Under common law, the answer was yes; you were regarded as owning, “from the depths to the heavens”. But the advent of air travel changed common law. Now the answer is yes and no, as to whether you own the airspace over your house. There’s a Supreme Court case regarding this, U.S. v. Causby (1946), where a chicken rancher sued the federal government over fighter planes flying low over his property. The ruling held the old common law could not survive in the modern world, but that landowners have the rights to the space over their houses that are essential for your enjoyment of the land.

“if the landowner is to have full enjoyment of the land, he must have exclusive control of the immediate reaches of the enveloping atmosphere. Otherwise buildings could not be erected, trees could not be planted, and even fences could not be run” . . . Thus, a landowner “owns at least as much of the space above the ground as he can occupy or use in connection with the land,” and invasions of that airspace “are in the same category as invasions of the surface.”

As far as the FAA is concerned, objects like RC planes must be operated within line of sight, and not fly over 500 feet. This is federal, so state case law might be different. But the FAA only recently allowed military UAVs to operate in US airspace. There is no corresponding FAA regs for civilian UAVs.

So it would seem that if you have a UAV buzzing around your property operated by animal rights groups, you’re perfectly entitled to shoot it down, exercising your rights as a property holder to end the trespass of an object that’s interfering with your enjoyment of the land.

We Owe Much to Jeff Cooper

New Jovian Thunderbolt has some interesting blast from the past videos, one of them is this one:

So at the time, even the FBI was teaching point shooting with one hand. The Modern Technique of the Pistol put an end to all this nonsense. It’s almost hard to believe anyone used to think shooting using this method was a good idea.

Jovian Thunderbolt has another good video on offensive driving, so be sure to follow his link.

Interesting Fact from the Lucky Gunner Shoot

I had no idea that we had a TV star among us at last May’s Lucky Gunner machine gun shoot. That’s probably because I vaguely recognize that “The Bachelor” is some kind of TV show, and even if they had told me that the girl over there was “Kacie B,” my response would have been “Oh… Well, Kacie is a nice name.” I guess if you’re a TV celebrity, hanging around geeks like me is probably the safest way to escape your celebrity status. This is what I get for not having Cable, I guess, or even a good antenna.

UPDATE: I am informed that Kacie B. is a current and active contestant on “The Bachelor.” Goes to show you how much attention I pay to TV :)