Raw Talent

I can’t even fathom being able to go to the range with nearly zero practice and put up perfect scores in competition. Yet, apparently this chick can do that.

In the Dewar Course Metallic Sight match, she captured runner-up honors with a score of 400 (out of 400 possible) with 35 x-ring shots. She also took High Woman and High Collegiate honors in the match.

She then shot another 400 (with 29 x-ring shots) to win the High Expert Civilian Category in the 100-yard Metallic Sight Match. In the next match — the 50-meter Metallic Sight competition — she shot a 397 with 26 x-rings to take second in the Expert Civilian Category.

Her three-match 1,197 aggregate on the competition’s second day earned her top honors in the Expert Civilian Category, one point ahead of runner-up Ben Haney. Her four-day total was good for a second-place overall finish in the category.

The story includes more examples of Catherine Kauffelt’s ass-kicking range scores in other competitions. Then it notes that her coach thinks she could wipe out the competition if she only practiced. Unfortunately, as a pre-law/economics major, she doesn’t really have time to do it while she’s at school in California.

Don’t Worry Robb

Robb notes that he was filmed on TV committing a felony, based on a section of Florida law that would seem to prohibit firing in a shooting range. By my reading of the statute, because discharging a firearm at a shooting range is not “wanton or malicious,” this crime can’t be applied to such an act.

Gun Blogger Rendezvous

Mr. C is looking for reservations for the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th of September for this year’s GBR. The Rendezvous is in its sixth year, and is now probably the longest running annual meeting of gun bloggers. Due to my current job situation, namely not having one, I will not be able to attend this year, but if you want to test your shooting skills against other bloggers, and hang out in Reno for a few days, it’s a good time. Last time I went, Mr. C. put on a steel match for bloggers which was a lot of fun.

Machine Guns Are Fun

Some folks still haven’t gotten the memo. I don’t live in Arizona, so it’s difficult for me to say, but I’m going to be willing to bet that gunfire and politics has a lengthy tradition within the State of Arizona that predates the Tucson mass shooting by quite some time.

Either way, if we’re going to bring up the mass shooting in the context of the Sheriff’s race, the current Sheriff is probably more to blame for that tragedy than Arizona’s hunting and shooting tradition, or Arizona’s gun laws.

NRA Doesn’t Do Squat for _____________

I actually haven’t heard people say it about this state, but because I know there are so many NRA program supporters out in Arizona, I’ll highlight what NRA has been doing for them lately.

In 2010, the NRA Civil RIghts Defense Fund provided assistance in three cases. Two of them were in regards to personal situations with firearms and the third involved a shooting range.

The year also saw more than $314,000 in grants flow through the state courtesy of The NRA Foundation and the generous attendees of Friends of NRA banquets. (See how many are left? Go to one and the join your fellow Arizona gun nuts for some NRA sandwiches when you win the NRA toaster.) Back to the money. That cash went to 35 organizations that support shooters around the state.

NRA Doesn’t Do Squat for _____________

Today’s NRA-hates us state is Massachusetts. Sure, sure, bitch and moan that NRA isn’t spending any of your dues in your backyard. You’d be wrong.

The NRA Foundation spent more than $47,000 on grants for 18 organizations in the state last year. If you want more, well, get thee to a Friends dinner. Because I know quite a few of the gun blogging folks like to shoot at Harvard, you can support an upcoming dinner not far down the road in Leominster. And tell your buddies at the Leominster gun clubs to get their butts into those seats as well.

The Civil Rights Defense Fund gave financial support to two Massachusetts cases in 2010.

NRA Doesn’t Do Squat for _____________

Fill in the blank, and you have a complaint I’ve heard for years, especially from those in anti-gun states.

Today, we were putting a few things away when Sebastian came across the 2010 annual reports from The NRA Foundation & Civil Rights Defense Fund. And guess what? There’s hard evidence that they are working in whatever state you’re bitching about.

We’ll take New Jersey since it’s nearby and that’s what I hear the most bitchin’ about these days. For you New Jersey shooters, The NRA Foundation spent more than $57,000 in the Garden State for shooting programs in 2010. Those grants went to 21 different organizations. The grants are only available because of participation by gun owners in programs like Friends of NRA. You get to be all social-like, laugh with fellow gun nuts, win guns, win other cool stuff, and know that your tax-deductible expenditures at said event are coming right back to your state for programs and groups in need of a little extra funding to reach new & experience shooters and get them into the community.

For the Civil Rights Defense Fund, New Jersey had 9 funded cases last year. Yes, most of them are shared expenses, but the NRA is putting up some of its limited legal dough to support the court cases for New Jersey gun owners.

Want to Make the Anti-Gunners Cry?

Then buy a ticket to our upcoming Friends of NRA banquet! Seriously, here are the top 5 reasons your attendance at this first year dinner will make Ladd Everitt, Dennis Hennigan, and Sarah Brady shed tears all evening long while you’re surrounded by fellow shooting sports enthusiasts.

1. Let’s face it, we’re putting guns in the hands of the next generation. Of course, we’re training them how to use them safely.

But training doesn’t matter because they see no difference between the girl above and thugs on the street.

2. Because even if we have the bare minimum number of people in the room in order to raise even $1 for the shooting sports, it’s still more people than they can put in a room in downtown DC. Their fundraisers probably look a little more like this:

3. The shooting sports embraced by NRA are perceived to be part of the “insurrectionist” mindset using scary “assault weapons.” Ladd Everitt might need to add Camp Perry to his Insurrectionist Timeline.

4. Because a child riding the NRA tricycle is what haunts their dreams. Kids! Guns! Except not guns! Just letters! It’s scary!

5. If you buy the “Night of Liberty” exclusive print that highlights the Boston Tea Party, Josh Sugarmann might feature you in VPC’s next Googled report on the evils of NRA members. He might even rank you as more dangerous than the person who wears the XXXL t-shirts.

Come on, I know more than a few of the readers here are from Southeast PA and Central Jersey. Let’s get together and make the other side weep as they fall asleep knowing that they are losing the cultural war on guns and our rights. You don’t have to be an NRA member to attend, this is all about showing some love for the programs that help train new shooters, get youth involved in competitions, and help area clubs run successful programs, especially those like Women on Target. This is a celebration of the fun we have on the range and why we all initially got into this movement.

Kel-Tec KSG

The folks over at Shooting Illustrated, which, if you ask me, is NRA’s best publication, and well worth the cost to subscribe, review the Kel-Tec KSG bullpup shotgun.

I’d really love it if NRA could get their publications over on the iPad and other mobile devices. I’d gladly pay for them there to save the cost of postage. I bug Cam about the need for an NRA News app regularly too. I’d really like to see NRA move on digital markets more quickly than they are doing.

Lucky Gunner Blogger Shoot: The Trailer

I turned my collection of videos of the Lucky Gunner Blogger Shoot a few weekends ago, taken on my early generation iPhone 3G, to Bitter. Unfortunately she didn’t feel like she could do much with them, since it was pretty shaky. She decided to take the best of them and make a trailer. I think it turned out pretty well!