AR-15 Fired with Black Magic

Only Cemetery would be crazy enough to work up a load for the AR-15 in black powder. Just keep scrolling. Looks like the black doesn’t quite have the energy to cycle the action, but I just think it’s great to try it at all.

UPDATE: Looking at this a bit further, it looks to me like the black powder isn’t even providing the recoil system with enough gas to unlock the bolt. I’m wondering if a heavier bullet would help force more gas back into the gas system? I don’t know much about the characteristics of black powder, so I’d be reluctant to make suggestions, but to me it looks like there’s just not enough gas pressure in the system. If you were getting enough gas pressure in the system to unlock the bolt, you’d just get a short cycle, so I don’t think the buffer spring is really an issue here. The issue here is that you need a bolt that takes less force to unlock, and that’s an inherent design characteristic. Could be the black just doesn’t have the energy to work an AR-15 gas system.

Using Women to Market to Men

I’ll join Bitter here in saying I didn’t have any particular problem with the Lucky Gunner ammo waitresses, speaking as someone who went to fetch his own ammo that weekend. Understand that for most people at the shoot, Lucky Gunner was selling ammo. In order to sell more ammo, you have to keep shooters at the line ripping away at the various targets down range. The ammo waitresses were a way to keep people at the line shooting. That they happened to be good looking women I don’t think reflected badly on Lucky Gunner or the shooting sports. None of them were dressed inappropriately. There’s a world of difference between this, and this, and if LG had decided on the latter, I would have been quick to criticize them.

There’s been some criticism of Heidi as well, which I really don’t understand, since when I clicked on her, she is entirely appropriately dressed, is informative, and does not make me think that Lucky Gunner is explicitly using sex to market their product to men. Subtly yes, but that’s because it works. Most sales people that call IT managers these days are women. For pharmaceutical sales, which are mostly to male physicians, it’s generally a prerequisite to be highly knowledgeable about the business, the products, and also to be smoking hot. It’s not like Big Pharma will send them in dressed like they just got out of their night job at Hooters; they’ll be in business attire, but they will get the job done in ways a man marketing to other men can’t.

I do have issues with turning the shooting sports into a boys club, but I would note the ammo waitresses were just as thrilled with being able to shoot all the toys on the range just as much as the guys were, and they were free to when they weren’t schlepping ammo.  If they had dressed them like they were sunbathing at the beach, or like Sniper Babes, I would agree it was inappropriate. But I don’t think LG crossed the line in terms of their marketing, at least not any more than many casual dining establishments, or other industries that market primarily to a male audience.

On Chick Clothing & Range Time

Just before the weekend, it seems folks who attended the Lucky Gunner shoot were talking about the ammo waitresses at the event. Sebastian asked my opinion over drinks one night since I have a lot of experience bringing feminists into the shooting sports, have been to quite a few machine gun shoots in my day, and generally talked to a lot of women about their perceptions on the gun culture while teaching them to shoot.

One of my co-instructors used to say that the most common injury at a gun range is a result of a slip & fall. I’m not sure if this is an official statistic or if it’s one he gathered from working with the 100+ ranges in the area we taught. Either way, it fits with my experience at various ranges. Given that, the shorts worn by the ammo girls in the photos may not have been the best bet. They were in no way inappropriate or overly sexy attire, but longer pants may have been a better option given all the guns on or near the ground and brass flying at a typical machine gun shoot. Walking around a busy live range could put the legs at risk for scratches, scraps and what have you.

But, given most women’s clothing, I don’t see anything worth really complaining about if the adult women are going to choose to wear shorts instead of longer pants. It was the end of May. In Tennessee. With the sun beating down on much of the firing line from what I saw in the pictures. It doesn’t shock me that some would choose to wear shorts instead of heavier pants. Pants would be wiser, but for those who want to wear shorts, have you looked at the shorts available in even the adult women’s clothing sections of many stores? Those things aren’t often terribly long. I don’t have the world’s longest legs, and I can’t tell you how much trouble I had trying to buy shorts that fit the dress code for Southern Baptist church camp. I actually had to buy men’s shorts so they would be long enough.

I will disagree with some of the comments and say that I really doubt that the decision to hire women who happen to look good in summertime clothing is going to turn off women as customers. From what Sebastian told me, this was not an open range. This was a private, invitation-only event. Which means Lucky Gunner knew exactly who they were selling to on site. This wasn’t a commercial range where any Tom, Dick, Harry, Tina, Diane, or Harriet could walk in as a first-time shooter looking to learn everything they can about the gun culture in one visit. When you’re marketing to a private group where you know who the customers will be, it’s quite different than marketing to a broader audience.

I didn’t see anything inappropriate in the photos, and Sebastian would have been the first to call me and bitch if he saw any overt problems with the way things were handled on the line. Were shorts the best decision? No, at least not based on my experience at machine gun shoots which tended to be in New England during the fall and winter. But, I’ve seen plenty of female shooters who wear shorts to the range with zero incidents, and never have I had a female student, a feminist friend, or other new shooter complain about sexism in the community because of clothing. I didn’t see anything in the photos that I wouldn’t see on average American women in the warm summer sun in just about every corner of the country, so I’m not sure why it would be considered any kind of controversy just because they wear the same kind of clothing on a range.

Dusting Off the Shooty

Like the tin man from the Wizard of Oz, I found myself having to oil my reloading setup into working condition for the first time in a long time last night. I decided, after a while of shooting air gun silhouette and smallbore silhouette, to try out field pistol again at our monthly IHMSA match. The load was .44 Special, with 8.3 grains of Unique topped off with a 180gr hollow nose bullet. You just want enough to take the animal down, but not too little that you have to aim way over the rams at 100 yards for lack of muzzle velocity.

The only firearm I have that really works for IHMSA field pistol is my Smith & Wesson 629. Smaller caliber pistols are generally preferred for this category, such as ones that shoot .32 S&W Long, .32 H&R Magnum, or .22 Hornet. Not being one to spend a lot of money on special purpose guns, I stick with something general purpose. The end result is that I scored 13 out of 40. For air pistol or smallbore, I’d be embarrassed at that score, but for shooting modified isosceles starting at 25 yards and moving out to 100 yards with a factory .44 revolver, I’ll take hitting 13 out of 40. One guy I shoot with got 21 out of 40 with a 4 inch barreled Ruger Blackhawk in .44 Special. He is not a believer in long barrels, and he doesn’t need to be.

Metallic Silhouette is one of those games where your fundamentals have to be pretty much perfect to hit anything. Shooting production category is difficult because most handgun manufacturers that aren’t Thompson Center don’t imagine their customers wanting fine enough sight adjustment for shooting at 50 or 100 yards. On rams, one click can be the difference between missing off its nose, and shooting it in the ass on some pistols. I generally don’t like mucking with my elevation settings, so I tend to just eyeball elevation. With .44 Special, you’re pretty much straight from 25 to 50 yards, a little up on the turkeys at 75 yards, but you have to aim over the backs of the rams at 100 yards. Between 75 and 100 yards, the bullet starts to drop more substantially.

I was thinking a reshoot, because I thought I might be good for 15 or 16 a second time around, but I only loaded 50 .44 Specials. I’d have to do the reshoot with .44 magnum, which would throw my sight settings, and to be honest, my wrist wasn’t up to it. Maybe next time.

Celebrate Father’s Day with Shooting Pics of Your Kids

NSSF is hosting a photo contest this month asking people to post photos of family outings to hunt or to the shooting range. They are suggesting a father-child theme in honor of Father’s Day. I suggest you enter if you have any good photos or have the chance to get to the range to take any photos this month. It’s a $50 Cabela’s gift card to the winner.

It’s an odd topic for me since my father passed away before I got involved in the issue, so I don’t even know how he would feel about it. I introduced my mom to shooting as an adult. I kind of did things backwards from how most people got involved in the shooting sports.

Lucky Gunner Shoot – Day 2 – Range Master

On Sunday, the folks over at Lucky Gunner treated us to a shortened version, or demo version of you will, of a pistol course from Range Master. Based on what I experienced, I think they have a sound program, and I would recommend it. Their staff are experienced law enforcement officers, and law enforcement and civilian trainers. You can see some of the people we met here. Tom Givens told us that he’s had 53 of his students go on to get into gunfights, and all of them won them. He did unfortunately say he’s had two of his students murdered, but both had forgotten the first rule of gunfighting, which is to bring a gun.

The day started with some basic classroom instruction, focusing largely on the mindset of carrying a firearm, safe firearm handling, and most of the basic stuff you’d expect to have covered. Then we went to the range session, which started with some basic exercises. Despite what our opponents often think, in that training is this magical thing that turns one from a bumbling fool into a competent gun handler, it is not. The purpose of training is to provide the building blocks of competent gun handling that can be practiced, over and over again, until it becomes second nature. Range Master teaches with this is mind, working from the holster to firing the gun in multiple steps and are combined over the course to show the student how to, on his or her’s own, drill those good habits into their brain through repetition and practice.

After drilling on the basics of the draw and presentation of the firearm, we worked up to firing, first one shot, then two, three, along with magazine changes through all the firing drills. One thing I learned was that I carry spare magazines backwards. In truth, and I’ll probably get kicked out of the tacticool club for admitting this, but I almost never carry a reload (unless you count a New York reload). I also learned a pretty good tip for one handed shooting, which was to allow the gun to cant a bit to the side if it helped you get a firmer grip on the pistol. This did seem to improve my one handed shooting, particularly with my left hand.

After lunch we did drills on improving shooting cadence, going from one shot per second, to two shots per second, and up to four shots per second. There are tips for being able to shoot fast accurately, which we didn’t get into very much, but that could be because we were not taking a full Range Master course. After working on cadence, that’s when the target dummies came out. Follow this link to see the web site of DVC Targets, who makes them. These are excellent training tools. They were fully dressed, and set to drop if hit with a clean shot to the vital area by a 9mm (which is what most were shooting, including me). This is the first time I’d ever shot at something that looks like a live person. The drill was to fire two shots into the chest area down zero zone on an IDPA target, at about 5 yards, then engage the dummy at about 10 yards. Two hits down zero at five yards I wasn’t going to sweat, but I was a little apprehensive about how my eye would find center of mass on something human shaped wearing clothing, but I found center of mass just fine and dropped the dummy.

If you’d like to take a class with Range Master, they are in the Memphis area, but do instruction offsite as well. You can find their schedule here. I think they did a pretty good job with us, and were very patient under the time-compressed circumstances. All training helps, and is beneficial, no matter what you think you know and no matter how basic the course. You will learn something new, or pick up a new technique that could end up working for you. I was glad to spend Sunday with Range Master, and thank them for introducing us to them, and to Lucky Gunner for arranging it.

I don’t need no teenage queen …

… all I want is my M14:

Thanks to Les Jones for taking the video, and he has many more, including some of the women who are a lot cuter than I am. I’m not kidding when I say it’s brutal. Probably the most uncomfortable full auto I shot. Even the BAR was a walk in the park by comparison. You’ll notice my flinch when I drop the hammer on an empty chamber.

Lucky Gunner Shoot – Videos

The hotel WiFi here is pretty slow, so video is difficult. I am happy to be able to present my shit eating grin moment of the day. Unless tomorrow is remarkably more awesome, this is probably my treat for the weekend, and the reason it was worth it to get down here. These gentlemen you see in confederate uniforms here quite clearly take great pride and joy in their hobby, and it shows. I am very happy they let this Yankee fire part of their Reb artillery battery. This video does not really do the sound these cannon make justice. You can be on the far side of the range and feel it pound against your chest when it fires. It’ll set off car alarms.

In this video you can see them explain to me how to fire the cannon, and what sequence they will go through. You can see them load the live ammunition, aim the cannon, insert the fuse, and eventually I walk into the shot and fire the sucker. As Tam pointed out, it’s a lot different than what you see the park, where they are just firing blank. The cannons in this battery recoil quite a bit when fired with live ammo.