Dave Hardy reports, and it seems Texas is leading the pack:
Marsha McCartney, a Dallas volunteer for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said she doesn’t understand why people would buy silencers in the first place.
“It would only be a concern if they were buying them because they are doing something illegal,” she said.
So does this mean Brady would be OK if we could buy suppressors with just a NICS check? It’s been a while since we’ve seen or heard from our old favorite Brady Board member, but I’m glad she seems interested in this idea. Lets face it, suppression of muzzle report is just basic courtesy. You know how nice it would be when shooting an air gun match if we could politely ask firearms shooters on the next line if they could stick a can on that thing so we didn’t have to wear hearing protection? But you can’t do that now because no one wants to bother with the regulations, so they are generally not common. In most European countries, suppressors are about as regulated as pencils.
UPDATE: Our new favorite Brady Board member seems to agree with our old favorite Brady Board member. I’m not honestly sure what the feds thought they were accomplishing by restricting them. They inherently aren’t all that dangerous, and to my knowledge were never that seriously used by criminals (they make the gun much harder to conceal).
Most of what people know about suppressors come from movies, but the fact is, on most firearms, they are just going to make the report of the gun not quite as loud. Most bullets travel faster than the speed of sound, and so some of the crack you hear from a rifle or handgun is the sound of a small sonic boom as the bullet breaks the sound barrier. Even a suppressed .22 is going to make about as much noise as an air gun. Stupid people who do stupid things with guns are going to do those stupid things with or without a can on it, and criminals have pretty limited use for them anyway.
UPDATE: SayUncle has the answer: “Originally restricted to prevent poachers on federal land during the depression.” Can’t have people feeding themselves illegally, I guess.