I’ve decided I want to compete in Silhouette Air Pistol “Any Sight” category, so I’ve placed an order with the Crosman Custom Shop for a .22 Caliber CO2 pistol, showing here:
One of the guys I shoot with uses a .22 caliber CO2 pistol, similar to the one I’m getting, and when I’ve tried it, I’ve consistently been able to hit animals with it, despite the fact that the triggers on Crosman’s pistols kind of suck. The heavier weight of the .22 barrel, plus the weight of the scope make a difference, I think. Rowland even threaded a nut on the end of his model, and even though it creates some jokes about which end of the gun the nut is really on, I think it does help with it’s balance of the pistol. Mine will have a brake on the end, which should, hopefully, closely approximate.
The big disadvantage with a .22 air pistol is that you go through CO2 a lot faster. Getting 40 shots out of a .22 is about the best you can hope for, whereas 80 shots isn’t too much to ask of a .177 air pistol on a good day. In the winter, CO2 is a real bear. But I still plan to get an IZH 46 at some point. For now I want to be able to shoot in two categories, and you can’t beat 155 dollars as a price for getting in the game.
Oh, one thing Crosman’s Custom shop will do for you is laser engraving. No extra cost. You know all those stories about how the FN Five-Seven is supposedly known in Mexican drug cartel circles as “Mata Policia?” In Spanish, this means “Cop Killer.” Much like the cop killer bullet hysterics from the 80s, this is another bunch of overblown nonsense from the anti-gun crowd, as the armor piercing rounds for the Five-Seven are unavailable to civilians. In honor, or perhaps in jest, of the hysterics, I am having Crosman engrave my air pistol with “Mata Gallina” which translated means “Chicken Killer.” You see, these fearsome weapons are not only known to kill the chickens, but hurl them back several yards, making them hard to find in the grass. It is truly devastating.