Shut ‘Em Down Anyway

A developer in Connecticut is not stopping at anything to try and shut down Blue Trail Gun Range. First, they were sued over bullets supposedly hitting houses. Only they weren’t. But, the range went ahead and addressed some safety concerns and made changes.

Then the complaining party brought in family to use the strong arm of government and force a change.

Democratic Councilor Vincenzo DiNatale has asked local officials to consider whether Blue Trail, a North Branford Road range which abuts part of the reservoir, is posing a lead hazard to the water supply. …
DiNatale is the nephew of Pat DiNatale, a Durham resident who sued the range over alleged safety problems after bullets hit his home earlier this year.

What did they find? Nothing. Not a single bit of lead.

The legal lead limit for raw water is 50 parts per billion, while testing could not find even one part per billion in the water flowing from the Ulbrich, Adair said.

It doesn’t matter that they can’t even find one part per billion, as the headline states:

No lead, but issue isn’t dead

Blog Coverage of Summer Camp with Todd Jarrett

I’ve now got all of the feeds set up and running at the Blog Bash website for those looking for more robust blog coverage of the Para USA blogger training.

Since the site still primarily serves as an event planning site not meant to show a ton of posts, I have set up a category page which will feature all of the posts with excerpts so you can easily peruse the many posts going up any time.

I should add that I’ve included a new poll about whether Joe Huffman will beat Caleb in their shoot-out bet. So go vote!

Featured bloggers include:

A Keyboard and a .45
Of Arms & the Law
The View from North Central Idaho
Call me Ahab
Sharp as a Marble
Smallest Minority
Snowflakes in Hell
View from the Porch

One Month Left on Summer Rifle Match

We’re down to one month on the Summer Rifle Match for the Gun Blog Rifles Competition Series.  I haven’t yet gotten any entries, but that’s OK, since I figured everyone else was waiting until the last minute like I am, though I am going to try to shoot both smallbore and high-power, both open sights, when I get back from North Carolina.

Preparing for Blackwater

I’ll be pretty light posting today, due to preparations for Blackwater.  Tonight I need to hit the range, just to polish up a bit too.  A bit of bad news in that Bitter will not be attending with me.  She got a last minute invite to the launch of Sportsmen for McCain in Scranton this weekend, and it was just too good of a networking opportunity for her to pass up.

I will be covering the training with Todd Jarrett while I’m there.  Blackwater has seen to it that we have WiFi, so we should be in good shape for coverage.  And don’t forget Michael Bane will be there filming for both Down Range TV, and The Shooting Gallery

You Might Be a Silhouette Shooter

Applies more to pistol shooters, but here goes:

  1. If you know the Spanish words for Chicken, Pig, Turkey and Ram, you might be a silhouette shooter.
  2. If you worry that you might taco grip your carry gun if you ever got mugged, you might be a silhouette shooter.
  3. If your idea of rapid fire is one shot every 15 seconds, you might be a silhouette shooter
  4. If you don’t know why spray paint comes in colors other than black, white, and almond, you might be a silhouette shooter.
  5. If you think 3lbs is a heavy trigger pull, you might be a silhouette shooter.
  6. If you know what the Creedmore Position is, you might be a silhouette shooter.
  7. If your pistol looks like a rifle with the stock sawed off, you might be a silhouette shooter.
  8. If you have a rifle scope on your pistol, you might be a silhouette shooter.
  9. If your idea of a short barreled pistol is 6″, you might be a silhouette shooter.
  10. If you load rifle bullets in your pistol loads, you might be a big bore silhouette shooter.

Positive Coverage of Clubs in the News

One in Texas, which might be perhaps the oldest shooting club in the United States, and one in update New York.  Both are smallbore/airgun clubs, but hey, you can have a good time with both.  The Texas Club, New Braunfels Schuetzen Verein, has been in existence since 1849.  If they are indeed the oldest club, it’s interesting to ponder what effect immigration played in the 19th century in transforming the shooting culture, particularly in bringing European style shooting clubs to the United States.

It will be interesting to see the effect heavy Russian immigration has on the shooting culture here in the Philadelphia area, which has developed a very significant community of Russian and Eastern European shooters, both men and women.  I haven’t noticed them too much in the area club culture, but at the public ranges, Russian is a common language on the range in this area.

Pennsylvania State NRA Airgun Silhouette Championships

Well, today I shot the State Championships for NRA Airgun Silhouette which was held at My Club in Falls Township, Pennsylvania.  We’re loacated just north of Philadelphia, and do an NRA sanctioned airgun match every Thursday evening starting at 6PM in summers, and an unsanctioned indoor air/smallbore silhouette match during the winter months.  It’s great fun, really.  At states, I managed to score second out of four in my class with a 39 (out of 80.  22 on the first match, bombed the second with a 17).  We started off with five AA shooters, but one guy shot well enough to move his classification up to AAA.  I decided to take some pictures so folks who aren’t familiar with silhouette, and what club competitions are like can see for yourselves.

It was a very fun match, and Dave did a great job putting it together.  He knows how to run a fun match.  I never thought I would get as much enjoyment out of air gun as I do.

Olympic Update

Vincent Hancock, of the USA Shooting Team, takes the gold in men’s skeet at the ripe old age of 19.  Halfway around the world, in India, Abhinav Bindra’s gold medal win in 10 meter air rifle has created a surge of interest in the shooting sports in that country.  Peter Hamm will no doubt be looking for native Hindi speakers so that The Brady Campaign may spread the message to that country that all this will bring is dead children, burned villages, and plagues of locusts.