Guns in Schools

Glenn Reynolds talks about the topic, and the idea that when we had more guns in schools, we had less school shootings. I think the extinction of high school shooting teams has been one of the greatest cultural losses we’ve suffered. Glenn notes:

Reader Gary Robinson emails: “We worry about kids and sex – so we have sex education in school. We educate kids about driver safety, drugs, healthy lifestyles and a host of other things that we have concerns about so kids learn safe practices. If we’re worried about kids and guns, why don’t we teach basic gun safety in schools?”

I would say that the effort by gun-controllers to “denormalize” gun ownership, and to portray it as deviant and dangerous, actually increases the allure of guns to unbalanced minds.

I agree with that. I think long term, we have to get shooting teams back in high schools. It would have been something I absolutely would have taken to as a kid, if it had been available at my school. I was not involved in sports as a kid, but rather was a band geek. I still would have done band, but if a shooting team had been available, I would have done that. It gets kids away from the video games, and gives them something to do that requires a degree of self-discipline to master.

Shooting, For Once

I’ve spent little time on the range since my old company closed up shop and I found new employment. A combination of a lack of time, and the fact that shooting isn’t cheap, especially these days. Of course, I must have dreamed my time at my club, because everyone knows the type of rifle on display here has no use other than killing people. My shooting with the AR, first in standing, then prone rapid-fire, was pretty sad. I’ve never been a particularly good rifleman, however. All my competitive shooting, and nearly all of my training has been with pistol.

My primary purpose today was to check myself out on pistol, given that I carry, and haven’t shot pistol in some months. I’m still largely in a 3×5 card at 10 yards firing rapidly with the Glock, so we’re still good there. I do worse with the Ruger LCP at 10 yards, maybe more like the size of a pie plate, firing rapidly. I find the biggest drawback to the LCP is the fact that it’s too hard to find the front sights. My group expansion was more vertical than horizontal, because it’s just too easy to miss the front sights after the pistol recoils and falls back into position.

But either way, it was good to go back out and get re-acquainted with the reason we fight.

Media Working Against Your Rights

Many gun blogs have been highlighting the fact that NBC Sports has decided to cancel “3-Gun Nation” in light of the Connecticut tragedy. I think that it is most useful to point out this:

Philadelphia-based Comcast Corporation, owner of NBCUniversal and one of the biggest spenders in lobbying money in Washington, has given $206,056 to Mr. Obama and $20,500 to Mr. Romney.

We cut the cord years ago and stopped giving over more than $100/month to support their Democratic donations. That’s just a reminder.

Besides, getting people involved with the shooting sports is much more fun than sitting around and watching them on tv.

Different Gun Cultures

I have to admit that it’s not every state where you can find people randomly driving by an Olympian posed with a gun on the side of the road and not have someone call the cops.

This image was shared by Pennsylvania native Jamie Gray, winner of the gold medal in women’s 50-meter three-position rifle this year, as she visited the new test range set up by Eley in Texas.

Tall Tales

The shooting community seems to have a lot of people who spin them. I’m wondering if this is something unique about our community, or whether it happens in other communities. If it is unique, why? I mean, I suppose there are car buff yarn spinners who talk about the time they got into a stoplight confrontation with Richard Petty and totally smoked him, but are they so numerous?

Interesting AR Accessory

This device for stabilizing an AR-15 pistol would seem to be for disabled shooters, but it’s interesting generally. I’d want a quick release strap for being able to put the pistol down, but this is about the closest I think you’ll get to being a cybernetic being with a pistol as an appendage. It would certainly make dual wielding more interesting.

Tannerite Scare

Apparently a State Senator in Indiana is all concerned about tannerite. I’m no expert on explosives, but isn’t tannerite a binary explosive? So what is he going to do? Regulate the precursors? All are common chemicals, and at least ammonium nitrate is already regulated if purchased in large amounts. No one is ordering tannerite mixed; that requires hazmat transport, which is expensive. People are ordering the precursors then mixing. The feds love regulating everything, and I think the reason even they haven’t made a move against tannerite is the understanding that such a move would be completely pointless for someone actually intending harm.

Tab Clearing

We seem to have a few dated stories in the tabs from before I started worrying about Frankenstorm, so I’ll dump them all in one post, so we can move on:

Ilya Somin echoes a lot of my sentiments about the candidacy of Gary Johnson.

Voting for Romney, with enthusiasm. I may do it, for some of the reasons mentioned, but it won’t be with enthusiasm.

Pumpkins for Peterson. Also here.

Anti-gun folks are going crazy with love over this piece, by I’m guessing one of their supporters. Because, you know, the vast majority of us believe gun safety is best taught to children by handing them a machine pistol and a beer. Do they even realize this is how a great many gun owners teach safe and responsible gun handling to children? This isn’t exceptional. It’s the responsible thing most responsible parents who own guns do.