Weekly Gun News – Edition 51

Hopefully I have enough actual gun news to make this work. I thought we were going to have our first post-election mass shooting first, but it looks to be a dude plowed into students at Ohio State with a car and then began stabbing them. I am not eager to see Trump tested if we were to have another really awful mass shooting.

Rolling Stone: All-American Killer: How the AR-15 Became Mass Shooters’ Weapon of Choice. Actually, the handgun is the weapon of choice for mass shooters. Could have been written by Bloomberg’s people themselves, from the magazine that bought you rape hoaxes.

Tamara Keel: Building a Handgun Starter Kit.

Where has this guy been for the past two decades? “Not everyone who owns a gun is a fan of the NRA. Not everyone who doesn’t own a gun wants to stop others from having them. Now if we could only find a way to get those special-interest groups together for a nice argument.” We’ve been having that argument. Their side is losing it.

Glenn Reynolds in Florida Law Review: “Permissible Negligence and Campaigns to Suppress Rights.” He compares the PLCAA to New York Times v. Sullivan, a landmark Freedom of the Press case.

Pennsylvania Superior Court has vacated its previous decision on carry on Primary and Secondary School Campuses. The case will be reheard.

I thought Trump was going to do this? Troops in US can now carry.

Suddenly it’s minorities who are interested in purchasing guns. As I saw on the Internet: “Come for the panic. Stay for the freedom.”

Background Check Laws May Actually Interfere With Suicide Prevention Efforts. No kidding? We were saying that before Bloomberg start spending millions to get these passed via the ballot and deceptive advertising, but we were told to fuck off. I am really looking forward to carrying legally in New York City.

Andrew Branca: The Journal of American Medical Association disgraces itself by publishing a fatally flawed study of Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law.

More from NRA on that JAMA study.

Surrender by Saul Cornell? Cornell, if you remember, was one of the academics who tried to make the case that the Second Amendment was not an individual right.

This is why I don’t like those state laws nullifying federal gun laws. If lawmakers don’t intend to back up their nullification with the force that would be necessary (like jailing federal agents enforcing federal law), why bother? Some damned fool might actually believe your nonsense.

This is the silliest gun product I’ve seen for a while.

Katherine Timpf: “Believing Every Bad Thing About Trump Is as Harmful as Denying Every Bad Thing About Trump


Weekly Gun News – Edition 50

I skipped last week because of our election results, and there’s no shortage of fun stuff out there. But a lot of it is not directly gun related. Here goes:

$65 million is a lot of money to spend for a nail biter in one state and a loss in another. I’ll have to kick a couple of hundred bucks to ILA and PVF during a month when I have some breathing room. They had to spend big this year.

Not surprised to find out Shannon Watts has scared children. Clearly she hasn’t listened to The Liberty Zone. This is one of the most bizarre things I’ve witnessed this election. If your kids are scared because your candidate lost, you’re a shitty parent. Time to teach the kids a civics lesson.

Ammo serialization in Illinois is making waves again, and it looks like the makers of the technology are part of the coalition backing it. We’ve seen crony capitalists jump on the gun control bandwagon to commit regulatory capture before.

Nigel Farage wants to do away with the UK’s handgun ban.

Vuurwapen Blog is raising money for legal defense again. Seems the Fire Clean people are not done with them yet.

Seattle won’t release how much tax money it’s collected via it’s “gun violence” tax on guns. That’s because it was never about raising revenue.

What Trump is saying about guns.

This was my thought too: the everybody gets a trophy generation has finally learned what it’s like to lose an election. Boo hoo. Other thoughts from Scott Adams: it’s their first fake Hitler scare.

Reason: Trump Won Because Leftist Political Correctness Inspired a Terrifying Backlash.

John Richardson finds some big last minute news on Question 1 in Nevada. Bloomberg lost one his board members, Steve Wynn, after he realized he’d been hoodwinked. Sadly, too late in the game. If this had come a few weeks before I think we would have beat him in Nevada too.

Also, John Richardson has been searching the Wikileaks. It’s a top-down movement of elites.

New Jersey’s Attorney General has conceded that the state’s stun gun ban is unconstitutional.

Mike Dillon of Dillon Precision has died. Heaven just got a lot bluer.

Written by a Bernie supporter: Dear Democrats, Read This If You Do Not Understand Why Trump Won.

Armslist won its case against a Brady Campaign funded suit. They won it under the CDA. Good news.

The Federalist: How Jon Stewart and The Daily Show Elected Donald Trump. Yeah, the smug was strong with that one. I stopped watching years ago, though I thought he was more even handed in his early years at TDS.

Revenge of the Bitter Clingers?

The 2016 election has done nothing to assuage my concerns that gun control supporting Democrats are still winning all the state wide state offices. I suspect the truth may be that Rafferty ran a terrible campaign.

Science: I’m still skeptical of the EM drive, but it would be wonderful if this is true.

Weekly Gun News – Edition 49

Been missing the gun news the past couple weeks because of Hawaii, then your usual get back from vacation madness. But here’s a tab dump! Some of these might be a bit aged, so sorry for that.

Dave Hardy examines Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Waco fiasco.

Looks like Soldier of Fortune is cribbing content these days too. How the mighty have fallen. At least they didn’t attribute it to “Maj. L. Caudill, USMC (Ret)” Looks like they had permission.

Gun control group admits background checks are a failure. NGVAC is run by an eccentric, but he’s often more willing to tell the truth than other gun control groups. At best, background checks have a marginal effect in gun availability to criminals.

VA Actively Depriving Veterans of Second Amendment Rights. And still our complaints about due process fall on deaf ears, because some rights are more equal than others.

The New York Times takes a serious look at a gun issue and concludes that it’s actually kind of complicated, and there are no good solutions. You don’t say?

We know Ginsburg wants to reverse Heller, now it appears and Breyer does too. Well, if Hillary wins, they’ll probably get their chance to do so.

If you’re getting your history from Carl Bogus, you’re getting it from the wrong place, but at least Time magazine is acknowledging that gun control in America has its roots in racism, and even today gun control laws tend to more successfully disenfranchise poor minorities than they do criminals.

You can’t really get away from the conclusion that there’s a certain school of thought out there among some people that carrying a weapon for self-defense is a form of pre-meditation. I’d suggest if any of the reporters involved in this have fire extinguishers, certainly they are arsonists.

Folks in Charlotte were denied their Second Amendment rights during the riots because of North Carolina’s antiquated Jim Crow era pistol permit system.

Bloomberg is dumping nearly half a million bucks into Minnesota races. Oh, and he’s also trying to buy a New Hampshire Senate seat.

If you want to understand why the gun control groups are so big on getting CDC to research gun control, this will help you understand why.

Apparently some Democrats question whether gun control is really a winning issue. More on that here, showing Clinton’s people wanting to distance her from the SAFE Act.

Actually, I think progress on this front has been one of the great achievements of the movement in the past decade: “Time for Conservative Intellectuals to Get Comfortable With the Right to Bear Arms.

Could valuing less aggressive qualities in cops actually lead to more police shootings? This makes you think: “A Crazy Woman with a Baseball Bat.

Notice when forums are put together to discuss things like guns as a public health issue, experts from our side are never invited?

Hey, Bloomberg paid good money for that school of public health. What did you expect?

Off Topic:

New evidence emerges that Truman was right to fire MacArthur.

I can’t agree with this more: “You’re ruining Facebook (and friendships) with political rants.” I think social media like Facebook needs to be regarded as if it were an ongoing dinner party. It’s good to catch up and stay familiar with friends and family, but no one like the boor who rants constantly about politics at a dinner party. In my social media circles, who are mostly friends and family, the Baby Boomer generation are the worst about this.

I can’t say that it would: “I’ll say it again: if Donald Trump had been hired by the Clinton Foundation as a Trojan Horse to torpedo the GOP and leave the party a sinking wreck, what would look different?

Weekly Gun News – Edition 48

I’ve been too busy to do much posting. I’d feel bad about that if there was much gun news to post about. Things will stay very busy until mid October, when they should return to a more even keel. But as always, there always a little bit of gun news:

Alan Gura: “The Court after Scalia: The next “conservative” Justice may not save the Second Amendment.” I don’t know, George H.W. Bush was pretty culturally and temperamentally pro-gun control, but he still gave us Thomas, and his son gave us Alito and Roberts, without which Heller and McDonald would never have won. Though I suspect Roberts’ minimalism is a big part of our problem trying to bring greater security for the Second Amendment.

Speaking of SCOTUS: “Joe Biden to Lead New Push for Senate Vote on Merrick Garland.

Sex Offender laws violate Ex Post Facto Clause, says 6th circuit. Relation to guns? Lautenberg by all rights should have been declared Ex Post Facto as applied to past convictions, but that was argued pre-Heller. A court willing to enforce the Second Amendment would take another look at that ruling.

In depth article about a guy who open carries a rifle to Wal-Mart. Fair coverage?

How to smash the gun lobby.” Well, first you need to understand the “gun lobby,” which you clearly don’t, so good luck with that.

Schumer: “Progressive Supreme Court #1 Goal.” Schumer if probably the shrewdest politician in public office today. He’s also probably the number one enemy of the Second Amendment in public office today.

Yeah, I haven’t noticed George Takai’s new gun control group dominating the scene either. Actually, I haven’t even noticed them.

NYT: “Gun Control Groups Divide Their Loyalties in Senate Race.” CeaseFirePA is funded by Bloomberg, so if you ask me, they are trying to create a “Head, I win. Tails, you lose.” type of situation by doing competing endorsements. For what it’s worth, I’m becoming more convinced by the anti-Toomey folks that he needs to go down.

Yes, let the hate flow through you. Your hate only makes us more powerful.

They are really intent on building that “West Coast Wall,” trying to get all the west coast states to ban semi-automatic rifles that look scary.

Eugene Volokh: “Can some people who have finished their felony sentences recover their Second Amendment rights?” Like I said before, we’re doing better in this area than I thought we would.

Off Topic:

Age discrimination in my industry is real, and I’m getting to the age where it’ll start becoming more of a problem. I’ve tried very hard to keep my skills up, and it’s letting them fall behind that’s a big driver. But the struggle is real, especially if you live in the Valley.

This: “One of the things that Trump’s candidacy has done is shown that the political consultant/advertising business is largely a racket, and I suspect that this accounts for much of the visceral hostility that so many people in that business display toward him.” I’m not a fan of Trump, but one silver lining if he wins is that the consultants will be exposed for the con men they are. Maybe it takes a con man to spot another con man.

Hoover Institute: “An Era of Tenuous Majorities.”

Yes, this drives me absolutely batty, and I see it on the left and the right pretty equally.

Weekly Gun News – Edition 47

No, I’m not dead yet. Just busy, and to be honest, I needed a long holiday before I start back with work, doctors, and more doctors. Saw the eye doctor today about the persisting scintillating scotoma in my field of vision. He couldn’t find anything obviously wrong, but there’s a few more tests he wants to do, so back in two weeks for those. BP is down to almost normal, but stubbornly doesn’t want to drop to normal even with the doc having boosted the doses of my meds from light to more typical. The slog continues. My dad says I need to get used to the suck, since it doesn’t get better with age. But back to the news, which probably doesn’t help any of this:

Demand high in Pennsylvania for concealed carry permits. Now if only those folks would all vote the issue!

Eugene Volokh: “Can some people who have finished their felony sentences recover their Second Amendment rights?” We’ve done better on this front with the courts than I thought we would.

Massachusetts AG Healy is continuing her power trip, going after Remington and Glock for selling “unsafe” products. Note: Glocks are not available for sale to civilians in Massachusetts, only police officers. If I were Glock, my response would be to withdraw from the LEO market in Massachusetts entirely and give Healy the long finger from Georgia.

PJ Media’s Liz Sheld: “How Can You Love Guns Knowing They Kill So Many People?” I’ve never killed anyone, nor do I have plans to. I’m not morally on the hook for what other people do. You don’t see people asking Chefs about loving their knives, or baseball players about their favorite bats. Both can be weapons. People only ask about guns because they don’t like the kinds of people that like guns.

Three cheers for vandalism from the comments at Raw Story. A lot of these kinds of folks would be perfectly willing to put us all in camps. Meanwhile, our people don’t seem to have any arguments short of cheap insults. We used to be better than this, but I think perhaps all the sensible people have fled the fever swamps that internet comment sections have largely become.

State ballot measures in 2016 reflect shift to the left.” They talk about Bloomberg spending big. Ballot fights are a rich person’s game, and the left has all the rich ones. The Kochs on the “right” (they are really more libertarian than right) seem to mostly enjoy flushing their money down the think tank toilet rather than spending it on things that matter.

Fighting Bloomberg’s ballot measures as best we can. We have to convince Bloomberg that there are limits to this ballot strategy. I think we need to cut his margin in at least one state, and beat him outright in at least one state. Otherwise our options start looking like a choice of bad, terrible and disastrous options, and we don’t want to end up there.

Roll Call: “PA Senate Race Could Come Down to Guns.” A lot of people I respect on the issue believe Toomey has to lose if we’re going to prevent the GOP from seeking refuge under Bloomberg’s wing. I’m not sure that they are wrong. When I say I’m conflicted on the issue, I really am conflicted.

Dave Hardy looks at the effect of the Obama’s court appointments. He’s been able to sharply shift the federal courts to the left because the Republicans were stupid and didn’t play dirty with them Dems when they were blocking all of Bush’s nominees, and then went easy on Obama. The Dems would have never made that mistake. A big reason we lose is because the Republican politicians are, quite bluntly, not very smart people. The Dems wins because they are better at playing The Game, both strategically and tactically. GOP pols never would have lined up to commit ritual suicide on something like Obamacare, yet a large number of Dems did. They sacrificed their political careers for the sake of the party’s long term goals.

Georgia and South Carolina are getting reciprocity. Why doesn’t South Carolina just sign a better reciprocity bill altogether? They have one of the worst statutes in the country.

I keep thinking the gun bubble will eventually burst, but it just keeps going up.

Bloomberg is dumping a lot of money into the effort to prevent Missouri from going Constitutional Carry. What’s is he scared of? Surely this will provide his group with plenty of evidence of how blood will run in the streets to use in other states, right?

I’d hope a science writer would know that 4.25 light years is not “just outside our solar system,” anymore than Jupiter is “just outside of Manhattan.” but it’s good to know there might be other life sustaining planets out there, because the life on this planet is getting to be damed tough to live with.

Amazon is piloting a 30 hour work week. I’ve seen a lot of conservatives on social media deriding this for making us more like those lazy Europeans, but for knowledge workers, it’s fiction that people can be mentally on your game more than 6 hours a day. Sure, you can work longer, but with diminishing returns for the remaining hours.

Drinking after work is sexist? Haven’t we been through this crap before?


Weekly Gun News – Edition 46

We’ll end the week on a news post. Been busy trying to make up for some lack of productivity in the beginning of this week.

The Nation: “Voters Are Ready to Punish Pro-Gun Politicians. There’s Just One Problem.” They claim the problem is voters don’t know the positions of their politicians. This is probably space prep for ad campaigns by Bloomberg against Ayotte and Rubio. If either of them go down the gun control folks will take credit. They are building their own narrative, and they are doing it successfully. Why? Because our people are living in a fantasy land, for the most part.

None of these activists are going to vote for Pat Toomey, and a lot of gun voters aren’t either. So what did Toomey gain by courting Bloomberg? Note who Toomey didn’t throw under the bus? The “values voters.” He’s still as pro-life as ever. When gun owners understand why that is, we might get somewhere. Why is that? Because they are a far more motivated minority than we are, and they get their hands into everything. You can’t swing a dead cat in DC without hitting a SoCo, even in issues that have nearly nothing to do with social conservatism. It’s not just DC either. Pro-lifers show up locally too.

This article overstates the degree to which the gun control movement is building real grassroots, rather than enjoying the largess and showmanship Bloomberg’s money can bring, but the pro-gun side has turned unserious and disunited. If we don’t change that, for all practical purposes, this article is correct.

TSA stops a passenger with a 3D printed revolver.

Interesting developments in Supreme Court opinions that aren’t about guns but affect gun rights. If you’ve ever been convicted of a Misdemeanor of the First Degree in Pennsylvania for refusing a DUI blood or breath test, you can now obtain relief from firearms disability.

Former soldier: “We need gun control now more than ever.” He doesn’t know the difference between a machine gun and a semi-auto. Any gun owner who supports gun control is delusional if they think they won’t be eaten last.

Hey, Dems are running ads attacking Toomey for being too pro-gun anyway. How’s that talking out of both sides of your mouth working for ya Pat? Even PolitiFact is calling Toomey on his record. The gun control vote was never up for grabs, what little of it there is. All Toomey did was piss off supporters he needs for fundraising and votes.

Legal Insurrection: “Maybe there’s something to the slippery slope argument after all.” Anyone who understands the political process knows that slippery slopes are very real. Only naive people believe it’s a fallacy.

#DisarmHate on rally on the National Mall. What’s hate, you might ask? You are!

Notice that the New York Times says “Donald Trump Courts the Gun Zealots.” Think they’d use “Hillary Courts Pro-Choice Zealots?” or “Hillary Courts Black Lives Matter Zealots?” No, if course they wouldn’t. That would be bigoted, and the SJWs would destroy them.

I never liked that the Libertarian Party seemed more interested in arguing about what libertarianism is, and defining people out of the tent rather than building a political movement of generally like-minded people. That said, I think the kids today could probably use a lesson on what libertarianism is (hint, it ain’t Bill Weld). Yeah, not this bullshit either. Then again, if you don’t play dirty, you’re not really playing.

Seen on the Internets: “This isn’t a case for the NRA. This is a case for Aerosmith.” Yet another case where you couldn’t have a discussion with someone because they lack the basic level of knowledge necessary to begin the discussion. Unfortunately, very few people can admit “OK, so you got me, I really don’t know much about this topic. Explain it to me.”

I think this is true: “Today’s Tech Oligarchs are Worse than the Robber Barons.” There was a time when tech people were almost universally anti-establishment and anti-authoritarian. Then some of us decided to become the man.

How Jon Stewart’s Culture of Ridicule Left America Unprepared for Donald Trump.” I was more of a fan of The Daily Show and Stewart when the show was a parody of the news. Once Stewart picked sides and got overtly political, but then would cop out with “I’m just a comedian,” when people would challenge him, his schtick got old quick. He’s another figure that became “the man” while always denying it.


Weekly Gun News – Edition 45

Another week, another set of tabs. Been getting out and walking a lot. I’m trying to keep it at a mile a day, average. I do notice it brings my BP down for hours afterwards, sometimes rather dramatically. Doctor doubled my originally low-dose of beta blockers, but I’m not convinced it’s doing much of anything. I got the most results from the diuretic. People keep telling me it takes a bit to get the med cocktail right, but I’m not the most patient patient. Anyways, the news:

Another week, another Bloomberg Mayor gets busted in a meth in exchange for sex sting.

Dems see a glimmer of hope for gun control in Hillary. If she wins, it won’t be an endorsement of gun control, but a rejection of Trump. But that won’t be the narrative.

For Dems, gun control no longer a third rail.

Investor Place: “Sturm, Ruger & Company: RGR Stock Is Still a Solid Long-Term Pick.

Gun on campus in Texas: the world won’t end this time either.

Remember, rural white males are the only demographic in this country that it’s still OK to make fun of.

Bloomberg endorses Toomey.

Junk science on gun control. Anytime they won’t share data, that study shouldn’t be paid any attention to.

Pastor wins AR-15 in raffle with intent to destroy it. Except he had another parishioner keep it for him, which is a violation of the Bloomberg backed law they recently passed. We told you that this law was intended to trap innocents, and you didn’t believe us.

Not a surprise: ATF illegally hoarding personal information associated with multiple sales forms.

Charles C.W. Cooke: “People of all races and both genders are taking advantage of loosened gun laws.

Funny how that works: “But fearing more lone-wolf attacks on their soil, Germans are requesting self-defense weapons permits in record high numbers and experts say citizens across every socioeconomic class from ‘workers or professors.’

Mic.com: Selling bullshit propaganda to millennials. They have to lie. If people knew the truth they might start agreeing we have enough laws.

Miguel also digs into some press stories involving and finds there’s often more to it. There almost always is. That’s why I don’t publish this week’s outrages anymore. The press used to at least claim to strive for truth and objectivity. Back then it was fun to go after the media. Now there’s almost no sport in it.

Off Topic:

A review of “Hillbilly Elegy,” a book that explores the state of Hillbilly America (i.e. Trump Country).

A modern day Rorke’s Drift. These guys deserve recognition, and not what they got, which was having their bravery buried to cover up that the British Army dropped in undersupplied soldiers into a no-win situation.

I’d vote for Clint Eastwood for President over either of those two, or Gary Johnson.

SayUncle takes a look at the pros and cons of Trump.

Lessons in unintended consequences of legal arrangements: in China, apparently if you get hit by a car, you better run if you can, because the driver will probably try to hit you again to kill you.

Don’t Tread on Me now officially declared racist by Obama Administration, meaning an employer allowing it to be worn to work could create a hostile work environment liability.

Weekly Gun News – Edition 44

There are tabs to clear, and things to be done! But walking outside ain’t one of them, because it’s too effin hot.

Guidance issued by State Department on ITAR regulations and FFLs. This will require gunsmiths to register, which costs thousands of dollars a year, since the Administration has decided to label them “manufacturers.”

No, next question: are AR-15s assault rifles (warning, auto play video).

Gun club memberships in coastal New Hampshire on the rise. Note that the coastal areas are where a lot of fleeing Massachusetts people choose to settle, so a good sign.

Knife Rights: The Unseen Side of the Second Amendment” This part of the movement has been enjoying a lot of quiet success.

This is not good news. The cause? Bloomberg’s money, pretty much.

You don’t say? New York Times argues that there might be a copycat effect in regards to mass shootings.

Joe Huffman on “proportional force.” This is found in a lot of other places, and it’s bunk. Deadly force is deadly force, and you should be allowed to defend yourself with deadly force.

Yes, there are still gun owners out there who are ignorant as hell,a n don’t mind advertising it to the world. They usually tend to be old fogies who don’t feel comfortable with changing technology and culture.

Derpwagon operators still in jail.

More women are viewing gun rights as a top issue.

No shocker: Hillary delegate to DNC says the whole “common sense” and “for the children” thing is just a sham, and the real purpose is to ban guns.

Speaking of Dems and Guns, support for the Second Amendment has been erased from the Democratic Platform.

Chris Cox: “Clinton Supreme Court means ‘your right to own a firearm is gone’” I’ve seen lefty sites mocking this, but it’s absolutely true. Ginsburg has been pretty up front about her desire to overturn Heller and McDonald.

Gun cartoon of the day. The internet, for the most part, is becoming a wasteland. Especially social media.

Twitter plummets! We’re probably going to be removing our presence on Twitter in the near future. Their censorship of conservative views is becoming blatant, and it just plain sucks. I don’t care what they are censoring, a social media platform needs to be neutral if it is to be useful.

Why the NRA isn’t talking about guns. The real truth is that a few years ago, when NRA experienced a backlash from its membership over their past endorsement of Harry Reid, they discovered their members didn’t really give a shit about gun rights, so much as making sure NRA is on the “right side” of conservative issues.

The Guardian: “Hillary Clinton’s focus on guns is politically bold. Her solutions are old school.” Well, she’s an old white woman, the gun control crowd’s core base.

I have to agree with SayUncle that Trump played the Russian e-mail leak well. The best comment I’ve ever heard about Trump was “It’s like the comment sections of the Internet came to life as Donald Trump and decided to run for President.”


Weekly Gun News – Edition 43

Again, hate to start off the week with a links post, but it’ll be a long week. Went to the Doctor for the migraines and they found out my blood pressure was through the roof. They are trying anti-hypertensive drugs to bring things down, and I’m trying to be patient and not panic about it. Doesn’t help that I’m pretty severely medical phobic, as in takes every bit of my willpower not to run out of there screaming. Even with home checking, the cuff freaks me the hell out and the thing reads all over the place. I think the protocol will probably be to medicate me with anti-hypertensives until I start passing out :) I seem to be pretty tolerant of the beta-blocker I started taking Friday, but it also isn’t dropping it a whole lot (it’s about a 40% of max dose for my weight). But enough about that, here’s the news:

France is looking for some good guys with guns.

The Nation: “The NRA’s “insurgency theory” fantasy rests on the idea that “patriots” will rise up in unison against government tyranny. But the reality is that firearms have never been a bulwark against tyranny; we’ve maintained a Constitutional government for 230 years because of the separation of powers – because the Framers divided power between co-equal branches of government that serve as checks on any branch gaining absolute power.” Good thing no one is doing everything they can do undermine separation of powers.

Bloomberg seems to be rallying top generals and veterans to push gun control. I don’t for a minute believe these are independent efforts.

Reason: “If you like the war on drugs, you’ll love the war on guns!

Al Sharpton asks if the Second Amendment is for whites only. I don’t know anyone in the RKBA movement who believes that.

Why 2016 Could Be a Turning Point on Guns. To be honest, it could be.

Dems vow to keep heat on GOP over gun control. They think it’s a winning issue, and if they keep winning, they will be right.

Congressional staffers refuse “gun free zone” signs in front of their houses. I’ve never really thought this was much of a gotcha, to be honest. I wouldn’t put a “This home is well-armed” sign in front of my house either.

Gavin Newsmen is a piece of garbage, but he’s also likely to be the next Governor of California.

Obama can’t lay off the gun control talk, even at a funeral. Classy.

Non Gun:

Truck attack!

The 9th Circuit has ruled it’s now a crime to visit someone’s web site if they don’t want you to. No worries here. Everyone is welcome.

I thought this was a good read: “When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism

This is actually worthwhile legislation if the Republicans are serious about pushing it: “It’s time to dismantle the ‘fourth branch’

How Obama Left us More Racially Divided Than Ever.


Weekly Gun News – Edition 42

I hate to start a week with a news links post, but I have too many tabs, and they need a clearin’. This is a mix of old and new news.

NPR is forced to issue a correction that Shannon Watts isn’t just some stay at home mom that decided to stand up and do something about gun control.

Three Strategies to Beat the NRA. None of these will work because they still don’t get what really makes us successful. Hint: it’s not a top down movement.

Why are anti-gun people so violent? I hope the good professor here knows that NRA HQ being a gun free zone is a myth perpetrated by gun control groups.

Uber is and remains an anti-gun company.

Hawaii puts gun owners into FBI Database. Expect other states to follow this.

Forbes: “Law Professor Demands Repeal Of ‘Outdated’ Second Amendment, Makes Very Weak Case

This reporter schools New York Daily News Reporter Gresh Kuntzman.

A way around California’s new AWB.

Gun Control groups target Rubio (R-FL), Ayotte (R-NH), and Johnson (R-WI). Good to see Ayotte’s capitulations paying off for her.

Charleston Church victim sues FBI over gun buy.

Fifth Circuit: No Second Amendment Right to a Machine Gun. In truth, we’ll be lucky to get protections against semi-auto bans.

Jim Geraghty: “We should all be afforded the time and space to mourn, to process, to cope. But it’s hard to take a deep breath and reflect when your Twitter feed blows up with complete strangers insisting “YOU HAVE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS!” for the actions of a madman.

Joe Huffman: Gun Access Makes Women Safer.

York Dispatch: A surprisingly positive article about gun shows.

Slate: “Whatever Happened to Michael Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Crusade? It still exists—and it’s starting to work.” They don’t hate money in politics. They just hate your money in politics.

Times Union: “Second Amendment not an unrestrained license to kill.” Who argued that it was? It sure would be nice if they argued about things we actually believed.

Shocker: “Study Learns Chicago Criminals DON’T Buy Their Guns Legally.

Non Gun:

The New Censorship: “How did Google become the internet’s censor and master manipulator, blocking access to millions of websites?

City Journal: “Elected on themes of hope and renewal, his very ascendancy a powerful statement about the country’s racial journey, he chose to use the White House as a vehicle to introduce a new era of racial grievance into our national discourse. Unfortunately, he succeeded in this effort—and failed America.” I’m seeing a lot more articles along these lines, and not just from conservative media.