By now I was hoping to have some more video, commentary and pictures posted from the Lucky Gunner blogger shoot, but I just arrived home. What was supposed to be an 11 hour drive turned into a 13 hour drive thanks to the incident Bitter mentioned in the previous post. I am both simultaneously exhausted and wide awake. Not normally being a coffee drinker, I make exceptions in cases where I need to stay alert for a protracted period of time. Thank God for Starbucks double espressos, or I never would have made it.
Despite being willing to drive 10 hours at the drop of a hat by myself in my 20s, I think my days of doing that are over. It’s not the body having difficulty so much as the mind. I find I just get fatigued a lot sooner than I did 10 years ago. When I was in my 20s, I’d be throwing back Mountain Dews all the way, arrive at my destination, and go right to sleep. No problem. Now I get back, want to sleep, but can’t because I’m wired from all the caffeine. Nothing a couple of drinks won’t fix, but counteracting stims with depressants is one step away from being found dead on your toilet. If Lucky Gunner does this next year, I’m definitely bringing someone I can share the driving with.
I guess the 10,000 dollar question is, was the weekend worth the drive? You bet it was. More video coming. It’s going to make our opponents wet themselves.