It was a bad election day for New York gun owners. Tom King says:
I expect to see the following proposed legislation in both houses of state government shortly after the start of the 2009 legislative session Smart Gun, expanded COBIS, Micro Stamping of shell casings, an expanded assault weapons ban, reduction of magazine capacity, mandatory storage/insurance and renewable pistol licenses with very limited concealed carry. It is not a pretty scenario but it is not untenable.
Gun owners in New York State are going to need some help. One thing I would encourage of New York gun rights activists is that it is possible to work within the Democratic Party. We have some very anti-gun urban Democrats in Pennsylvania too, but we also have a lot of pro-gun Democrats, who are good on our issue. Unfortunately, one of them is John Murtha, but on guns, Murtha has been on our side. Sometimes you have to work with the political circumstances political fortunes stick you with.