More on Cooper Arms

Cooper Arms, who’s CEO we talked about earlier, have updated their web site:

Regarding the USA Today Article. Cooper Firearms of Montana, Inc. did not contribute and does not support in any fashion the campaign of Senator Obama.

Nine months ago Dan Cooper (personally) made an online donation to the campaign in an effort to help defeat Hillary Clinton and in protest of American plant closures and the shipping of jobs overseas.  Three months ago he made yet another donation to the McCain campaign and the RNC totaling over twice that given to Obama campaign.

There is no doubt that the article in USA Today has caused a considerable response.  To this end we are encouraged and stand with our fellow NRA members and supporters of the Second Amendment and against those who oppose it.

There’s one problem with this claim, the USA Today article was an interview.  Dan Cooper was quoted as supporting Senator Obama.  He was also quoted as being “chief executive of Cooper Arms, a small Montana company that makes hunting rifles.”  I appreciate that Cooper Arms didn’t donate to Senator Obama, since corporate contributions to candidates for public office are illegal, but the man who runs the company, and represents himself as its CEO, did.  But what about the other claims?  Fortunatly, John McCain keeps his entire donor list online:

Cooper Donations from Montana
Cooper Donations from Montana

You will notice there’s no donation from a Dan Cooper.  Now, it’s possible that he donated to McCain’s camp after September 1st, which means his donation went to the RNC, rather than the McCain camp.  But we look up his donation history on

Cooper Donations
Cooper Donations

Of course, there’s not to be found the donation for 3,300 that was mentioned in the USA Today article. I’m not buying Cooper Arms spin on this. They need to explain why their CEO is on record, in an article that he was pretty clearly interviewed for, as supporting Barack Obama this election.  I can understand why the employees of Cooper Arms might want to minimize the damage something like this could do to their company, but there are consequences to be suffered by the poor decisions of their CEO, who should have thought about his company before endorsing a candidate who has voted to ban guns, and common hunting ammunition.

Toasting the PLO

Bruce links to a piece by Newsbusters that suggests the LA Times is sitting on a video of Barack Obama toasting Palistine Liberation Organization operative Rashid Khalidi at an Israel-bashing party with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.  One wonders whether Khalidi is just another guy in Mr. Obama’s Neighborhood.

Cooper Arms

Dan Cooper of Cooper Arms is backing Obama.

Cooper said he voted for George W. Bush in 2000, having voted in past elections for every Republican presidential nominee back to Richard Nixon. In October 1992, he presented a specially made rifle to the first President. Bush during a Billings campaign event.

This year, Cooper has given $3,300 to the campaign of Democrat Barack Obama. That’s on top of the $1,000 check he wrote to Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign in 2004, after he was dazzled by Obama’s speech at that year’s Democratic National Convention.

This needs to get around.  Gun owners need to know which companies sell their interests down the river.  Here’s contact info for Cooper Firearms.  I would talk to them, and be sure they know Obama’s record, why you’re not voting for him, and why you’ll never buy one of their products.

Hat tip to Blog O’ Stuff, who passed this along to me.

UPDATE: Cooper Arms has updated their home page with a statement.  It does not hold water, in my opinion.

UPDATE: The Board of Directors and Employees Cooper Firearms of Montana has asked Dan Cooper to step down as CEO.  This was the correct move for Cooper Arms to undertake.  I’m satisfied with it, provided there is follow through.

All You Need to Hear

From an interview with Larry Grathwohl, who infiltrated the Weather Underground as an FBI informant:

The instructions I received from Billy Ayers was that the bombs to be used in Detroit must have shrapnel (fence staples, specifically) and fire potential (propane bottles). The intention was to kill police officers.

I agree with those who say that the extent of Barack Obama’s relationship with Ayers is not quite as important as the fact that Obama has supported Ayers’ legitimacy in Chicago high society, and legitimized him in Chicago political circles.  Now Obama wants us to know that Bill Ayers is a “Professor of Education.”  Someone needs to ask Obama straight up whether he thinks Bill Ayers should be respected, or be a pariah. Anyone who thinks the former isn’t only not fit to occupy the White House, I’m not even sure they are fit to be Americans.

Quote of the Day

From Bill Whittle:

We have, in our storied history, elected Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives and moderates. We have fought, and will continue to fight, pitched battles about how best to govern this nation. But we have never, ever in our 232 year history, elected a President who so completely and openly opposed the idea of limited government, the absolute cornerstone of makes the United States of America unique and exceptional.

Read the whole thing.  Then contact your local GOP to help stop this terrible thing.

It’s Election Fraud You Can Believe In

The New York Post details how false campaign contributions can be made to the Obama campaign:

He went to the Obama campaign Web site and made a donation under the name “John Galt” (the hero of Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged”). He provided the equally fictitious address “1957 Ayn Rand Lane, Galts Gulch, CO 99999.”

He checked the box next to $15 and entered his actual credit-card number and expiration date. He was then taken to the next page and notified that his donation had been processed.

He then tried the same experiment on the McCain site, which rejected the transaction. He returned to the Obama site and made three more donations using the names Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Bill Ayers, all with different addresses but the same credit card. The transactions all went through.

I’m told by people who understand e-commerce software that insecurity is not the default setting.  In order to not match up names and addresses to credit cards, settings have to be manually disabled.  The FEC needs to investigate this.

Hat Tip to Instapundit

Obama on Wealth Redistribution

From a 2008 video:


Obama’s election will be a game changer.  We’re a week from the election.  Please, get involved.  If we don’t stop this terrible thing here, there will be no stopping it.  The McCain and various other pro-gun campaigns will be looking for people for their 72 hour efforts in order to get the vote out.  That’s going to be critical for us.  Please give them a call.  If you have a hard time getting in contact with someone, let me know.  I can point you in the right direction.

UN Support of Obama

Apparently the United Nation’s folks are quietly praying for an Obama victory.  Says John Bolton:

Conservatives who are skeptical of the United Nations said they are not surprised by the political tilt. “The fact is that most conservatives, most Republicans don’t worship at the altar in New York, and I think that aggravates them more than anything else,” said John R. Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. “What they want is the bending of the knee, and they’ll get it from an Obama administration.”

They certainly will.