So Much for Federalism

When the federal government controls energy, there really is no practical limit on the power of the national government, and state sovereignty, even if not technically eradicated, is effectively eradicated.   This isn’t the commerce clause our founders envisioned.

It’s high time we start telling the federal government where they can shove their legislation.

UPDATE: Really, I think even Hamilton would be appalled.

Dick Cheney, That Right Wing Bastard!

I’m going to guess Dick Cheney is done with politics, since coming out in favor of gay marriage isn’t exactly popular even in leftist strongholds like California.  I agree with Cheney on this, and think it’s a good discussion to be having within the conservative movement.  I’m glad he talked about it in public.  While I don’t support judicially imposed gay marriage, I join with Cheney in thinking it would be fine to have some form of union recognized by the government.

But here’s a question I have for gays who supported Obama.   Why?  Having some form of civil marriage is really the only obstacle these days to gay equality, at least in terms of government, and both Obama and his Vice President are against the idea.  What has Obama done for the gay community?   Other than turn out a lot of people who voted in favor of Prop 8 in California.

Sotomayor Confirmation

This might give some indication of where people will fall in the Sotomayor confirmation vote for the Supreme Court.  In looking at the chances of defeating Sotomayer, you’d basically have to assess the committee.  If she hits the floor, she’s confirmed.  Of the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Hatch was the only yes vote, but the Democrats only need one vote from the minority party to get her out of committee.  Sessions, who is now the ranking member of the committee voted no on her way back in 1998.  Grassley and Kyl both voted against her.  The rest were not in the Senate when she was voted on back in 1998.  It might be possible for the GOP to mount a protest.

But there are other factors that will be considered, as to whether the GOP will put up more than token resistance against Sotomayor, and that’s whether or not what could come in her wake might be worse.  You’re not going to get a conservative pick out of this administration, or even a moderate pick.  Sotomayor will no doubt be a reliable left vote on The Court, but there are other people in the realm of possible choices who would also be reliably left, but who have the intellectual background to be leaders on The Court.  The question will be, as bad as Sotomayor might be, could what follows behind her be worse?  The answer might very well be yes, and the GOP might decide to give in on this one.  The real danger for conservatives, and for Second Amendment activists, is that Obama gets to replace one of the Heller five with a reliably left-voting justice.  Let’s hope, no pray, that Justice Kennedy and Justice Scalia can hold on until this long national nightmare is over.

Government Looking to Regulate Blogs

The FTC says we have a credibility problem, and clearly they must do something.  Apparently other bloggers are being given free stuff to review.  I think the bigger problem is I’m not getting nearly enough free stuff to review.


Remember, the Democrats said we needed to nationalize airport security in order to be safe, and then they treat Breda treated like this.  Not the first horror story I’ve heard either.  Now they tell us we need to nationalize other things.  Just remember how much we all love the TSA when they tell us that.

I don’t really fly anymore, because it’s such a pain in the ass and intrusive.  I’m quite happy for the next two Annual Meetings I’ll be able to drive.

Cheerios an Untested New Drug

From the Food and Drug Administration:

Based on claims made on your product’s label, we have determined that your Cheerios® Toasted Whole Grain Oat Cereal is promoted for conditions that cause it to be a drug because the product is intended for use in the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of disease. Specifically, your Cheerios® product bears the following claims ort its label: “you can Lower Your Cholesterol 4% in 6 weeks” […]

Working in the industry, I know a fair amount about these regulations, and the FDA is technically correct in its ruling.  But if this isn’t an example of the government being out of control, I don’t know what is.

How is This Not Socialism?

I’m not one to use the hyperbole of calling ever Democratic politician to the left of Joe Lieberman a socialist, but can the folks who bitch to people on the right about calling Obama a socialist tell me how this isn’t socialism?  How about this? [Link removed, sorry] You have the government directing the means of protection.  That seems pretty socialist to me.

Countertop also asks the rather fantastic question of what happens if Obama decides to take a bit of Eliot Spitzer’s advice and put the squeeze on Cerberus, who own Chrysler, and a whole boatload of gun companies?  I have two words for Cerberus: Smith and Wesson.