Bitter, who claims she’ll get me to like Mitt Romney so much I’ll want to kick him in the nuts by the time he hits the campaign trail, has started a new category called Lessons in Smaller Government by Mitt Romney.
I agree that Romney is a lackluster candidate. He has the odor of a rank political opportunist, who will say whatever he feels he needs to say, and take any position he needs to take, in order to get himself elected. Unfortunately, I think I could probably say the same thing about 99% of politicians. Getting me to despise politicians isn’t hard, and they usually do a good job of that on their own, but I can’t quite work up enough nut kicking indignation about the former governor of Massachusetts. But I will certainly give Bitter a fair chance to try.
My other options for 2008 are shaping up to be Rudy Giuliani, who I think was a fantastic mayor of New York, but I have some issues with him, particularly that he hasn’t seen a gun control law he didn’t like. John McCain is, sadly, shaping up to be my preferred choice for 2008, which pisses me off because I already think McCain deserves a kick in the nuts for McCain-Feingold. But I have no idea how Rudy would behave on the national stage, and I’m already suspicious of Romney. Plus, I want some strong leadership for 2008, because I think Bush’s has been pretty abysmal, and I tend to like McCain’s opinions on the war. Casting a vote for McCain will make me feel dirty, but unless someone else comes along, I think he’s the lesser of the three evils. And if Hillary or Obama runs for the Democrats, the Republicans could run Britney Spears and I’d still vote for them.